We get the world we deserve

>we get the world we deserve

he's right

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Yeah those little kids dying of brain cancer really deserved it.


We actually get worse. Ray's an optimist.

finale was fucking retarded. I dont mind characters dying, but dying just because is poor writing. paiting frank's girl as le stronk womyn with her loyal lackey was also shit.

He is and isn't. Case in point: Poor writing how?
>frank's girl as le stronk womyn with her loyal lackey
What? She was a good wife. That was her character and it was done well.

I said in the finale, last scene. and she wasnt a 'good wife', what did she ever do? 'supported' him? really, defending this piece of shit finale and agreeing with children with cancer argument is deserving of a

The entire season was fucking retarded and killed true detective altogether.

>I said in the finale, last scene

And you said they died to poor writing and I'm asking you to explain how.

>'supported' him?

What do you expect a good wife to do if not support her husband? I can't even begin to truly defend it because you're not saying anything of substance whatsoever.