How do we get asians to vote Trump?
What issues will Trump benefits them the most besides lower taxes
How do we get asians to vote Trump?
What issues will Trump benefits them the most besides lower taxes
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Asians get raped pretty hard by affirmative action, so that I guess.
Alot of asian americans are small business owners, so reducing taxes helps them alot
Best bet is to play on our feelings about social mobility. Asians love simplicity: worker longer hours, make more money ; get education, produce wealth, etc. etc.
Trump literally just need to promise to a helping hand towards Asian communities who are usually on the political fringe (since we're usually only around 5 percent of the population). Most Asian families care about maintaining wealth and improving education. The American Dream is alive and well for most Asian families.
This only pertains to Asian immigrants tho, Asian Americans who have integrated into American society have fairly different interest and views
Why do people think Trump needs to appeal to gooks/blacks/"legal" spics?
White's are still the majority in this country and the most consistent voting block. We don't need to concede shit or pander like dems.
I wonder why our increasing Asian (real Asians, not poos, we define it differently here) population doesn't speak up more.
We're either going to have problems or we're going to work together. I guess it's up to them.
My GF's parents, who are from Vietnam are voting Trump. You have no idea how satisfying was to hear her dadtalk about how batshit Sanders is.
We got a "keep your head down" mentality. A lot of historical events has taught Asian that speaking up can cause more harm than do good. hence why there is such a focus for Asian kids to be studious and hardworking since its impossible for racism and adversity to affect you when you're a surgeon making half a third of a million annually.
This dumbass article.
It's like they think minorities born in the US would be offended if someone criticized a country they probably don't even think about too much (and probably fled for good reason).
Good Social mobility is one of the key reasons for Asian immigration for the last 200 or so years. All trump has to do is ensure low taxes or more governmental grants for high achievers and remove affirmative action (or at least reduce its effects) he'll get the Asian vote. Only westernized Asian American cuckspawns care about social justice and "equality". Traditional Asian immigrants just want to be able to make good money and own a house, classic American Dream stuff.
I already am. Dunno why my mom is voting Hillary though
>We got a "keep your head down" mentality,
It seems like that's the main problem. I have some in my family, and I live among others. Don't feed into the Efficiency Jew but rather the American Dream of people who live as equals for our greater good.
Anyone got that image of the chinese woman standing in front of the american flag with an AR and saying she was once a slave and never will be again no matter what the president signs?
She's fucking based.
removing affirmative action alone will secure the asian vote. AA fucks over asians applying for med school, it highly HIGHLY favors blacks with much much lower test scores
my wife's filipino. she sure is hell isn't voting democrat. she's probably going to vote for trump
Can her son vote for Trump in November?
You won't be able to do that. Asians have really strong sense of family. But evil republicans won't allow them to move their whole tribe from Asia to the US, so they vote democrat.
Because apparently she wants world war 3, the media has been completely ignoring the USA's military buildup around Russia and China. The middle east wasn't enough for hillary, she demands blood and the more men die the better.
How can male chinks vote for Shillary?
Fuck off Riley
The only good slant is a dead slant.
we have a one year old daughter.
if we were democrats, i'm sure they'd find a way for her to vote.
No, but this is how Americans take care of riots that the police can't control. I was taught about this by an Irishman who was part of our internal agencies, bless his heart.
I'm Vietnamese and my entire family is voting Trump in FL.
Those who are fresh off the boat and don't speak a lick of English, they will vote Democrat no matter what. They only know the old mantra of "Democrats help poor people, Republicans help rich people" and nothing else. It's their educated kids who will vote Republican, starting from their mid to late 20's. Right now Asian immigrants still out number the amount of older Asian Americans and there's not much that can be done about it.
This is another one, but not the best
>"Grandpa please go back to the retirement home already. The war's been over for 40 years now, plus you're scaring my fiancé Jeremy Lin."
asians look down on cowards
bitch pussies like trump is a no no for us sorry
I found it myself on my phone lads.
Also yes, based roof koreans.
They pretend to be academics so telling them the truth about Affirmative Action would help.
The liberal ones are lost causes due to the "democrat = loves minorities" meme.
You better believe they're weren't down on the streets.
unless the republicans change their views on immigration, asians arent going to vote for Trump
I don't vote.
