South African firefighters flying to Edmonton to help fight Fort McMurray wildfire
>South African firefighters
but we said no to the russians......
thanks trudeau....
White race getting cucked again
I bet many of those firefighters will be getting white pussy
I guarantee most won't return. It'll be like the olympics where they all hide then claim they are refugees.
Why was SA picked?
And I'm sure they'll all decide to stay here because of some inane reason.
They've got the big black hoses that Trudeau desires.
They look like they've been in a fire.
>but we said no to the russians......
IIUC they didn't even accept all the help they could have gotten from other PROVINCES yet.
Tirade turned down help from all the closest countries, to get help from Africa?
I'm all for diversity, but he's absolutely mad.
What the unholy fuck is wrong with this country?
>decline American help
>decline Mexican help
>decline Russian help
>but South Africa? Fuck man sign em up we need em bad
Hasn't the fire been going on for weeks now?
The town is gone, theres nothing for them to do.
Probably told him that those were refugees
They have to contain the fire so that it doesn't reach the oil sands.
inb4 all "firefigthers" got refugee status
underrated post
So he got tar babies to fight tar fires?
Our white girls are going to get a nice treat :)
What are they going to do, rape the fire away?
> Why was SA picked?
Diversity is finally here.
Christ. The few buildings that are left standing are going to be looted.
South Africa has very good emergency response teams. Our rescue dog teams get flown all over the world whenever a disaster strikes and our firefighters are very experienced at fighting out of control bush fires.
The only shitty thing that happens when our emergency response teams get sent around the globe is that some government officials alway send their family members over as so called administrators but its basically a holiday payed for by the tax payer. They get kitted out with expensive gear as well.
just cuck my shit up senpai
>no to USA
>no to Mexico
>no to Russia
>yes to 300 firefighters from fucking South Africa
W-wait... are you trying to enrich me again?
Holy shit that fire is still burning?
I think Canada is quickly overtaking Sweden for the most cucked nation.
HOly fuck can we get this faggot out of office.
>Says no to Russia
>Says no to USA
>Says yes to a planeload of blacks
Post of the millennia
I can't see those popsicles taking off. They aren't even chocolate.
Now things are gonna get REAL hot... for the canadian's wives. :)))))))
Is that still burning, sucks to be canada, the world moved on and couldnt care less anymore.
>no comments
thanks CBC
To be fair, we are accepting help from the U.S. too.
>inb4 only one firefighter returned back
Please nuke us
We don't take anybody's help but Mandela's
>They go to Canada.... tu put up the fires
Fuck my sides, this made my day.
Aren't you already on fire?
Send me the GPS coordinates
ehm.... why?
do a neutrino one burger general man.
Isnt this a good thing? I mean Black - South-Africans are more expendable I guess.
HAHAHAHA that's hilarious. Gee, Trudeau, why South Africans? Is it the black hoses?
He's going to elbow out the fires like a hummingbird faggot
...but then they go back, right?
top kek
>Living in Beaumont, Texas
>going to a public school
>taking art classes
you faggot.
Toppu kekku
Charcoal burners
lmao if you think those niggers are going to leave
oy vey inb4 they make another fire storm to get more black people in
hahahha jesus christ
>somebody has to do the raping.
Didn't Trudeau refuse help from the US and Russia?
ahmed bringin the bantz. top kek m8.
Canada, you're fucking doomed.
Do you want to be Sweden? Is that it?
Jesus fucking christ.
Why is this even happening? What reasoning is there to bring in fucking AFRICAN "firefighters" to fucking CANADA? What the hell is this, why is this even an option?
Do you not have your own firefighters?
If there's one thing apes can do it's show coal burners the business
They'll probably apply for asylum afterward
Your prime minister is a fucking joke. You faggots can't even stop a fire. Imagine how fucked you fags would be if the US decided to conquer you?
He shore did. South Africa was going to help whether they wanted to or not.
>black dick face
Finally, a rape-free society. What's their secret?
>says no to russia
>says no to mexico
>says no to america
>says YES to south africa
Not rape-free, the number is just too high to be measured by conventional means.
man he's really upset they didn't vote for him
Why would we ever want to? It's going to be every territory will be infested with subhuman shantytowns by 2018.
If anything, we'll need a second wall.
>Trudeau grants them all Canadian citizenship
i can see it now
>Trudeau to thank the Heroes from south Africa, by allowing them to stay full time
Jokes on you. They will be put on the front line and likely burn to death or die from smoke inhalation. Canada is going to genocide Africa.
Except they'll run faster than all you slow pale northerners if the shit hits the fan, and race back to wherever you live to tell your wives in broken english that "yo huzbahnd eez dayd ... I weel be tay-king flicky flicky now."
>chooses South Africa
>doesn't even get a single White firefighter
Oh my sweet summeru childu.
Funny thing is that it doesn't even make a lot of sense.
No country has a shortage of men who can be drafted into fighting a fucking forest fire....just a shortage of infrastructure and water. The fuck are these 20 bush devils going to help?
Looks like Canada just got themselves 300 more black residents.
Top bantz leaf, buy a rope.
Any tire fires or necklaces this time?
first thing they'll do when they get is here is run straight into the inferno in an attempt to stay here forever because no one is going to follow them
Don't forget their 3 wives each...and 37 children. Not to mention their aunts, uncles, etc etc.
This happened a few years ago okes.
The Cape Town firefighters are pretty good at what they do, they offer to help out all over the world.
easy... they have no word for rape. They just call it sex.
"women and children"
How do we sleep while our cucks are burning?
underrated post
Swedish men were just eating them in one go, so due to the risk of choking authorities made the manufacturer change the color.
I wonder how much Trudope is going to spend on them rather than accepting free aid of neighbors.
Of course there isn't. Everybody protected the Grand Cuckmaster by saying we didn't need no help
>2 nearly empty towers blown up... third falls for no reason and we have unending war
>train derails in china, they bury it on site as survivors crawl out
>Hurricane drowns new Orleans, pres briefed in advance, waits 2 weeks to respond, denies knowledge, video comes out, pretend it never happened.
>oil rig explodes, fractured pipes down into well, spray oil dispersants sink oil
>Nuclear reactors explode, let it leak into sea forever
Wow gotta hand it to him he always finds a way to push his multi culti bullshit
>inb4 stories of we were heroez n shiet
>Trudeau actually had his taxpaying citizens but 300 plane tickets for third world firefighters to fly halfway around the world to fight a fire with no advanced firefighting technology or training whatsoever
It might be different if they were like world famous firefighters or something, but most of them have probably had less than a week of training, some probably just walked in off the street. What the hell.
>It's good idea to bring untrained men with a sub-par understanding of english and no equipment of their own into a blazing forest fire without any training whatsoever with the equipment they will be issued
This causes me physical pain.
How long until they get surrounded by the fire because they couldn't figure out how to work the water pumps and canadian firefighters have to stop fighting the fire to come rescue them?
If Trudeau is such a feminist, why isn't there a single woman in that photo?