This is the image that Wikipedia uses to illustrate the 'human physical appearance'

This is the image that Wikipedia uses to illustrate the 'human physical appearance'.

How does this make you feel?

What would aliens make of us as a species if they believed we all looked like this?

>ayy lmao those human bitches have small tits

Microdick and skeeterbites.

Where's the pubic hair? Aliens trying to learn about us are going to be very confused.

you always hear about asians having tiny dicks, but seriously? is that an actual micropenis or is it really a normal asian dick

If your butthurt about them using a chink life is going to be really tough for you, but yes; they should've chosen two people of the same race.


Where is his chest hair

Looks about right.

>Asians make up the majority of the population
>Asians shouldn't be the base model for human form

Pick one.

They shouldn't make up the base, as they have lots of negative features.

This. I would've picked Brit or Swede bros. Woman a wop or better nipples and size
You don't need any

then why is there a white woman?

>because chinks kill their little girls

o rite

I'm not.

But it seems strange to use someone as a model for this purpose - illustrating a normal human - if he has abnormally small genitals.

Ever read up the history of modern medicine and biology? Read some classic literature about it and it will all make sense,

She could probably beat him up.

>our entire species is represented by a dicklet and a chestlet

The aliens are laughing at us

>shaved bodyparts

this is NOT the human physical appearance

if all we show them is super models, they will be so disappointed when they arrive

At least they're not anime characters.

Ugh. Who cares. Why do you want it? Gimme one good reason other than muh 1970s sex manuals?

>they arrive


probably the best happening to happen though

the older I get the more I like muff hair, idk why senpai

>What would aliens
I dubt the first contact will be made with wikipedia.

Maybe Omegle?

This fucking tattoo is just, I can't tell if it's hilarious or horrific.

It's like santa claus down there and i dont appreciate it. If yall ever need some anatomy examples for aliens follow me to an nsfw board

Why the fuck does his dick look like a big toe???

too vivid colors for tatoo, it's body painting.

>small tits
>micro cock
>no pubes
>barely any hair
>farmer's tans on dude

lmao wiki are you even trying

I feel sorry for that man

>t. asian

Just gonna leave this pic of a 48yr old woman here

Wait, that's abnormally small?

I love the beast in his socks with his cheesewheel on the jerkoff videos. Youtube has best cock in the bathmate review videos

>he doesn't know the weighty feel of floppy flap

>first contact via omegle
>"Hello human!"
>"stranger has disconnected"
repeat 500 times

Lmfao I was just about to ask. Mine doesn't even look like that in minus 20 degrees celsius

Maybe he's a grower not a shower.

lel female had nothing

>ITT people don't know flaccid size means nothing

It isn't, they are just a bunch of "muh dick is huge when it is soft!" guys.

Mine does. Embassing to use restroom or dresser room. It's big enough when having sex though, it's like my penis is trolling me when I don't need him for real business.

Not when it's like that
Yes it does. Tiny is retarded

>he doesn't know the joy of watching your penis more than double in length

Dubs comfirm. Dude is not erect can't really judge.

Large flaccid penis's tend to not get much larger when erect, it's actually a deformity the exact condition name is escaping me right now though.


>implying that having a flaccid penis bigger than 1" makes it 'huge'

this, it's like "where'd this dick come from?"

Okay, I don't know why older women photoshop like that. As a young man with a milf fetish, when the older woman tries to become 16 it kills the appeal. I like the look of older women, the sagging, the general authenticate experience. I feel that look is better than the rapidly evaporating vapidly faked look of young women.

You a penis inspector? I would like to see some Credentials sir.


Nope. I'm over 6 inches erect and my dick like doubles in size.

Maybe he's a grower? Honestly this picture made me feel way more confident again.

He looks partially asian.

Perhaps he's a grower, not a shower.

That ain't no schlongus dongus it's too small

Acornlets btfo. Maybe on another board


you dont go from 1 inch flaccid to 7 inch hard

What is with the



Has your dick never been shriveled up, you're totally unaroused in cold weather? The tiny scrotum is the only thing really off, in proper conditions my dick can be so shriveled that tissue has this pallid bloodless soreness to it. Only in a really long time in really cold weather generally and it passes quickly at room temp, but still mang. Macho posturing makes you look pretty autistic

Even with the scrotum, I've had my nads escape up the chute after the right sports blow or in super cold conditions.

If we're gonna be really unbiased, they really should've chosen two chinese or indians, as the average person is either Indian or Chinese. Dunno why they chose two people of two races.

lmao asian pecker is fucking pathetic looking damn microdick faggost. no wonder white race BTFO asian "civilizations"


Not only are you wrong but mine still grows when diamonds mode. I should make an imgur but someone else can. Haven't shaved

>Penor doesn't even pass the balls
>My balls are saggy as fuck and my dick goes passed them
>The guys nuts look like a coin purse
>penor is like a toe.

Dark mane?

Most people aren't 7 inches hard to fucking begin with. Why are you using that as some sort of baseline?

He could still be over 5 inches.

Lol this thread is now about this dudes penis. Too bad we can't find out who he is and forward it to him.

Hey he might hit the bare jap average of 4 inches :)

Dude have you ever been on a photo set? Especially in that full lighting it has to be 80 degrees minimum. Shriveling is not possible.

They used a flat-chested woman and an Asian male

It's like they wanted to show as little sexual dimorphism as possible...probably to not offend transsexuals

Why did you scape of the skin filled with pleasure sensors?

>implying you're not the loser now

>Same poor fag underwear as me

dude i dont give a fuck. the guy has a small dick and thats it. if a small dick would keep people from fucking asians wouldnt be the worlds majority

Head is too big

a-at least its big

ps ima find out where the bastard jew doctor that stole part of my dick is and run up on him at night with a baseball bat

Why a germanic girl next to a mongoloid man?

nice dick, too bad youre cut


It's not even jew doctors in America. In most states it's illegal to not give a circumcision.

chicks and dudes like it

>he fell for the circumcision meme

Yes I know, but there is gradients to an individual's base flaccid state. He might be a grower, even if the erect state is somewhat below average. There is just a much more modest correlation between flaccid and erect size because the degree of growth from the base actually differs by a lot in addition to the erect length. Flaccid composure will be very different between persons of the same erect length.

He's still below average, but he's more likely than not going to regress to the mean because the two variables aren't even close to perfectly correlated

Joke about Han dick all you want, but at least they have no fear of being bred out of existence.

No one falls for it you dumb yuroshitter faggot it's done when they're babies

Fuck off and kill yourself Ahmed

at least he is not a nigger

I don't understand the uncut flaccid is ugly meme. All cutlets are ugly deformities so no matter

he clearly has one ball

I see no problem tbqh, both are identifiable as female and male. Not the pinnacle of human beauty but morphologically accurate for people with normal body fat and muscle composition.

>if a small dick would keep people from fucking asians wouldnt be the worlds majority

Top kek

His face looks shooped. I bet it was s white guy. Pathetic!

I think they did a good job giving a literal map for anyone out there to find our planet and loot the shit out of it.

Yeah and it's a clit, really

Any Asians here want to tell me if those shoulders are normal among your people?

Uyghurs are like mongols except unsuccessful, who cares.

They tried to demonstrate literally as little sexual dimorphism as possible and that irritates me.

You sure don't need it but I bet anything that you'd have some if left to the environment for 6 months.

>tfw no girl with a body type like that

So we need it because i cant kill animals to replace that function in those situations. No thanks

>one representative from each high-IQ master race

I see no problem here.

Not normal for me. But I don't have low test genetics

don't really care
should probably show multiple races thoughs