And I don't give a single fuck who runs this joint
T. Gook
Promise them white gfs.
That wont work. American white girls on average are kinda nasty here in the countryside. The hot ones are all taken by chad
Well I guess that's why you didn't fight off the biggest Empire in the world when they pissed you off.
I'm not viet faggot I'm a rooftop Korean.
taken by Asian chads
Really? What's it like in Viet Nam these days?
I'm shoving my dick in a Vietnamese girl tonight. How does that make you feel?
Good goy!
Keep race mixing, after all, it's for the benefit of everyone, and the white race is long past its prime!
well you do own this board so
In my experience in the Oklahoma (third largest Vietnamese population in US) the older ones owned several businesses throughout their lives and HATE commies. Meanwhile the more "whitewashed" the kids get the more likely they jump on the socialist bandwagon due to our cucked "academics." Regardless, I don't think you are going to see the Asians turning any election around anytime soon.
A red pill on affirmative action and healthcare is our only hope.
My GF is also Vietnamese and her Boat people parents really hate commies, pretty neat. They value hard work, good people.
>put a bunch of races together
>one group have similar values and IQ as another
>surprised they racemix
Unless we go back to 1900s you're fighting a useless battle.
>That guy
>A chad
Are you kidding me?
He's probably a legitimate nice guy,not some fedora'fuck me u whore!!'
Nice meme. My girlfriend is Asian too, and I'm very happy with my life
Nice try asianmasculinity
Viet girls are awesome. They usually cook great food and are well assimilated. Viet guys are bro tier
Nice try what?
Gun owner
Surrounded by all the libcucks in CA.
I'm voting for Trump.
Or literally ANYONE else than Hillary.
Socal or norcal?
Most powerful race
dont you mean the ugliest race? the only attractive flips are those who are Chinese-flips or mixed Chinese
Don't focus on trump. Focus on Hillary.
1 5'2 chink vs a fucking tank + a standing army
wo00ooooooooooow it's almost as if she thinks she stood a chance
get a grip gunfags
You're not who I'd expect to join the Trump Train.
I'm Asian and voting for Trump. I can't explain why most Asians are like this desu. I know Chinese food store owners who want him in and that's about it.
Ivanka is training her daughter to learn Mandarin (and she is really good), thereby ensuring her daughter will marry an Asian / Chinese guy in the future
The only thing Asians can get from speaking up is white treatment. Better stay quiet and be successful. Leftists are very well aware of Asian success in America, they could call them raycist privileged right wingers at any time.
Mate the autists posting white female/asian male have been here for FUCKING YEARS. Literally as long as I can remember. You can be on pretty much any board in any thread and they'll crop up posting these images.
The only recent development is that the posts have actual comments now instead of just descriptors of the images
right in San Franfuckingcisco, epicenter of all the woes that is California Politicians.
Beautiful city though, homeless and mentally ill prowl the streets and it's only going to get worse when the tech bubble pops or they leave the city due to all the finicky laws the left LOVES to push.
What is this asianmasculinity? Srs
Every asian post = asianmasculinity?
Three words: Repeal affirmative action.
By and large Asian-Americans are straightforward people. Like most conservative Americans, we like working hard, making money, and using it to buy stuff.
Dem programs penalize us especially hard. Get rid of them.
-Asian-American who is voting for Trump
For the money you moron. Rich people marry for the money.
Tell them :
>Mate the autists posting white female/asian male have been here for FUCKING YEA
Ironically, most of the asian men I know who have white gfs or wives tend to look more white. It's hard to explain, they have that white nose and less slanting eyes, the look that predominantly appear among the Japanese. They look nothing like whatever that asianmasculinity guy posts.
Go look at it.
Another coordinated attack from r/asianmasculinity.
Vast majority of Asians I know (I'm half gook) are voting Shillary. The rest, maybe 1 in 5 are Trump supporters.
Fact of the matter is Asians don't give a fuck who wins. We'll do well and get by just as we always have, because we keep our heads down, work hard and go with the flow. And when the niggers and shitskins close in, we can afford to buy a nice large house elsewhere, in a whiter area. I could give two shits if XYZ wins, all the same to me/us.
Japanese voting for Trump here.
Same here in PA
Asian Americans who are children of immigrants are spoiled Bernie supporters. Actual Asians from Asia (legal immigrants) actually support Trump.
