What did he mean by this ?


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Lololololol binders full of women xD

He's not necessarily wrong but he's a huge faggot

>I don't want to win the election, my friend.

Corporations are made-up of a collection of people seeking wealth.

>God I can't wait to suck Mr. Noseberg's cock for another donation.

This. It's just that simple.

He just got an envelope.

Corporations are run by people too.

Why was this one line demonized so much? I mean Mittens might not have been the best candidate in the world, but something like this wouldn't have had this much of an impact if it wasn't for the MSM.

Same goes for
>47 %
>Binders full of women
>Please proceed, Governor

All this shit was blown out of proportion and taken out of context.

They are a legal entity equal to a human being.

This too.

That people work in corporations, but it was fucking retarded.

>People drive in cars
>Cars are people

Mitt fucked up big time

corporations are treated like people (entities) for legal and tax reasons.

you just can't throw them in prison and they can't vote and shit.

A corporation is a juristic person.
Don't you have law 101 in middle school?

>Why was this one line demonized so much?
Because like the rest of these cucks, he rolled over and let the MSM fuck him in the ass instead of fling shit right back at them.

go back to redit.



>People want animals to be people
>Corporations can't be people

hmm double standards?

Except that they can't vote.

Corporate personhood is just a way to tax an organization while also taxing all its members. Basically, business-owners are being taxed twice.

Completely false.

>juristic person
>fictitious person
>imaginary people are real people too! Imaginary people's rights now!

Fuck I hate lawyers. No wonder so many are fucking jews.

It's true. Stock holders are taxed once on the profits that they make as owners and again on dividends.

This is for my friend.

hasn't he run back to his mexican mormon stronghold already?

While he is right and thats a basic concept in law. hes just memeing, mitt refered them as people not persons.

Jews aren't people, my friend.

corperations can possess, buy, and sell age restricted products while being in existence for less than the number of years for a real person to do the same

Corporations enjoy all the rights to property and protections by law thereof without any of the responsibility required of a citizen. They are immortal, often as powerful as small countries and cannot be destroyed by bombs or bullets or faced with starvation.
Working as intended.

For you, my friend

Romney did some silly things, like casually wanting to bet another candidate $50,000 over something during a debate, but people knew exactly what he meant here. It was just another ARE YOU KIDDING ME liberal fake outrage thing.

iuridic persons already have unique rights and obligations though

>Basically, business-owners are being taxed twice.


its gibberish but for some reason cucks believed it

Why is this so hard to understand? When you tax a corporation, you are taxing flesh and blood human beings. Those human beings that own stock are the ones being taxed on corporate income. However, with a publicly traded corporation, ownership changes hands so often that it is completely impractical and almost impossible do determine an individual's tax liability on corporate income.

If i am invested in a mutual fund that has a mix of stocks, I may own a share of Microsoft for only 3 days. How is any taxing authority, or even Microsoft, supposed to determine what my share of income or loss was over that period of 3 days and then attribute that to me, and the next owner, and the next, and the next, etc?