How many Jews really died during WW2?
How many Jews really died during WW2?
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Not enough
A lot different theories.
From an absurd 6 gorillions to some other number as low as 20.000.
Depend on who you ask.
six hundred million
six million on the dot
300k. The red cross counted for you.
600 thousand.
6 Gorillion times 6 Gorillion times 6 Gorillion and then some.
At least several...didn't a bank in England get hit with a German bomb or something?
Whoops,meant 300k
None in combat.
sixty seven gorillion.
that's 47 in non-reptilian numbers
Not true.The holocaust did happen but it was exaggerated to cover up the genocide that jewish bolsheveiks caused a few years earlier on.
This, no more, no less.
6,000,000 Exactly.
300 thousand give or take spare change - oh wait jews always scrabble for change, hmmm.
Stop being a retard.
Refer to
0 people died because the Holocaust never happened
I said 'during WW2'. I'm learning from them.
6 million from the holocaust, not sure how many from the war.
>inb4 typical """info"""graphic replies
Exactly 6 million
We could debate for hours and seriously nobody knows, it's between 200k et 700k but at the end the only right answer is
Bonjour rare flag.
Something close to this...
R A R E?
How many white supremacists have fruitful and happy lives?
>tfw already have this flag
Rare meat
60 million
anyone who says otherwise is a disgusting holocaust denier and should be arrested
> 6 000 000
Counter this Sup Forums, I want to believe the holocaust never happened
who cares
On mobile. What country is it my Latvian brother?
Maybe 6 million. But, the Soviets lost way more. So did the Chinese, and Germans. And the Jews are the ones who started it, so they got off pretty easy.
Disgusting you should get srrested.We all know the true number is 6 gorillion cubed.
1 -2 million tops
nothing like 6 million
Thanks. Have some ducks
France. I don't even know why our little island have a flag.
According to the official history, 6 millions.
If you disagree with that number, in some countries (e.g. France) you end up in prison.
So I'd rather not take the risk. Official, legal history says 6 millions, so who am I to disagree with the law?
tl;dr - jews needed to show six million dead as a sign the jews were supposed to return to palestine
A fancy flag. Non the less
Tell me more
better not commit thoughtcrime
>they will come for you
>How many Jews really died during WW2?
Civilians? several hundred thousand.
Murdered in the holyhoax? Zero.
Most of us I would say.
Just because we don't bake in drugs and degeneracy doesn't mean we have sad lives.
Oh vey! Respect the law.
mostly from typhus, starvation, and overworking, i'm guessing?
>and overworking,
Not even overworking. Just poor conditions brought about by the bombing of supply lines.
6 fucking million..
Holocaust deniers are libtard shills trying to discredit anything conservative by associating it with complete tinfoil bullshit
Jews finally got Israel after sabotaging both world wars, as German y tried to free itself from being controlled by their banks. Hitler pretty much did everything he could to resolve the dispute well getting rid of Zionist jews, even employed non zionist jews to kick out the traitors.
After the war, the Jews didn't want to be demonized so they waged a media campaign to lie about the Holocaust.
up to 100k civvies
up to 1 mil military, mostly soviet.
Non-country, you are wrong again here.
>Holocaust deniers are libtard shills trying to discredit anything conservative by associating it with complete tinfoil bullshit
Okay then, post a picture or film of the holocaust as it actually happened.
60 gazillion! And don't you forget it.
>sending the chosen into war
wouldn't think so schlomo
around 6 millions
Between 4 and 5 million.
>tfw trashed at 7:30 pm on coors light and wild turkey
What should I do friends?
Stop being a degenerate and learn some critical thinking.
fpbp also 88 dubs HH checked.
>Country that is relevant for getting bombed replying
Top lel
The holocause was exaggerated to cover up the 66 million deaths in soviet russia caused by Jews.Holodomor and Gulag camps
With proof? Around 1,5 million. With eyewitness accounts? Close to 4 million. Adding sensationalism and Treblinka? 6 million.
The reason you are believing this shit is because you're in an echo chamber and even the most ridiculous bullshit will sound plausible over time.
Also since you are refuting the Holocaust happened, you are the one who was to provide evidence.
I've been searching threads like this for years actually trying to believe anything said here was true, but the best you get in terms of evidence is some faked reports or soms memes with spelling errors
>Why invent a method of execution from thin air?
