You the power to change only one thing in your country , anything . what will it be?
all nonwhites instantly die
Polish visiting germanistan
Would make my politicians better, we're basicaly perfect then.
remove government
Deport non-whites.
Remove all "progressives".
Remove Jews from their influential roles in this society.
Does your country even have these?
dont you mean, extract all natural resources , you'd be pretty wealthy
Colombia has this problem ?
Stop the boats
>tfw we did
Hey Hans, why are you hating on Poles visiting Your country, when you have muslims invading it?
And what is so bad about polish people, i'd like to see some real reasons.
I would make it so we had to do an immediate test on the entire collection of our nuclear arsenal within the borders of Turkey
B-but im the Polish visiting
Come on dude, atleast try to pretend that you are not so naive and subjected to propaganda medias give you.
Reasons why you prefer mudslimes over Poles or you are typical numb minded western cuck confirmed
To have all the Turkroaches removed from my the country.
remove corruption.
Co ty pierdolisz?
Make all swedes national-socialists, rebuild our civilization, banish jews from europe.
Deport Africans.
>To have all the Turkroaches removed from my the country.
all the 3 of them? thats the major problem in south Africa?
>You the power to change only one thing in your country , anything . what will it be?
All non-Whites are deported and never allowed back in.
Make all guns in America sentient. Just to see what the fuck would happen.
Make Islam illegal, breaking this law is punishable by death
Get fucked.
>all the turkroaches in my country
lmao get a load of this guy
implement basic income
get rid of SJWs
Came into the thread to post this.
I know this was a joke, but how is life in sa for a white(i assume you're white) after the Apartheid? Do you fear about your life daily?
Corruption is removed forever.
Ban reality tv.
Remove gypsies
Islam get banned and removed. All muslims deported to the promised land Saudi-Arabia if sunni otherwise to Iran.
remove EU
>You the power to change only one thing in your country , anything . what will it be?
No more niggers. Hands-down easiest question I've ever been asked.
immigration policy, permanently fix situation to allow only intelligent and qualified people, Muslims banned forever. European whites, and Nippons become only source of immigrants.
I become undisputed dictator
>wipe out all the emus
*Shakes hand*
Right on, Italy bro
Stop people from believing in socialism and make them believe in free market entrepreneurship.
No more debts because its ducking us.
Kidding, guys.
I love the Turkish restaurants here - very nice!
It's ok, not great, depends where you live.
Live in white areas and you're (relatively) safe.
Cape Town is probably the nicest and safest place in South Africa - it's got a great city life and beautiful nature spots.
White's make up about 9% of the population - so w'ere kinda fucked in the long run, considering the EFF (communist, Mugabe-like party) are becoming more and more popular - not only with blacks, but with liberal white college students too now.
How's life in germany for a white guy after Merkel's come into power? do you fear for your life daily? (genuine question).
southern ontario becomes its own country
really makes you think
the instantaneous destruction of all niggers
Are slavs white?
They're white/mongoloid mongrels.
take a wild guess, begins with p ends in i.
I want ETA to kill Pablo Iglesias
all of our history and start again, i hate this country
Im Polish visiting. I have a small German root so im often here. So i made this map for you.
Black=you dont want to live here. The rest is actualy safe.
No turks
what if i'm only 3/4 white but i look white?
Liverpool fans to stop going on about MUH 96
Well that is a though one. I don't know if it's Paki or Pakistani. Please tell me which one is it?
It has so little turkish population, that they come to Mannheim to eat Kebab
All liberals receive 30 minutes of torture and quick death.
Give us back our souvereignity.
Jews, greens, brothels. Still sucks.
Ban shitty Arab beards
I could change the shape of the earth so that our southern border was share with, say, South Korea, and for some reason thousands of migrant female pop stars flooded into Texas every day/week/whatever ....
Yeah, I'd make that change.
So, basically, the main cities.
limit voting rights only to land-owning white males not on any entitlements
nice quads
Thanks for map.
What do you mean by Jews, greens (what is this) and brothels?
Eliminate all the population from the south.
Well Dresden is a pretty big.
Baden-Württemberg(the Bundesland of Stuttgart) has a lot of jews. They vote always for the greens. And Stuttgart has a lot of brothels.
Remove the right to vote from women.