>World economy is being artificiality kept alive after years of exploitation and corruption
>World powers realise this and started importing refugees creating civil unrest and terror
>They are waiting for the perfect moment to unleash a shit storm (big terror attack)
>They blame the collapse on Muslims
>Create a common enemy, get off scot free for getting rich of killing the economy
>WW3 ,western nations against Islam
>All the land goes to Israel
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wut bout the aliens
Makes no sense.
Thats giving governments too much credit.
More like:
>USA is at it's weakest state its ever been (since WW2) and is starting to lose global power projection to China and Russia.
>USA et al. is starting to rattle their sabre in order to retain the status quo, but wont be able to do so, since its being corrupted from within
>Soon Americans will elect a non-globalist and will end it's overseas capitalist expansionism
>Europe is a chaotic idealistic collection of little states
>Still feels protected by big uncle Sam
>Will get slowly and gradually be destroyed from within over the next 100 years
Don't forget: They say that Israel is our greatest ally in the middle east but the thing is that we didn't even have any enemies in the middle east before the Jews colonized it.
You're right on all points but you have to understand that this is not about money or power, they already have that, this is about one thing and one thing only: To kill hundreds of millions of white people, just like they've always done.
>just like they did in ww2
>just like the soviet jewnion did
>just like they did when they sent American soldiers to Vietnam without any plan whatsoever. They were sent there to die. It's the same with Iraq and every other war they've been sent to
>just like they did in South Africa
>just like they did in Rhodesia
>just like they did in Lebanon
>just like they did in Brazil
Damn that is more close to the truth. Will probably be worst than that in the end.
fiat currency and debit is irrelevant if you control it. it's all about the power you can yield
Or Shillary gets elected and she becomes the first women president to go to war.
Britain will survive this. Hold fast.
Not if the EU Army invade us to annex us back into the EU.
That is what happens if we vote to leave.
>Would potentially explain why we were left out of these meetings for an EU Central Army.
>They say that Israel is our greatest ally in the middle east but the thing is that we didn't even have any enemies in the middle east before the Jews colonized it.
You are a joke. With our current military capability we could take on france and germany combined and only be outnumbered 2:1
they're going to need more of a distraction than that. If the muzzies go terrorist up here in (flag) the first shitheads we will blame are the government for bringing them in. Day of the rope indeed.
Im not giving credit to the governments, im giving credit to billionaire lobbying class.
And USA needs a nice war to regain there former glory
>America will elect Trump
Thats not going to happen, he propably needs to win by ~10points because of all that gerrymandering. And i doubt native whites even have enough sway any more to take the election from minority voters.
Big terrorist attack , economy collapse right after
The majority of people can be convinced its the attacks fault for the economy collapsing
You underestimate the media spin machine
Rafale will actually work in a time of war.
Britcucks have to ask Pentagon if it is okay to use Daddy's weapons.
You wouldn't have to worry about numbers. Your navy is fierce as fuck. The RAF will pull through like it always does. The British Isles are extremely easy to defend.
Make up your minds idiots. Are you nuking or annexing in this retarded roleplay of yours?
What is even more laughable is that with the current strength of our armoured groups we could probably invade France and pull it off.
also your units have seen combat, they're crack troops and ready for war
speaking of which
I hope trump allows Europeans to return to the days of empire
Truth is, kikes gonna kike and lobby is real.
bump for truth