They made up the Holocoaster, that they made lampshades and soap from them, and other inane claims that have no way to be real.
The gas chambers are just the "most plausible" lie they went with because of Zyklon B.
>implying muh x million claims invalidate the illegitimacy 6 million claims.
>I-it's not a death camp, it was a concentration camp all along!
One, and his name was Hitler.
according to nazi documents some tens of thousands
according to wartime allied propaganda 6 bajilion
Getting bombed? I didn't know, I live in a small town of 10.000 inhabitants that's 99.9% white
brb have to chew gum without being thrown in prison, stay jealous ching chong
Does my estimate of how many jews died during ww2 show that I lack critical thinking skills?
What are you trying to tell me?
>They made up the Holocoaster, that they made lampshades and soap from them, and other inane claims that have no way to be real.
The only people I have ever seen make claims like this were stormfags. Sorry to say but you might have been false fagged
>Also since you are refuting the Holocaust happened, you are the one who was to provide evidence.
There. All the evidence one would ever need to see that the Holocaust is a myth.
Dozens of books. Dozens of documentary videos. Dozens of articles.
Have fun redpilling yourself.
cuck spotted
>Tfw can bring in up to 1 carton of gum.
Oh,Im chewing wiggley's as we speak
>The only people I have ever seen make claims like this were stormfags.
Source for the holocaust.
Believing a story pushed by the establishment with not a grain of evidence to back it up shows your lack of critical thinking.
>Also since you are refuting the Holocaust happened, you are the one who was to provide evidence.
Err... That's not how it works.
It's like saying, if you are refuting the lizard men controlling the United Nations, you are the one who has to provide evidence.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
why not 271k
6 Million because It's The Law!
Don't spit it out on the street mate, you will get tortured
The Holocaust did happen, but it was not what we usually think of as "The Holocaust"
Germans rounded up all the Jews because they viewed them as enemies of Germany, broadly because Germans blamed Jews for the Depression.
Jews were blamed for the Depression because they had, historically, controlled banks and such (because their religion allows money lends, while Christianity at the time did not).
There are other reason why Germany did not like Jews, but I'm not writing a fucking essay here.
Any way, Germany thinks Jews are it enemies, puts them in concentration camps and ghettos so that they can not sabotage Germany while it is at war, exactly what the USA and Canada did with the Japanese, and England with Germans.
Quick timeline
1939: WW2 breaks out, Jews put in camps
The Jews are now in camps within a country at war with the majority of Europe, what amount of supplies do you think Germany is able to spare for them?
June 6 1944: Germany is now pretty much fucked, they will spend the next year struggling against the combined might of the Allies.
By the time the Allies reach the heart of Germany, the German army is now fielding young boys and old men, German citizens are starving, Germanys economic and transportation structures have been bombed into oblivion by Allied bombers
And people are shocked to find malnourished people in concentration camps
Basically the Allies starved Germany out and the Jews in the concentration camps got the worst of it, USA goes apeshit when they find out in order to take global eyes away from the shit they did (firebombing of Dresden/Tokyo, the atomic bombings)
And now Jew guilt everywhere forever
You literally have shit shitposts
6 million
That's still pretty fucking horrible. No one should be locked in camps in times of war. How are they supposed to get food and medicine if someone bombs a supply line? They should've been shipped somewhere right after Hitler liberated Poland
What flag is this? i'm on the phone
I have family that died and they are Jewish checkmate at least 7 Jews died
And? a random person tried to exaggerate their experience for more fame. This happens everywhere not just in Jewish conspiracies. I am going to need more than a misclaim from a random unnamed source for proof that the most documented event in history did not happen
You really believe this? My sides mate wow
You are disputing a worldwide accepted historical event, there is numerous evidence. Unfortunatly any cold hard facts are 'jewish propaganda'. Since you are tinfoiling ofcourse you should provide evidence.
You know who else are famous holocaust deniers? Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan,..
Go live with your mudslim brothers, Achmed
Pretty sure this is it. It's a shitty thing to do. What's also shitty is for Jews to make this into their religion.
Did your grandfather die when he was only 8?
Mate, like everyone believes in the holocaust. I don't think it's that unlikely due to the Nazi's rhetoric before it all got cranked up. Just watch some qt Belorussian cunny music videos and be happy!
>most documented event in history
maybe you should show some of those documentations then.