In fact, there are plenty of Asian Americans in the Trump Tower and New Jersey call centers who volunteer to make calls for the campaign.
why so small? you have to learn how to save pics at their original size from ig
Most young Asian Americans are voting Democrat because they drink the liberal kool aid at the elite universities they go to, but I suspect a growing contingent are flipping Trump this term.
Older folks are more conservative for the low taxes.
I should mention that the reason most Asians (of the small percentage that gives enough fucks to go out and vote) vote for Shillary is because she's the most socially acceptable in today's society to support. And as I stated, we like to keep our heads down and avoid trouble. And supporting trump/sanders is more risky than Clinton.
>Asian Americans who are children of immigrants are spoiled Bernie supporters. Actual Asians from Asia (legal immigrants) actually support Trump.
No Asian votes Democrat because they like dem programs, they just vote democrat because they're college-educated and drink the liberal kool-aid.
That being said, more of us are going Trump because the SJW shit is getting out of hand and affirmative action fucks us in the ass.
>get a grip gunfags
When will this meme end? You think that suppressing an insurgency in the US will be easy? If the US government turns against the people, it will lose because there will be plenty of servicemen (if not all of them) who wouldn't attack their fellow armed Americans.
Also having guns protects you from niggers and muslims
The vast majority of Ching Chongs are going to vote like the rest of non-whites.
White Americans don't have allies.
Uh no. 1st and 2nd gen immigrants from Asia overwhelmingly support gibsmedats. You need to go out and talk to some Asians man.
t. chink
Get back to your homoerotic animal abuse paco, no one gives a fuck about your opinion here
Asians already vote Trump. Why did you make this thread?
Uh no. Unless you're one of the few from a shit-tier Asian country (vietnamese, laos, filipino etc.) you're probably from a middle class professional household and you're not on dem programs
>The only thing Asians can get from speaking up is white treatment. Better stay quiet and be successful.
That's the entire playbook for a long while now.
Even with the US-born generations of asians, they grow up in a more-or-less stable family with values and culture ingrained into respecting family. You're bound to pick up some things from your more FOB parents and grandparents.
But if you think the white left are going to target asians because they come out as right winged citizens? LOL. Nah. The left are so into their mental gymnastics, you can bet your ass they will piss and shit their pants trying to counter asian right wing rhetoric.
I personally just bring up my family's horrible experiences during Mao's clusterfuck before they escaped. Most libtards will hit a brick wall and the conversation dies.
Some studied that shit and they understand where I would be coming from, because most of these people live in safe social bubbles, which gives them the opportunity to start believing stupid shit that doesn't really work the moment their society collapses or changes.
Trump polls miserably among Asian Americans
Ching Chongs, as every immigrant parasite, are Anti-American, Anti-White and Anti-Trump.
Because half of whites are women and women are mostly fucking traitors. Look at poor Ă–sterreich
>Ching Chongs
Ummm, you know that 'ching-chongs' asians which I assume you mean Chinese / east Asians are only about 1/3rd of the Asian-American population. When broken down by Asian ethnic groups in the US :
1) East Asians = 1/3rd (mostly Chinese)
2) SE Asians = 1/3rd (mostly Flips)
3) South Asians = 1/3rd (mostly Indian)
>1,212 voters surveyed
>all asian american voters
Spain, you need to stop.
Are you stupid? Do you know what it means representative sample size?
Let's say Chayna!
Make trump say this.
Trump: I fucking hate free trade deals! But i have my connections back in china! Oh wait... That will make him to be more hated by the asian population.
Do you realize Donald Trump is not the end-all be-all of the "White race" you think you identify with, paco?
how can crackers even compete
He should come out against affirmative action, because it hurts Asians the most.
Fake. FYI : The girl in your photoshopped pic just had a kid with her asian husband.
I'm a supreme gentleman type Asian and I'm voting Trump.
I swear I'm like one of the only Trump supporters here, I go to a really leftist public school in NC.
I'm a Flip and I'm voting for Trump because literally he's the only one with balls.
One question tho, I registered on the interwebs and got the card. Now what?
Jump on heavy-duty walmart scooter
When have I said this, moron?
But Trump is perceived by Ching Chongs as a white race supporter.