Waifu thread

waifu thread

Other urls found in this thread:

zerochan.net/Gasai Yuno


Hey!! You haven't posted yet today have you? Or did I goof again?

Appreciate the offer but it wouldnt be special if I didn't make my own folder

Still sitting in the dark. Well, sleeping
Aнacтacия — звeздa, чтo вeдeт мeня

hello friend, i have indeed not
only woke up about an hour ago

everything ok?

still here

Damn, sorry to hear it. That's rough. I hope you feel better since moving on. I believe it's one of the hardest things to do, but also the most beneficial. Sounds like you went through quite a lot together. On the bright side, there's plenty of women out there, and to be fair to statistics plenty that are better for you than the last. Eventually you'll find one you pair with well and can love you equally if not more than you love her.


Power went out 13 hours ago

It's ok to vent.
I can even partially relate, heh. Not about the suicide part though.

I exactly know the reason behind it.
Anything that hints at general sadness or depression throws me off completely at this point where I just break down.
I'm in this emotional hell-hole where I either feel nothing or just a mixture of loneliness and sadness that goes straight to my core.
And I know I'm not getting out of it.
Everything has led up to this.

oh shit that really sucks
for the entire area or just your place?

Totally understand, I can give you some good image finding websites to help you build it up. I know of a few good ones that I've gotten images from that seemingly exist no where else.
Okay good, avoided embarrassment lol
It's just difficult when you never get any closure, and know if you're not the one to burn the bridge it would never end. But there's always the possibility it could've ended well. Would it be inappropriate for me to post a reference pic of her just so you could see what she looked like?

Merry Not-Christmas-Anymore
>Shiragami Youko claimed

Last I heard, 80,000 people were without power
Heavy winds, even snapped some of the poles

Heh pretty lousy holiday anyway.

>It's ok to vent
this. Plus this is one of the best Sup Forums groups I've ever found, and we're all pretty similar even beyond the anime hobby.
Damn that's really rough, is it cold there?

Oh yeah?
How so?

why would that be embarrassing?
with 151 images per thread it's not that rare to miss one or two

boxing day is still christmas enough

damn, during christmas too
hope it gets fixed soon :(

Only sites I know is booru


Its cold
It burns my feet in the house is I don't have footwear on
Me too. My friend has power, u might try to go chill with him

I was unaware there was a name for the day after Christmas. Well, shit.

Well-aware you didn't ask me, but
The Boorus
are usually the ones I go to.

No, fuck off cunt
You will never have permission, so stop asking

I don't know how your waifu always has a perfect smile. I've saved related for the perfect moment and I think Rory deserves it

that's a good idea

over here in the netherlands we literally call it "second day of christmas", but in pretty much every other country it's called boxing day
over here we just treat it as another christmas day really

Work and people

Aww that is depressing
Do you use translate?

Also, please put on a lot of socks. Burning feet does not sound good

That sounds nice, honestly.

Fair enough.
Never had to work on the day, but I've definitely had to work on the Eve. Sorry to hear that.

Your welcome. I got Jack and Ika to leave.

Provided he's okay with it, yeah
A Russian translated it for me
Anyway, I'm going to sleep

Oh jeez I can't imagine the amount of tumblrinas wishing they were yuno

I appreciate it.


>another shitty marathon on toonami instead of an episode of JoJo and GitS

That's why you sort by images, my guy.
Skip most of the bullshit, skim through the leftover bullshit, and you can find some good caps, gifs, and art.

ITs fine. I would have had to do family stuff if I didn't work

It was 3am for Jack you potato.

Its because thats her design, I guess.

I see, I'll keep that in mind.. if I ever make a tumblr

zerochan.net/Gasai Yuno
Here ya go friendo:)
True, but I still wouldn't want to say hey and greet you if you'd been posting frequently
Yeah, it's pretty flawless


Not a family man, huh?

You don't need to have one to search, my guy.

>satan trips
I thank you, Lord Satan


As much as I hate tumblr, that is indeed the way to handle the site.
Got a lot of good art from there.

