The war is over, now its comfy edition
/balt/ + /ausnz/
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Auckland reporting in.
I just bought something big for the first time from overseas ($450) and just got slapped with a $150 customs tax that I had not anticipated nor calculated into my budget. It's gonna be all homegrown kiwi shit from now on boys.
Was it a realdoll? Where did you get one for $450? Is it just the head/body?
I told you in that thread and I'll tell you in this thread, everybody knows that things over $400 are taxed.
Wait how was it $150? You got hit with something else other than just GST or maybe the importer overvalued the produce.
Getting urge to buy a bodypillow. Seems like a comfy thing to cuddle before sleep.
What you buy dawg?
Good day, how is it going?
Just get a hot water bottle
Food products.
Tax invoice has 5 charges : Duty, GST on importation, import transaction fee, GST on import transaction fee, disbursement fee (along with a hidden GST on this attached to it), totalling roughly 150 kiwi bux.
This is all on top of the original price of 423 dollars for the product.
I'm not exactly read-up on the law regarding imports from overseas so I think I'll just suck it up as a lesson learned and don't do it again without reading up on it in future.
Good lad. Had a few beers and I'm amping up for state of origin in a bit.
>plays cities: skylines
>recreate lithuania
>decides to drop a meteor on the country
>devoid kaunas of human life. vilnius, klaipeda and kaisadorys remain
But that's not big and soft.
>food products
Could you be a bit more vague for us?
The only time I ever got hit with importation charges we when I imported a $21000 laptop from America because it cost $2400 here but I for hit with about $400 import tax. Fucking shit but sounds like nz is a hundred times worse.
but it's warm, you can get woolly covers so they can be soft and the're perfect size to hold against one's chest
Woke up at like 4am, went back to sleep and woke up 4 hours later. Now I'm just looking out of the window; the weather is pretty warm, but the skies are downcast, so I am considering whether I should go down to the sea. I probably will as I live almost right by the beach.
What beers did you have?
That's simply epic.
This shit makes no sense, how does the import charge fucking double for no reason.
>$21000 laptop
wow must be a pretty good laptop desu
Hmm, good idea.
It would be nice to cuddle something warm in the winter.
Lol $2100*
Had a couple Saint Mihal a cheap French beer that no-one in /fr/ has heard of. Then I had a couple Exports a png beer.
Wouldn't the water be cold at the moment? Do you beaches get many big waves? I only have fun in the waves.
Hello friendos, G'Morning :)
Did you sleep well?
14KG of Huel, a food powder that you mix with water and drink.
So the company in charge of shipping, DHL, apparently pays the tax to the government for you and then invoices you for it to be paid to them. I don't know if this is standard across shipping companies but I'm going to guess they snuck in some convenience fees or some shit as well. I don't know where to start with this nor do I have the time to look into it so I'm just gonna eat the charge like the cuck I am.
>14KG of Huel
Unhealthy food is one of the few pleasures I have left in life, I just can't see the desire to eat tasteless gloop even if its convenient/cheap.
Okay cunts
>Australian rugby league
I find it hard to express in words how little I care
Learn to import fuckhead I never paid shit
Question was directed at the Aussies that could have been lurking in the thread.
I have now realised none are autistic enough to be browsing Sup Forums while the games starting.
>>devoid kaunas of human life
what a cunt
>what is spee
I think there is quite a gap in demographic between people who care about the state of origin and the average /balt/ poster.
Yeah I reckon. I never cared about it before I came to png. There's nothing to do at night in pom but watch rugby at the bar and drink.
Sup Forums - the sports board
Its fairly autistic
Stop giving me (you)s, the game is on!
Who's winning so far?
Sportsball team #2
Nsw 6-0
fuck off
wrong both of u
i have a body pillow (someone else bought it for me and id never even think of getting an anime cover for it) and all u do is put a hot water bottle inside the cover. warms it rite uo.
>TV sports
Fuck off.
>tfw my state is just about as big as all three Baltic states combined
just like your ass
Far out fellas 6-4 now.
QLD fluffed the kick. Looking to be a close game. Good plays by both sides
quality > quantity
Cheap vodka > quality
>is estonia slavic
984,376 km2 of arid desert filled with snakes doesn't count mate
>tfw the distance from my hometown to my uni, both in the same state, is about the same as the distance from Riga to the Russian border
shan't be giving yanks anymore yous
Got a good wine region or two in there though.
my grandparents have a farm larger than 1km2...
Lets be real, the majority of Aussie wine is garbage, that's why if I go to the wine section of the supermarket the Aussie wine is with the South African wine in the less than $10 a bottle section.
That's pretty standard for a rural farm I'm pretty sure.
theyre not rural they live 5 hour drive from nearest city wtf..
hehe nothing personnel, kiddo
>it would take less than 5 hours to drive from Tallin to Vilnius if I was driving at my state's highway speed limit
A warm welcome to all our new anglo friends in this thread! ^_^
I'm not new
Hey dude, I really like that anime too, nice to meet you :3c
I like your flag, are you from latvia?
can u please try again? didnt [i]feel[/i] warm at all desu
Colombia, actually. Yes, Fate/Zero is like SO amazing!
Sorry. Please take a seat and feel right at home!
>Ekshumuojant palaikus paaiškėjo, kad generolo Wlodzimierzo Potasinskio, kuris katastrofos metu buvo Specialios pajėgų vadas, karste rasti dar keturių tragedijos aukų kūnų fragmentai. Tuo metu generolo Bronislawo Kwiatkowskio karste rasti net aštuonių kitų asmenų palaikų fragmentai
Fucking disgusting, russians are subhumans
I bet they even crashed the plane.
Pasikalbėsiu su savimi.
fuck anime and fuck this thread
How are you doing?
Thanks, we don't need subhumans in Kowno alive.
Acceptable, I guess.
How about you?
Quite well, talking with myself atm
Quite well
What a coincidence, me too
Hey there Straya? whtas up?
Pretty good, is all well in India for you?
the pay gap is real lads
Thread theme song.
>new hoi4 expansion was announced 2 months ago
>they still havent set a release date and only keep shitting out dev diaries
haha loving this company
hot pic
Lithuania mentioned
same thing here
Varg loves us.
>not using Ublock Origin
Had a dream last night, was with like a group of people wandering in some evil sewer/factory thing that had monsters in it.
Except I was a spess mehreen and tanked attacks from monsters and shot things to pieces.
It was a good dream.
i had a dream while sleeping in uni
arab slavers enslaved some qt and girls danced with red dresses .wierd dream
how do we prevent Lithuanian suicides?
you don't, suicide is a good thing
No it's not. Think of how your family will feel if you kill yourself. And even if things look bad now you never know what the future might bring, why not stick around to find out?
nice proxy
ahem let me explain you
Weak people kill themselves right? only strongest survive
suicide is natural selection , don't interfere
i'm not a proxy ya faggot
This, but also people aren't built yet for the stresses of modern society. Which is why so many people more kill themselves thaen africa.
Then why aren't suicide rates higher in Sweden, or other modern countries? (Japan is an exception due to their unique culture)
The government is hiding the true suicide rates from you. You think you're safe but you're not. Suicide will kill you when you least expect it
in africa they don't need to kill themselves they're going to die anyways because of starvation
also africa is way more religios than europe
Running out of patience waiting for it.
>unique culture
Well one big reason would be that countries like Sweden have a strong safety net as well as greater mental health facilities.
Reducing the stress of modern society combined with actually helping the sick go a long way to reducing suicides.
t. high-school geography