Mommy's right here!!
Mommy's right here!!
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saw this on goybook, and then a bunch of libtards keep saying how they should have shot the mom or even the baby and leave da poor gorilla alone, i mean i know it wasnt the gorillas fault but cmon, its a real human bean
It fucking disgusting people think the life of a gorilla is more important than a human.
>Shoot the nigger who can't watch her kids or shoot the rare gorilla
Shoot the nigger
They shot the wrong ape.
Another one shot dead. Will this ever end?
The zoo was right to shoot the gorilla, they couldn't take the risk of the kid being killed. But the kid's parents are the real dickheads in this story for letting him wander off. It's a shame they won't face any charges of any kind, but they should be publically named.
>be gorilla
>live a cramped life in a shitty pen
>just want to roam around in the wilds with my gorilla friends
>trapped in this hell
>something falls in
>investigate it
>get shot
what a life
I hate woman
I'm supposed to settle down with a brain dead woman like this who won't submit to every demand?
theres no footage of the gun shot?
prob lawsuit in order after the kid fell in, how was it not secure enough
fuck zoos though hope it goes out of business
>be white
>live a cramped life in shitty detroit
>just want to roam around in the wilds with my white friends
>trapped in this hell
>somebody knocks
>get shot
what a life
Maybe libtards will now recognize that niggers are worse than gorillas????
The black kid won't make it past his 17th birthday
Thus proving the gorilla was superior in every way
The Gorilla was not going to harm that child. It's very clearly just keeping the child with it, waiting for keepers or whoever to come get the child.
Gorillas are peaceful giants.
>be american gorilla
>get shot
Reminder that gorillas have the same IQ as the average negro.
Also gorillas are endangered while negros are everywhere and reproduce like the pests they are
Agreed. If this was a lion pit it would be different. The gorilla looks confused. He may have thought it was a baby gorilla. They drag their own kids around like that in times of stress. If it was a threat he would have killed it immediately. Fuck the zoo, fuck the parents.
>a niglet's life is more valuable than a critically endangered gorilla that was meant to be used as a breeding male to increase the population of its species
the gorilla didn't even hurt the kid
should have shot the niglet
Let's wait for the chimpout.
Gorillas dont even wildly attack in the fucking wild, let alone ones used to humans in a zoo.
I think like ONE Gorilla in the history of zoo keeping bit someone and broke a few bones when it escaped. And people were running and screaming.
Notice anything about these recommended videos?
We've come full circle. The things we do for Kek.
heh, yeah i did notice that.
genius thumbnails
Where's the video with him getting dragged?
why couldnt they just shot it with tranquilizer darts or whatever
>white boy falls in
>gorilla defends it
>goes away when rescue comes making no problems
Maybe the zoo shouldn't be so fucking incompetent that it's possible for a baby to crawl into the enclosure.
Not fast enough and would have made the silverback angry
a 4 year old is not a baby. it wasn't an accident either, the bystanders said they heard the kid say he wanted to go in the exhibit before it happened. his mom was their with a gaggle of other children so she didn't notice him climbing in.
you can't nigger proof everything
The Gorilla dragged this kid because people were screaming at the top of their lungs like wild fucking animals. So he took him/hid him.
Tranquilizers are not instantaneous, and the initial shot would probably piss it off, risking it attacking the child.
Also getting the correct dosage based on weight, etc. is very tricky, it would be easy to give too little or too much.
Nice bait I can't resist the nibble.
That ape was worth more then an entire subsection of Detroit.
The mother should either have the option to cough up the money right then and there to pay for a new gorilla or let the little niglet die.
You just know she pushed her little shit in there so she could get rid of him. You just know he was sucking up to much of her welfare bennies.
>photoshopped to be super-aryan
That's not correct. Gorillas act mostly confused like they got stung by a bee when they get shot with a tranq, not pissed off.
I wanted to add, Gorillas are not dumbass animals. They are incredibly intelligent. If the kids in front of him it is well aware the child is not at fault for the tranq dart.
exactly, i think it's absurd to think the gorilla would have chimped out and hurt the kid if it got tranq'ed
>Not calling an expert chimp handler.
Oh I agree, the gorilla most likely wouldn't try to hurt the child, past incidents show otherwise.
But I actually work with large and non-domesticated animals, and there is always risk involved because of their sheer power. Even when not trying to do harm it could have done damage, like when it was swinging the kid around.
>ITT: hindsight 20/20 faggots
Ofcourse the mom is in the wrong, but it was the right thing to do.
I get it that it's a sad end for a rare animal in captivity, but why does Sup Forums chimp out because of this? I'm starting to think that this is a shill experiment, what are the faggots prone to on this board.
protecting a nigglet get out of here you cuck
Eh was a good boy eh din do nuffin!!!
