Dixiebros git in here, y'all
>Yankfags kindly fuck off
GA reporting. Hot as fuck out boys, how you stayin frosty?
Dixiebros git in here, y'all
>Yankfags kindly fuck off
GA reporting. Hot as fuck out boys, how you stayin frosty?
Atlanta here. I fucked up my foot so I'm just sitting inside drinking bourbon. Can't feel no heat when you don't open the door
Umm... I use my air conditioner?
Is the south as based as you fags make it out to be?
I'm going on a trip to the states soon and a southern friend had offered to take me shooting, I just don't want to get murdered by niggers before I get there.
>Walk around local Sam's Club buying groceries in Macon,GA
>bunch of white trash moms carrying their mixed offspring with them
Fucking disgusting, how the fuck did it get this bad
Gin on ice.
>how the fuck did it get this bad
Nice digits
Depends on where you go. The major cities like Austin, Atlanta, etc are filled with liberal left wing carpet baggers and nigger trash
Hi I'm in Arizona but I listen to country music, is that good enough?
Well, first we let women vote. Then we let niggers vote.
Canton, GA reporting in.
Savannah GA reporting. I haven't gone outside yet today is it actually that hot? It hasnt been hot the last few days
Capital of the Our Confederate States reporting in, nice and mild, ain't high summer just yet.
It's humid as shit
east TN, i'm sick as hell so i'm fluctuating between shivering and sweating
You should be all right. Also, enjoy the taste of firearms freedoms while you are here. Make sure to shoot plenty of scary assault baby-killers and hand guns while you are here. When you pull your head out of your ass and decide to immigrate to Dixie, you will have a head start on the marksmanship portion of your visa application.
Macon, GA reporting
Getting a little wet
NC reporting, cant belive where a swing state. I hope we don't turn out like VA.
How hot was it when this guy came to town?
Southern North Carolina here, that tropical storm is making it cool and rainy here today but this week it was in the 90s and once this storm goes away it will be again.