This is a Canadian police car.
Notice anything Sup Forums?
This is a Canadian police car.
Notice anything Sup Forums?
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Arabic writing?
It's not Canadian and its photoshopped?
It's real m8. Praise Allah
These are just as bad tbhfam
Fake and heterosexual
this cant be real leaf
trump will have to nuke you for it if its real
London, Ontario
It's real faggot - But thankfully, they have since removed them
>But thankfully, they have since removed them
Here is a higher def image if anyone doubts it
I spoke with a London Police Officer and they informed all cars have since been revised and standardized
The writing just says Bolis (Arabs don't have the letter P). What's the big deal?
Slippery slope is real, it starts with this.
Everyone with any common sense knows that won't be where it will end.
Someone else mentioned that, that the translation wasn't well done
Honestly I don't care, I just find it funny how cucked some forces are
Well said
I thought it was fake too, until I looked it up. Leafs are fucked!
Are they doing it on purpose ?
tfw can't wake up
Nice try.
Is this real? I need to know, I don't work for the TheRebel by the way.
>Thought it was shooped.
God damn it
>Are they doing it on purpose ?
Total accident / coincidence ;^)
London, Ontario, Canada.
Here in Canada it is common to name towns and cities after places from the UK. eg: Waterloo, Ontario - "York", Ontario - Cambridge, Ontario - etc
It's real faggot
Kek I used to live in Iran. Never knew that village existed.
On the other hand in Iran the Kiri cheese is called kibi, because kiri means dicky in persian.
Police being so cucked triggers me. It starts with diversity training and community outreach to minorities and before you know it every underage white girl in the area gets their hymen destroyed. As soon as the give an Ince the left takes a mile.
>Canadian flag
I am confused.
What the fuck is the endgame? Extinction of the white race? Why aren't we fucking organizing a revolution?
>here in leaf land
>bbq sizzling waffles by my maple tree
>bolis is written in sand runes on squad car
The meme magic is real in Canada, our prime minister is a powerful sorcerer of memes not to be underestimated.
It looks pretty gay.
>London, Ontario, Canada
numb nuts
> even london canada is cucked
> "deeds not words"
> arabic
> poor photoshop
A load of your and canadas places are named after ours.
You have a place called rochester, canada has a place called "chatham-kent"
Dune Coons can't even proper alphabet. KEK.
No one can stop us now!
Please please please please please be our sweet angel of mercy and do it.
American and Canadian city's have a habit of naming themselves after British places. New York, New England, nova Scotia etc.
Fellow Londoner here. How long ago did that happen? I've seen police cars with Arabic too, but also with Chinese on them and I think some eastern European language.
>mandatory cavity search
Trump's perfect rival
Yea I don't get why they put Arabic on the police cars here. They're not even our biggest minority, I think we have more Colombians than we've got Arabs.
It's because the ones we do have can't read the fucking English language
They have a different language for each police car. Some are in Polish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Punjabi to represent "multiculturalism"
At least we put new in front of our shit.
Nice id m8
here. So it was Polish after all. I don't remember the Vietnamese or Punjabi ones, but I wouldn't be surprised.
It's kind of funny to me that London of all places, and not like Toronto (at least I don't think so), did this with the police cars. London isn't all that diverse in comparison. Except if you live around Kipps Lane, which is virtually like the United Nations.
>Deed's Not Word's.
wow makes you think
Its not a moose
>Arabic writing?
This is a german tank.
>t. Mohammed.
inncorrectumundo, mes amis, perfect ally
Our memes will rule the world
yeah, shut up and pay your taxes so this cycle of insanity can continue
almost as good as
diversity = strength
something divided can never be united therefore it cannot be "strong"
Never stop to amaze me cuckada.
I'm just an ignoramus but shouldn't it say Gendarme in equally huge letters, before any other language shows up?
>tfw my region has a faggot police car that drives around in one of the photos
can we just burn Oshawa down with the faggots and niggers who reside in it