Migrant slit 7 year old child’s throat


>holocaust when?

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Hopefully soon.

Thread theme



After the election of trump, the right will be empowered once again. A mass culling of arcane tolerance movements will ensue. Sanity will be restored

He dindu nuffin. He was culturally enriching his host family because Sweden has no culture to begin with.

cool source

Does this shit actually happen. Can someone drop me a redpill?


white bitch had it coming

Arranged marriage is an extremely common thing in Islam, look it up. I'm honestly surprised you've never heard of it.



>january 6

i mean, i want to gas those mudshit fuckers as any sane person but come on

wow fucking racist

I think he was talking about the age of the girl, not the marriage itself.

that was just an isolated incident tho

>only manslaughter
>hurr durr traumatized victim
>will be back on the streets in no time

This can't be happening right? I mean what the fuck.

At least refugees who do something like this here in Germany get sent to jail. Apparently migrants can legally slaughter swedish citizens now and all they have to say to get away with it is "muh trauma".

I'm foaming with rage.

source inside of source

I bet she refused to help him with a sexual emergency. This level of racism is simply inexcusable. The parents should be fined.

Holocaust of ethnic swedes? Soon enough, don't worry.

i really didn't want to join the marines but this is driving me closer each day hoping i can run train on these muzzies

Remember kuffar, don't blame this on Islam unless you want more little girls to be beheaded

>be 3 years from now
>Under Emperor Trump
>The EU has been completely disbanded
>Muslim/Illegals work camps pop up over the US
>Federal crime to hide Muzzie or Illegals
>You find out your family friend's down the street are hiding a gang of Muslims and Illegals

What do you do?
>Becomes a c

This is too far. Do something Sven

If they kill your daughter, you win.

i would have posted sooner but our faggot cuck media kept it quiet. i want to make sure everyone hears about it, hans you stupid faggot


Let the enrichment continue.

>At least refugees who do something like this here in Germany get sent to jail.
No. They don't, Klaas-Kevin-Jan-Sören. They got the same free pass and even more for everything as our turkish friends.

Great news. We need more of this before Sven will finally wake up.

Non-stop entertainment from Sweden and Germany. What will they bring us tomorrow? Can't wait.

Accused apologized, his knife wasn't used for weeks.

Know who are real victims.

Just remembet, Swedes literally demanded this

How long until the cuck father takes the killer out to dinner, trying to get his "point of view" on things?


Who gives a shit at this point?

A week or so.

>muslim man you let in your house slits your 7 year old daughters throat

>he's still alive

wew lad

>radiohead video is one long shot of Thom Yorke failing to an hero
>mfw huge radiohead fan

Why does all good music have to be so thoroughly cucked and degenerate?

You mean Christianity?

>Posted on January 7, 2016

"men" in Sweden have to walk around with their penises tucked between their legs and apologize to all ethnic minorities. Muslims are allowed to do what they want because their a minority that has been victimized by white imperialism.

DO SOMETHING SVEN. You have nothing to lose anymore

He was merely pretending

The migrant and the family were both Eritrean, not actual Swedes

I can see where it would get confusing

Who gives a fuck. The kid would have grown up to be a liberal anyway.

wow 4 months ago huh?

A 2 min search lead me to know that :

- His name was Daniel Gebru. Daniel is a Christian name, Eritrea is 50% christian
- He was found dying with the knife in his own throat, tried to kill himself, obvious schizophrenia diagnosis
- The family is a family of Eritreans immigrants themselves, not blonde Swedish morons

I think there's enough fuckups by migrants, that there's really no need to skew the reality that much for "shock value" purposes



kill them all

Lefty website says something else


Soon, brothers. I will be joining the Trumpstaffel. I hope to see you there.

Nice gnashers on Nige.

^This nobody reads facts though.

The family invited a fellow Eritrean because they thought they would be best suited to help someone from their own cultural background adjust to Sweden

How come I have never heard of this?

Well isn't that a relief. False alarm, boys.

Because the way its been presented here doesnt reflect reality


Also, this story has been circulated a bajillion different times here now

Thats just extremely sad

He just reacts to the hatred we throw at them.He had hardly any choice to act differently.

Now what? Are they gonna comdemn and convict him just because he misunderstood that part of our culture, which is vastly different to his? We have no right to force people to reject their own culture in favor of ours. What he did was cruel and violent, but only when viewed through our eyes. He comes from a very different place where maybe he would have been celebrated a hero for what he did. We have to understand that those people have very different views and experiences and it is our job to make them understand our way of living and to make them feel welcome. They need our support and if a handful of people, even children, have to be spent for the good of millions then so be it. Our lives aren't worth more than those of the refugees. They have lived through horrors most of us will never experience.
Forgive and forget. Learn from it. Educate them. Talk to them. More things like this will happen in the future but the overall number will go down. Sooner or later they will adapt and the violence will cease. Give them time, give them patience, give them love. Nonetheless my thoughts are with the girl's family. I hope they won't let that experience tarnish their views of refugees and I hope they won't stop supporting them in every way they can. Don't close your doors to them.


Well, if it was Islam it was due to Islamophobia seeing as the guy was Christian. This story isn't even popular on Swedish nationalist sites since it's being completely misrepresented here. See

What's with the "white people have no culture" meme?


>I think there's enough fuckups by migrants, that there's really no need to skew the reality that much for "shock value" purposes
Where do you see the reality being skewed in that news though?


I feel bad for the child, not the parents. They are liberal cucks and got their child killed for pointless virtue-signalling. They both deserve death, but the pain of losing their kid for gay idealism will be punishment enough in their lifetime.

Swedish lives don't matter. What have swedes done recently anyway? They deserve to go extinct. it's not like they have any say in the matter anyway.

Non Nobis


Is there a new edge-quota on Sup Forums or something?

Rape is rape in "all" parts of the world. Just because societies look the other way (child brides in the monarchs much?) Doesn't meant it doesn't notice the harm it's doing.

Also, no one is innocent, ya fucks.


>muh edgy
Not an argument.

>avpixlat gör bort sig igen
>blir nyheter och delas av amerikanska debattörer
>sweden yes

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA Fuck you Sweden you deserve EVERYTHING you are getting.

How do you think they get those huge fertility rates while the west is dying out? Not be marrying a saggy, middle-aged feminist.

you're not funny faggot

>actually nigger kills a nigger in a nignog chimpout because nigger reasons

Jesus Sup Forums and here I am getting all worked up over literally nothing.

Was it this guy?



White people generally have strong feelings for their own. I don't suppose you'd understand.

>implying that he is muslim
And these fags keeps importing black people from sweden


>the look of apprehension on that little girl's face

stop that


I was just trying to make swedes angry so they face reality.

It wasn't a joke. The guy was literally Christian.


Fuck you OP and your fabricated news.
She was a shitskin kid, not a human one.

i'm starting to think the vikings never existed

oh, she's alive?

I now regret my bogotry

thanks bro


Pushing them to become Dylan Roof ain't the answer if the general public are still bluepilled


>January 6 2016

well if something was going to happen ti wouldve hgappened sometime around January 15 2016.

Its been almost 5 months so... nothing at all.

>Look at me, Im the swede now!