Nah.. it's not something I'm good at

Forgot pic.

Oki doki, rory
He has no life anyway so what does it matter?

I believe it, I've commissioned a Yuno from a chick at this anime con last year and I loved it, she's a deviart/tumblr kind girl so it's not all bad

Just for a second I thought you were talking about me.

Haha I've never rolled the holy 666 before

Here's the regular link if anyone wanted to look through some pics of their waifu: zerochan.net/

Yeah, I can relate to that as well user. Very much so. I basically have the two sides of extreme sadness/depression or nothing what so ever. I prefer the nothing, most definitely.
Knowing you won't get out of it will just keep you stuck. Best you can do is hope you'll get out.

There's a first for everything

I'm not sure on how appropriate it would be or not, Seems fine to me.
Yeah, it sucks how basically you either remove contact and move on, or deal with constant pain. I hate emotions, I really do.

There is no hope.

Most people here already know I'll be gone near the end of february.

nice 999, uɐʇɐSuʍopǝpisd∩˙ɹW

Oh the irony


It's surprisingly hard to edit that picture so that you can remove the decorative ring.
The background art appears to be an older version.

Well, I feel the same way. Take it from me though, it's good to at least have hope and experience new things.
I did ketamine two days ago. It was the best I've felt in awhile.
I'd say it's the weirdest drug I've done. And I've done a shit ton of drugs. Not addictive either.

You better not be referencing what I think you are!
If you are you better not do that to me!

I refuse to use drugs. In the state I'm in it will only make me go for a hasty end instead of what I've planned.
Would it surprise you if I told you I'm looking forward to it?

I am. Don't try to guilt-trip me.

I'll find a picture you guys can't reverse search just because I don't want anyone finding her real name, especially because you would find me shortly after.

It's generally a bad idea to be posting pictures of actual people here.

I wasn't just referring to drugs, but just doing shit to experience it in general. Don't get me wrong, I want to die, but if I'm going to die, I'm at least going to try and experience as much as I can before I bounce. That's just my philosophy for it. Maybe I'll find something along the way to make me want to continue, but if not, at least I can say that I tried.
As to the drug part, I'd be surprised for many drugs. Ketamine is genuinely being researched as a medical way to assist those with heavy depression considering suicide. Iirc there's even a state that's allowing those who are on the brink to come in and get some ketamine in them in a controlled environment. It's worked well from what I've researched.
Also, there's been studies done on Psilocybin (mushrooms) and their beneficial impact on those with depression.
I'm not a "dude weed lmao" kind of guy, but I can assure you that I have been around druggies a lot of my life due to my past, and there are plenty of cases of friends completely changing their outlooks (positively) on life and being massively impacted in a beneficial manner.
Like I said, not being a "dude weed lmao" kind of guy, you do you. Just probing a suggestion. We're all born in our own bubbles with our own perceptions of things, and sometimes sticking out heads out and trying new things can open a whole new world we were not aware of beforehand.


I know, I suppose I won't but you guys will never get to know why Kanbaru and her are so connected in my mind then.
I am going to, I wont annoy you with it, but I will any time you bring it up

Suicide is for homosexuals


*pets twice*

Never tried to imply that I look down on you for you trying to expand your horizons.
I just won't ever use drugs as getting easily addicted to things runs in my family.
I'm enough of a hermit as is behind my computer.

And there would be something seriously wrong with me if I have to take drugs to temporarily feel better.
It's not that this is just an episode of me being depressed for a short while. This has gone on for 14 years and everything has been degrading slowly ever since up to the point where I'm just done with it.

I tried. I failed.

Never said you couldn't try, but you're already aware of the possible consequences, so.

And that matters because?

hey chen
i noticed you mention Mr Robot and checked it out, i'm watching it now and it's very enjoyable
so thank you for the indirect recommendation


Because everyone will remember you as someone who loved sucking dick, that'll be the legacy you leave because statistically being LGBT is the most likely reason for suicide.

I doubt anybody will remember me at all.
Maybe a few random people across the internet for maybe a maximum of a week or something, but other then that I've got nobody else.

