Fuck...it still fucken hurts.
Fuck...it still fucken hurts
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It always will user
it always will
it's just weird how he has public appearances up until like a few days before he killed himself and he was totally fine in those appearances....
The only actor I genuinely cried like a little girl over, and the only one I will ever miss. He was a highlight throughout my childhood and even managed to remain brilliant in this era of bullshit polluted by quick cash schemes and social justice.
>this guy is apparently 5'7" or so
>went to go see him last week
>I'm 5'8" and towered over him
I was easily double his height
How are you posting from hell?
>he doesn't get it
I, uh, really liked Bicentennial Man. I know that's weird, but there it is.
>*abusive father memories intensify*
>you now realize we are living in the alternate timeline where Michael Jackson, Prince and Whitney Huston died of drug overdose, David Bowie died of cancer, and Robin Williams, Heat Ledger and Phillip Seymore Hoffman died of suicide or drug overdose. And Biff Tanen is the new president.
haha wow man six feet under haha
great joke bro let's light a spliff sometime man lmao so fucking daring
When men kill themselves, there is no warning.
It has to get worse before it can get better.
>You could have prevented it this
How about that time he meets koko the gorilla and the whole time she wants to give him hugs, talk about his picture in his wallet or make him laugh but her trainer keeps changing the subject. Koko didn't act this way around other famous people she has met, kind of put things into perspective desu.
Don't worry. The new Jumanji will make you forget all about him.
It's not our fault
s-stop user, stop
his punkass must be a full on skeleton by now
time to dig up the bones :)
Well he was perfectly fine right before he died.
Autoerotic asphyxiation is a sudden and embarrassing way to go so his family made up something more tragic. Hopefully he found his release in the afterlife.
>his bad movies were so deplorable and unforgivably bad one could hardly say he had a successful career
Drug addicts are sad people and he is in a better place now, the ground.
He was a meh actor at any rate.
Still pisses me off they ruined One Hour Photo by showing the ending at the start of the film. Seriously there are plenty of ways to tease this or do it right but they completely brought the tension level in the movie down. Made a 9/10 movie a solid 6.5 I've never seen a more stupid single editing decision in my life
also watched Worlds Best Dad recently. God damn now there is some feels both through the whole movie and with the final monologue. I genuinely think he started planning to kill himself nearly 20 years ago. There's just too many hints in movies like Bicentenial Man, Worlds Greatest Dad, Good Will Hunting and What Dreams May Come
He was cremated.
i can't watch his movies now. ever since he died I
don't think ive watched even one of his movies.
it's just too damn sad/
Why did he hang himself? That's an awful way to die, obliously. Moreover you shit and piss yourself, your face looks purple and facial expression is horror-tier.
Why didn't he poison himself to die in sleep, or at least didn't shoot his brain out? What was the point? He seemed to be a smart guy.
It always did, always will.
He died long before on the inside because of deep depression. He really didn't care anymore. He probably even just wanted to feel something again, depression can dull your brain extremely.
Imagine feeling joy from knowing that everything (your life) will be over in a few minutes. Maybe he hated his body (sickness) so much that he really wanted to feel it fade away.
Never get depression, kids. It's no joke.
God damnit I would have voted robin williams for president. Still hurts
It will only get worse, as more and more of your beloved childhood actors get older and die. We are truly on a fast track to death and there are no brakes on this ride.
He had diffuse lewy body dementia and his brain was attacking itself, causing paranoia, anxiety, delusions etc... He hid a bunch of watches in a sock in his house for no reason just due to being mentally destroyed by that disease. He wasn't jacking it, he just didn't want to live with that disease any more.
So then I guess the real question is why did the disease make him think that the easiest way to kill himself was to tie a belt around his neck and wank his schlong to midget porn.