I heard you white racist mother fuckers want to get rid of affirmative action. Do you know how hard it is to be black...

I heard you white racist mother fuckers want to get rid of affirmative action. Do you know how hard it is to be black? Do you know how much we struggle through when we are constantly discriminated against and always underestimated. You guys are fucked up and racist and I hope you know that


Libcuck nigger


kill yourself


GTFO shit skin

>kill yourself nigger


ITT: Inferior person admits his inferiority by insinuating that he cannot succeed without a leg up from government

Pretty much yeah

>ayyy whitey save meh plz

All around the planet, every fucking day. Save yourselves niggers. You are not our pets.

Do you know how hard it is to be gay, poor, have PTSD from manipulative family, mother has cancer, neither parents had jobs during childhood?

Ive been depressed my entire life, I do not know what happiness even feels like. Fuck you

>Do you know how much we struggle through when we are constantly discriminated against and always underestimated.

Why don't you go back to Africa where you won't be discriminated against because you're a nigger? And you certainly won't be underestimated - you have on average 15 IQ points on them.

Shut up you racist bigot.


You little victim. Fuck I wish you were here so I could just bully your weak, pathetic ass for hours.

You are a mistake.

>niggers kill each other the most

How does it feel to be a literal test subject because you can't handle your own problems, coon boy?

I am and I wish you could put a fucking bullet to my head so I'd stop being a disgrace on this planet. FUcking kill me I cant afford help



This is what you call not an argument?

>PTSD from family problems

Dude grow a pair they said I had PTSD from far worse shit you can even imagine just make yourself believe you don't have it and it won't be a problem

Go suck a white cuck faggot.

Not an argument

Yea I know, If i had help i could get rid of this shit but I cant afford any therapist bills so Im stuck with nightmares every night

Dude its a fucking scam

Just thibk you don't have it, and you won't have problems. It's bullshit

lol fuck off nigger

There are plenty of successful black people (take Obama for instance). If you can't be successful it is your fault, not the white man's fault.

And if you do think it is the white man's fault, you can move to any country in Africa, they are all ruled by blacks!

>I heard you white racist mother fuckers want to get rid of affirmative action.

>Do you know how hard it is to be black?
I'm sorry, I don't know what it's like to be subhuman.

>Do you know how much we struggle through when we are constantly discriminated against
You should be discriminated against. You're inferior.

>and always underestimated.
I never underestimate niggers. In fact, I most often over estimate you.

>You guys are fucked up and racist and I hope you know that
You say racist as if it's a bad thing.

>This is what you call not an argument?
They're just trying to post in a way that fits your intellect.

Because Affirmative Action is a racist and sexist policy.

If it is okay for policies to be racist and sexist, then there is no problem with you going back to slavery.

>use affirmative action to exceed your competence
>"hey why does everybody always think we are incompetent?"

Equal rights for Whites!

Is this true? That's hilarious.

>Do you know how hard it is to be black?

it's pretty damn hard surviving with a 70 IQ. Blacks should get themselves sterilized. In fact, the government should pay them to do it.


Of course it is. It just shows how stupid black people are to vote for Hillary.

I can imagine that it is very hard to be black with an average IQ of 80. Maybe you should move to an all black country so that you won't be discriminated against anymore.

I can already tell by your post that you are a low IQ nigger.
>muh affirmative action
You realize that affirmative action is based off of racial discrimination. It is literally admitting blacks are dumber so you get into universities easier.
>muh racist
That is now a buzzword with no weight. Guess what? The truth is racist! We evolved apart from each other for thousands of years. Whites are genetically more fit to a colder environment, which requires higher IQ to survive. The word racism was coined by a Bolshevik Jew Leon Trotsky anyways. I wouldn't trust someone like that.

How about you stop your racism and give people equal rights? How is it fair that a unqualified person gets something instead of a qualified person just because of skin color?
Its either the racism of low expectations against black people or racism against white people you can even choose :D

>pretending to be a nig on the internet
>current year

What kind of fucked up person is he that he actually wants to act like a nigger on the internet?

Thanks senpai

I'm not white and I say fuck affirmative action. Nigs aren't special and don't deserve special treatment. If the kikes didn't bring the monkeys here on slave ships, then they would be starving and aids infested in Africa.

Niggers should be thanking the white man for allowing them to live in the US.

Actually it goes further than that
Don't want our children going to school with yours, much less grow to work and live with you
Forced integration wad the dumbest shit the government ever did

Racist ass mothafuckas this is me and my brother we both just got into Harvard what now whitey?

The beneficiaries of racial quotas and affirmative action are increasingly Asian and Indian, not black.

25% of state government procurements in my state MUST go to non-white owned businesses, and the vast majority of these businesses are Asian.

Asian, Indian, and Muslim*

you never presented an argument faggot, you just expected us to accept that you're discriminated against and struggle in life

this is the problem with retarded liberals, always asking retarded questions based on a false premise. "hurrrr why aren't you a feminist? don't you support wxmyns' rights??" when i don't believe women have unequal rights in the first place

i know this is a bait thread but i got fucking butthurt anyway

I'm black and I used to oppose affirmative action, but now I support it because it pisses off people who want to kill me. I'll never actually use it or need it, but to know someone is pissed about it brings me joy
fucking duh.
Blacks have no interest in legitimate businesses. I've never met a nigger who wanted anything more than to sell vials of crack.

Dear cottonpicker, deal with the ways of white people, without slavery, you would be still rotting in africa like some of your ancestors did, the usa was for white people and was made by white people, if you dont like our ways? I can give you one way ticket to niger republic.

fucking niggers

>now I support it because it pisses off people

we should send them back to africa so they can be free of our racism and oppreshuns

>Do you know how hard it is to be black?
Do you know how easy your life in first world? You can go in countries without race discrimination and have like 10% of consumption you have now in Anglo-Saxon racist countries.
