>Trump disappointed that the Memorial Day event didn't match MLK numbers
How can you guys support such a fucking shitlord?
>Trump disappointed that the Memorial Day event didn't match MLK numbers
How can you guys support such a fucking shitlord?
Dear Sup Forums,
We need to have a serious talk. The joke that is Donald J. Trump is no longer funny. In the recent months we have seen the unprecedented rise of one of the most controversial presidential candidates in American history. At first it all seemed like a fun joke that would eventually fizzle out, regrettably, it has become abundantly clear that Trump is here to stay. America is on the precipice of electing one of the most dangerous political figures in the country’s history.
Why is Donald J. Trump so dangerous? Apart from his snazzy one-liners insulting veterans and women alike, he is trying to declare war on the American way of life. If Trump gets his way he will ban an entire religion from entering the United States and deport more than 11 million undocumented workers, some of which have families here. This goes against everything America stands for. This country was founded on the principles of freedom of religion, equal opportunity for all, and freedom of speech, all of which would vanish before our eyes under a Trump presidency.
Why is Donald J. Trump so popular? Trump panders to the lowest common denominator. He is a fear monger who promotes xenophobia, racism, and sexism. While he is not the first political candidate to prey of the fears of potential voters, he is assuredly the most successful. It is understandable that people would want to rally behind someone who claims he will protect them, but Trump’s strength is nothing but a façade. This man has spent his entire career preying on the poor and fighting against the “little guy” with frivolous lawsuits and mob style intimidation. Make no mistake about it, Trump is not the champion of the common folk, he is their worst enemy.
There has never been a more eminent threat to the American way of life than Donald J. Trump. Only you, the people, can stop him.
Concerned American Citizen
This. It's time to stop the joke.
Thanks for "correcting the record"
nice shill senpai
The left got too out of control, pushed too far, pissed too many people off. This is the pendulum swinging back. I say this as a liberal. If you're repulsed by Trump's popularity and gaining momentum, you need only blame yourself.
lol you wish. The time for bargaining is over. It's Happening.
He's got an ego, nothing wrong with that. I hate biker trash though. Ever been to a bike rally? Degenerates through and through.
What's wrong with this? He felt more people should be out paying honor to fallen soldiers and he expected large crowds like those at the mlk speech. Has the left gone so cuck that even referencing a black speech is racist or do you guys just fail to think for yourselves?
His shitlord behavior is exactly why we love him.
I wonder how many opportunistic Sup Forumsacks have such companies employed to shill here. Hell, there may even be some here right now.
>Why does Sup Forums love Trump? He's such a shitlord
>implying we won't love the greatest shitlord of all time
have you ever been here before? CTR needs to up their game and learn to appeal to their audience. Morons
>what's wrong with this?
be in a trump libertarian society
>leaving neighborhood
>get stopped at toll booth
>roll down window to hand road subscription card 2 teller
>"Sorry sir this is expired"
>ask "can i renew it now?"
>"nope must be renewed at the office"
>only way to access Roads Inc. is by using their roads
>"can you just let me go this time? I'll renew it right away before I go to work"
>teller "sorry my contract says i cant allow anyone on without a subscription"
>me "i signed a contract to be at work by 8am everyday"
>teller "cant do anything for you my contract has me working 4am-4pm sir
>go home
2 hours later
>hears knock on door
>door gets broken down
>"what the fuck thats breaking and entering my home"
>sees security officers from companies private police force
>Officer says "In your contract that you signed we are allowed to enter your home if you dont show up to work"
>"i have the right to defend myself"
>go for my gun
>"He's violating clause 456E Section 27 Article 18 Revision 7! He signed the contract 5 days ago!"
>get shot
at least I was free from government right?
>I can't form an argument
I actually can't. Your logic is airtight. I wish I could pick apart your post, but that would be like trying to do algebra. I don't even know why I post.
Why did the American left wait until Trump came along to care about the American dream again?
Trump isn't a libertarian, though.
If only more cuckolds were as honest with themselves as you are.
they stopped people from coming in
I agree that cuckold is a funny word.
They are pretending too, they only care about their American dream of having art school and abortions paid for by the tax payer.
I've actually reached that point but I'm hesitant to agree with an obvious shill.
Trump is the white *Michael King Jr
(Martin Luther King's real name before adopting the stage name)
His name was changed before he was an adult, and it wasn't his choice.
Why? Because you're too stupid to read the article and realize he said absolutely nothing wrong. He expected more people to show up in honor of memorial day.
>shitting on MLK after Obama shits on our WWII vets.
Fuck I love Trump. He sure knows how to kick the hornets nest. The liberal cockmasters will blow a gasket over this.
>Sincerely, Scared-Shitless Liberal Cuck
This article's headline makes it sound like the rally is only for random bikers which would make the average viewer think it is crazy.
But the reality is the event was for veterans and POWs for Memorial Day Weekend. It does not sound as crazy when that is pointed out.
what did Obama do?
>the billionaire claimed that more than half a million people attempted to attend his speech
So the gist of it is more than half a million people attended.
Tumblr please, you have to go back.
Putting my memes aside and speaking candidly for a moment I have to say that I really don't support Trump.
But my other option is Hillary Clinton. A person who has throughout her life demonstrated one of the most authentic disregards for ethical conduct and human life in American politics.
I'm a moderate. I can talk to right wingers and they'll talk to me. They'll share their ideas and argue their points. But leftists? Not really. A large portion of the left has become so obsessively self righteous that the mere notion that the government needs to govern everyone and not just left leaning people spins them into a whirl of idealogy, dogma, and buzzwords that tries its best to feign the appearence of an argument, but never actually manages to say anything of value. I've gotten so tired of it I'm just voting for him out of spite at this point. They hate him so much for hypocritical nonsense reasons that I can't think of anything better to shatter their worldview than to get this fucking idiot elected. Maybe it'll fonally cause them commit more acts of violence. And then maybe they'll realize they're not the people on the side of peace.
That does it. I am now a #HillMissile
Weak and lame