>1 billion negroes
>few hundred gorillas, maybe couple thousand at most
>gorrilla helps fund local zoo and conservation efforts
>fatherless niglet future criminal 80k a year to imprison
you tell me
Black Lives Matter exists, why are you so surprised
Because the truth is they don't really matter
people get mad about it because this innocent gorilla was killed due to irresponsible parents
if you can't grasp that concept you are probably a sociopath
> a human
>dragging the fucking kid by the leg across the moat where he could have his leg snapped
killing rare gorilla over ordinary chimp makes no sense
They should've just shot the kid. Vs they should've just shot the gorrila. Which do you think the zoo would do to make themselves look better? The ladder because choosing the easy way out is what humans do.
Should have shot the common gorilla
who said anything about protecting a nigglet i meant why shoot a gorrila is the nigger fault for falling down.
At least the kid had a father for a few moments
Really, now?
even chimps are better
My god, meme magic is real.
the baby was black reply only if you have confirmation that the baby wasn't black
There's millions of humans for every one gorilla, it's life is objectively worth more.
After watching the video, I'm 100% positive that the gorilla would have killed the kid if they hadn't shot it when they did. It was dragging him around like a fucking rag doll. I'm amazed the kid wasn't more injured.
It's too bad that they had to kill a critically endangered animal, but there was really no other choice in that situation.
I don't understand why all these vegan losers don't just commit suicide if they hate humans so much?
>a niglet is worth more than a gorilla
Stay cucked.
CNN's prose gives me a fucking coronary.
What the fuck? It's a gorilla.
That's not what he said
Maybe they tried to shoot the gorilla that fell in the pen and missed.
They were saying the gorilla was more valuable than the niglet.
Though, you don't really need to bring up something being critically endangered to make than point.
gorilla is more dangerous than a lion, I could probably take a lion in a fight, but not a raging gorilla.
>Mom sounds like she could be black
this zoo is fucking awesome and you have to be retarded to fall into the gorilla area. I go to this zoo like 5 times a year and its cool as shit
I think #GorillaLivesMatters might be fun. Pokes fun of black people by stating they are gorillas and/or they are as important as black people.
It seems like the gorilla is trying to protect the kid? Anyone confirm this? The dragging seems kinda rough, yeah, but it doesn't look like the thing was trying to hurt the boy. If it wanted to do that, I'm sure it would have went bongo bongo drum time flailing the kid's body around.
>Not putting the bullet in the parents.
At a park near me they had two bears. Some dindu mom decides, oh Imma jump dis 'ere fence an' get to dah inner fence, mah boy gon' pet deese ere' bear yea heard, imma get my money, mah 5.37 I spent at dis ere' park mmm hhmmm.
>One bear comes up, mom tells boy to pet bear
>Bear scratches kids hand with tooth
>Doesn't even need stitches
>Dindu finally made to leave
>"Dis ere' bear dun bite mah boy, ya'll owe me reparations!"
>Park has recently killed rabies infected racoon on premise inside bear enclosure
>No way to know if either bear is infected
>Dindu mom can't identify which bear is which
>Park has to cut off both bears' heads to confirm no rabies
>Neither bear has rabies
>Bear bodies literally plopped in a dump next week
>Dindu sues park for "dangerous enclosure"
>You have to leap down into a 9 foot pit, leap a 6 ft fence just to get to the inner fence
>There are signs literally every two feet saying don't fucking do this
>Luckily dindu is not able to also bankrupt park and is told she is a retard
>dindu baby will likely grow up to kill someone
>Dindu mom is single handle responsible for nearly a million of dollars in damage to local parks community
>Bears literally dindu nuffin
Has anyone done the math on the tax payer expense of an average dindu?
Grow up Sup Forums. You think the life of 1 degenerate is more important than the life of a critically endangered species? Fucking hillbilly cunt should've watched her goddamn kid. Go home and bless your burgers if this is something you think is right but degenerates should never be rewarded. This woman was awarded the life a prized creature thanks to her bring a lazy price of shit.
Looks like a black kid and sounds like a black mom. How else could one fall into a gorilla pit?
Arguably the gorilla did more to protect the kid than the sheboon did.
couldnt they like, sedate the bars get a blood sample and confirm the no rabies thing? or does rabies only shoes in the beheaded animals mouth?
Mayates aren't people Jose you know that.
He was 23.
Suck a dick and die faggot
A gorilla would rape your girl without even thinking, who gives a fuck about its life
It's disgusting that people think the life of a human (especially a non-rich one like them) is more important than a gorilla.
The kid was a nigger idiot.
I hope you get charged.
they have to check inside the brain.
koko is a female dont get triggered pls