His logs?

His logs?

cancer spam

No. I wouldnt.


Dubs logged

This is gold.

>Andy is old
>moby sixx hiding under the all natural cures book
>shithorse figurine
>those action figures from previous log pics
>one flew over the poopoos nest bird

This is the type of prime log pic we have been lacking as of late


Guys, is the universe a hoLOGram?

every!fucking!day,!theres!a!completely!autistic!fat!fuck!faggot!wheelchair!welfare!faggot!on!Sup Forums!bumping!his!little!autistic!faggotry!meme.!And!to!make!matters!worse,!they!change!it!up!every!now!and!then!to!bypass!the!filters!and!we!end!up!having!to!make!adjustments...!its!just!fucking!annoying.!And!the!mods!dont!do!shit!about!it.!Im!curious!how!much!longer!this!is!going!to!go!on!for.!and!how!many!shitposts

ASSA should have more funding for research.

I wrote lyrics for a song called "my own slidding" but can't complete it yet. It's based on the idea of Andy being a hoarder of shit and becoming a recluse.

"so I hid my logs down low
Hiding poop that's in my soul
Which only clog their selfish throats"

"I pried off the lock
Seeking just to gain admission
Andy stands and confirms
'I've created my own slidding'"

(The hazmat team trying to get into his house)

The images were supposed to go together

Here's another, but it will be redone to look more slick

Big logs

Oh god can you just try and do something original for a fucking change you cancerous newfag???

No, and to answer any other variations of the same fucking question- NO I WOULD NOT suck a log of shit out of his ass. It disturbs me on how a faggot like you can ask the same faggy question over and over and expect a different answer. I'm certainly not changing my answer, so fuck off and die logfaggot. Saged and reported.

This isn't spam, there's oc in this thread

>not spam
Then why are there at least 10 of these threads daily? That's fucking spam you fucking mongoloid, fuck off.

Cause Cancer

Anything inolving this same boring forced meme does not constitute OC you faggot.

ORIGINAL content, not repeated forced meme boring cancerous newfag shit.

Every thread has a slightly different feel to it

No, its spam you fucking retard. Spam doesn't cause different feelings. It only results in being annoying.


It's a real lotto. You never know when you might win.

Lotto of newfags replying to your threads, I just keep saging them.

No wonder it never does anything

Thanks for the attention though

Didn't see this coming. LOG



Can you repeat the logistics for me again?
