James Weeks Strips at Libertarian Party National Convention
Millions of American watched this circus of a party on C-SPAN.
James Weeks Strips at Libertarian Party National Convention
Millions of American watched this circus of a party on C-SPAN.
Dear Sup Forums,
We need to have a serious talk. The joke that is Donald J. Trump is no longer funny. In the recent months we have seen the unprecedented rise of one of the most controversial presidential candidates in American history. At first it all seemed like a fun joke that would eventually fizzle out, regrettably, it has become abundantly clear that Trump is here to stay. America is on the precipice of electing one of the most dangerous political figures in the country’s history.
Why is Donald J. Trump so dangerous? Apart from his snazzy one-liners insulting veterans and women alike, he is trying to declare war on the American way of life. If Trump gets his way he will ban an entire religion from entering the United States and deport more than 11 million undocumented workers, some of which have families here. This goes against everything America stands for. This country was founded on the principles of freedom of religion, equal opportunity for all, and freedom of speech, all of which would vanish before our eyes under a Trump presidency.
Why is Donald J. Trump so popular? Trump panders to the lowest common denominator. He is a fear monger who promotes xenophobia, racism, and sexism. While he is not the first political candidate to prey of the fears of potential voters, he is assuredly the most successful. It is understandable that people would want to rally behind someone who claims he will protect them, but Trump’s strength is nothing but a façade. This man has spent his entire career preying on the poor and fighting against the “little guy” with frivolous lawsuits and mob style intimidation. Make no mistake about it, Trump is not the champion of the common folk, he is their worst enemy.
There has never been a more eminent threat to the American way of life than Donald J. Trump. Only you, the people, can stop him.
Concerned American Citizen
>american politics
This level of subversion in a based political philosophy is almost unprecedented. Good job Jews.
For what purpose?
he's kind of hot. I love me some bear meat after i gas some SJWs.
Bring it on, Daddy!
>Millions of American watched this circus of a party on C-SPAN.
35 Americans watched this circus of a party on C-SPAN.
someone asked who was going to build THE ROADS and he lost his fucking mind
The libertarian party is full of weirdos. Fat white guys with beards.
But they should have supported this guy's stripping anyway, because they are Libertarians. In a truly free market, they should support nudity and thongs. Its not the government's job to make sure you wear clothes after all.
i like those fags, i really do
>he will ban an entire religion from entering the United States
America will be safe once again
>If Trump gets his way he will ban an entire religion from entering the United States and deport more than 11 million undocumented workers
>deporting illegals
>not a good idea
>Fat white guys with beards.
---> /tumblr/
> mfw Old Media props up the Libertarian Party to be their Ross Perot candidate
> accidentally shifting the political discussion from identity politics v nationalism to personal freedom v nationalism with identity politics a distant third
Trump will win you will lose now cry me a river bend over and let reality rape you.
Holy fucking Kek. I was just at the Rosen conference center a month ago.
For liberty
Literal autism.
William Coley
2016 Vice-Presidential Candidate
imma cruzmizzile nao
This whole convention was funny as shit. Hopefully the Trumptacular in July will best it.
This is like those gay pride parades that started as convincing people "we're just like you" and then evolved into freak shows.
>67 cents has been deposited into your account
I couldn't have put it better myself.
You know when I first got redpilled about social justice I thought there is no way people can be this retarded. Then I saw It just got crazier and crazier and crazier and crazier. I feel so sorry for these cucks we are literally watching the regressive left in it's finally death spasms. After trump is elected no one will take them seriously .
t. Increasingly Concerned Canadian Refugee
We bout the MAGA with or without your ass brah.
We're just like you, guys!
>Millions of people
>Watching C-SPAN
Haha, good one.
CNN will probably pick this story up, along with other mainstream media.
I feel sorry for you. your so blissfully ignorant about the fact that reality is not on your side.
Bravo on the infiltration. This is one of the best smear campaigns I've ever witnessed. These guys are 100% controlled opposition.
You're implying that banning Muslims is bad. It isn't.
>also copypasta
LP has always been a jew-funded shit show. It's just now they aren't even pretending to be anything than what they are: greedy degenerates who don't want mommy and daddy telling them what to do.
>controlled opposition
You think too highly of libertarians. This how libertarians are genuinely like. Check out pictures and video of Freedom Fest and other libertarian functions.
I sincerely wish you the best of luck, my Libertarian colleagues.