Rest assured I'll remember you as a closeted fag who killed himself to get out of a slow death from AIDS

Oh, hey Tomoko. Sorry for not replying, I was making pancakes. How are you? Haven't seen you in a while.

Oh, yeah. Is pretty good. A girl asked what am I doing, I said that I was watching Mr Robot, she thanked me aswell.

I just finished it yesterday, Season 3 I mean, it was really nice. Now I am just going to wait for a new season.

I also loved how all of them are interesting. It has a Fight Club vibe to it, you'll see what I'm talking about.

Plus good songs.
So yeah, enjoy yourself.

Now I started Animal Kingdom

I am going to try to find one

That's fine.

Reminder that suicide is for entitled cucks who think that just because life isnt going their way, they have to end their lives.
Man the fuck up.
>I tried. I failed.
Maybe you should fucking try again. If you give up it completely eliminates the chance for your life to get better.
Fucking pussy bitch.

If psychological addiction runs in your family, perhaps yeah.
Though, I should say that when I refer to people feeling better after taking the drugs, I mean forever, not a limited time. When people meme about doing mushrooms and having a "life changing experience" that sometimes is a genuine statement.
Most drugs though, especially prescription, are just ways to dampen the chemical imbalance in your brain. They aren't cures, just temporary solutions. That's why I'm totally against antidepressants in most cases. And xanax. Both are awful. So I can agree with you in many cases when it comes to drugs.
If it's gone on for so long, have you not attempted to reach out or get professional help?

Ketamine is actually a very strong antidepressant, same with analogues of it like MXE.

>Plus good songs.
i noticed the floppy disk drive sounds in one of the themes which was pretty great

It's fine. Were they good? Ehh I'm alive. Yeah I've been feeling more uh exhausted of late.

I did, but it had no effect on my situation.
I've seen countless people about it.

The entire OST is on spotify.


pedophiles btw
>bbbut theyre anime
kill yourselves pedo scum


What episode are you at?

Yes, they were really good.

What have you been up to lately?

I need to watch Mr Robot season 3 but I barely remember the first two seasons.

Yeah, like I said earlier in the thread. It has well known beneficial impacts for those with depression and has been used in specific areas/states with positive results for those with heavy depression. I asked the user earlier if they'd be willing to try it due to the impact it had on me and those I've researched with depression.
When I was referring to antidepressants I was primarily referring to the prescribed big pharma shit doctors dish out that can be actually counter productive to those with depression.

i don't use spotify but thanks anyway

just started episode 2
need to leave for a christmas get-together with family in 3 hours so i'll only be able to watch 3 or 4 episodes today
can't listen to or share music as im watching Mr Robot now, sorry

Do you really think this is your only choice? There's never not an alternate option. Fuck drugs fuck everything else. Live out of pure anger and salt for the world fucking your shit up. You sad pathetic fuck. Its exactly what they want. For you to give up. Keep on living fueled by pure hate for the world. Die fighting. Not bent over getting fucked in the ass by life. Or are you that pathetic? Pussy faggot. Only cheap whores take it lying down.

I'm sure the entire OST is uploaded somewhere.
You can still listen via spotify with some adds every now and then.
Would be quite ironic.

Your words don't reach me.

I would try ketamine treatment but I'm not sure if it would be insured for me since it's experimental still. Planning on just buying some RC analogue again. Should make for a fun few months.

Is fine, you will hear them in Season 3 anyway.

Things will only get more interesting, you wil probably love it aswell.

NIce glasses. I worked today. The days before that too. I don't do much.

Oh? You got a job?
That's good for you, You're not a NEET anymore.

Do you like it? Thanks.

Here is the girl I referenced earlier. I do still kind of wish things between she and I could have had a happier ending. Should I try one last time?

ah i meant that more as in i don't use spotify out of principle, or any "legal music streaming" services for that
i prefer buying albums directly (or as directly as possible) from musicians themselves

i look forward to it

What's there to lose if you don't try again?

Ah, ok then.

I've had one for about half a year now. Well it's ok. Not really anything too special