Was he trying to prove some sort of libertarian point? Did he think everybody would think its funny? I mean really...what did he mean by this
Libertarians were a mistake
0.02 had been added to your account
>the moment you decide you #CruzMissile now
>Now every libertarian thread will be spammed with a bunch of pics of this retarded piece of lard
>Now no one will take us seriously
>James weeks sacrifices his dignity, literally cock blocking gary johnson from stealing trumps independant vote
Your sacrifice will not be forgotten.
>Taking Lolbertarians seriously
I invite you to visit the more "diverse" parts of your neighboring Metropolitan areas... be engaging. Ask them what they think about race relations.
Truly a meme party.
No one took you fags seriously before
well it's better than being known as bow tie-wearing homosexuals
golly gee, good points, i'm #standwithher now buddy
wow! you convinced
stroke my dick and vote hillary
fuck man
you did it
drumpf btfo, huh?
duck frumpf, right?
love winds
never trump hate
never trump hashatg
hasthag love wins
love trumps hate hillary yes?
no trump right?
never trump?
always hillary?
yes hilary? i dont kno
I'm a libertarian and I agree. There was waaaaaaay to much cringe. If they want any chance at becoming a prominent party they need to get their shit together and be professional. Even the moderator kept making mistakes and that static was terrible.
The Jewish-looking people in that room looked pretty concerned.
Remember: extremes are where you go when you're completely out of ideas.
>beards and thongs
Sounds pretty ancient desu senpai
>If they want any chance at becoming a prominent party they need to get their shit together and be professional.
But that's statism. Dignity, professionalism, and respectfulness were created by the state to keep us down. If a man wants to run around naked and rape child heroin addicts, that's his right.
Can degenerates please stop humiliating the Iron Cross?
Probably the biggest strawman I've ever seen in my life.
Nice digits for a nice post, kek wills it
Did this faggot take his jocks off or what? Honestly you're a huge pussy if you don't go the whole way when you strip in public.
someone should replace that with a fat dancing man
The Libertarian Party On The
>Road to the White House
I predict the special snowflakes will get so desperate that some of them try something.
You KNOW they'd dance to news of Trump's physical harm. I'm calling it, any serious attempt is going to be from an avowed Lefty scumbag with brief yet shadowy connections.
I got vomit on my soul.
Would you want this man as your sheriff?
Go back to your cluck-cauldron.
It's not a real libertarian campaign without the memes!
lmao basically he wants niggers to be able to run all over cops.
And with this, I'm a nationalist.
>That guy (from the Libertarian Radical Caucus, I might add) may have just killed the Libertarian Party.
AnCaps confirmed for autistic.
>AnCaps confirmed for autistic.
as if there was any doubt
And if I chose to put a bullet in his head for doing so, that's my right
It's basically applied autism.
>American Libertarian Party
How is it a thing anymore after this great cringy shame
Holy crap I can't stop laughing.
>someone should replace that with a fat dancing man
That makes no sense. They were saying contradictory things.
Check em
>some idiot gets near naked
>gets booed by crowd
>peacefully leaves the stage
>everyone forgets about the incident
...aaaaaaaaaaaannnd Libertarianism works yet again.
Rothbard is wrong on this one. The parent does not own the child. They have certain rights to control and make decisions for them but are required to do this in the best interests of the child. Like any other agency contract.
>wants to be taken seriously
>still posts someone in his underwear
are libertarians closet homosexuals?
>millions watched
>for the libertarian party
He was being a smartass. There was a joke candidate during the idaho primaries too. Some guy from a local high school got like 20 votes and the rooms exploded with applause.
Then there was deez nuts in kansas or something.
I'm sure he was paid handsomely by Trump to do that. Can't stump.
This is why libertarianism will NEVER become anything besides a cringy fringe movement
So much autism.
Lol terroristbeard
Just felt you guys should know that my father trades comic books from the 60s and 70s and was at the Rosen center this past weekend because there was a comic book convention there. He had no idea this libertarian convention was taking place at the same time at this location.
My dad told me that libertarians are the most bizarre people he has ever met in his life. Cspan was there interviewing people about the candidates and they were sobbing and screaming uncontrollably like they somehow had no control of their own body functions. He also said that the majority of the attendees of the libertarian convention were overweight and distinctly smelled horrible, which was surprising to him since those are usually terms used to describe the people in the comic book convention.
He also saw two men holding hands walk into the area and one was wearing assless chaps.