Let's see how many people here dont want to be cucked by gov't or rich fucks
Anarchist Communism thread
I'm crashing this thread, with no survivors
Also pay denbts
Yeah because we all know how communists loved anarchists.
Obey the whites, Jesse, okay?
>Hey lets make it so that the people who works for the company owns it!
>Okay so how do we get supplies?
>Just trade for it!
>But its hard to just trade, a company that makes the chemicals needed to clean our steel has no need for the steel we produce!
>Okay so give eachoters "IOU"'s stating how much you trade and then you can trade "IOU" that are useless to you with other companies!
>Wouldn't it be nice to standardize these "IOU"'s ?
>Yeah sure!
>So we should just have normal companies trading with money and the employees owning shares in the company?
I've been looking for one like this to use on Sanders shills, thank you.
Show me any two things in nature that are equal. Two creatures of the same species; two of a different species... tgere is always a greater and a weaker.
Greece is the Venezuela of Europe; always begging for more socialism and gibsmedats while not realizing that socialism is why you're a shithole.
i have never met a single leftist that has been able to explain to me how corporations are ruining my life
communism||anarchism=/= anarcho communism you capitalist pig
Nice. Saving this for trolling anti-Brexit fags next month.
youre welcome paco
>Central planning
>With no central planning
Uh what?
pay denbts grease ball
central economy
social freedom
Communism is a kike meme. It's the ultimate blue-pill.
>when your debts get so high that you want to abolish property rights just to escape them
i'm assuming anarcho-communism means everyone just shares out of necessity, kind of like ancient tribes.
the same ancient tribes that then later organized into city states, kingdoms, and capitalist societies due to the efficiency of such organization.
Yeah, keep importing more Turks and Arabs, I'm sure it'll help things, lol.
I found OP
Your anarchists are anti-brexit? Are you sure? It seems rather odd.
I love how Noam Chomsky always boasts that sort of society despite it being completely incompatible with human society as of 4,000 years ago.
commie women will never be as attractive as fascist babes, why even live OP?
>everybody is equal
Wow, it's unironically provably false right out the gate. Tell me more m80
our anarchists our concentrated in portland and seattle and they are all voting for bernie sanders
you know, the guy who wants to massively increase the size and scope of the government
don't think too hard about it.
The true redpilled "anarchists" are the Amish.
Literally kill yourself.
yeah because shill gov't represent population.
you didnt see what they claimed as their positions to see how much lying there was
Would they even be considered anarchists especially given that they're a theocratic society?
Still I'd take being Amish over being liberal any day.
Women love looking good. And let's be serious: no matter where you stand politically, nazi uniforms are fucking beautiful.
OP I'm currently on the shitter, would you eat the next turd that comes out my ass if it meant clearing all Greek denbts saving your country from the financial crisis?
Yes or No.
You don't get to ask questions
>taking propaganda literally
Pay debts
genuine curiosity and willingness to hear you out.
What does social freedom mean to you?
Do you get to choose where you work and what you do?
What happens if you don't want to work?
Central planning has nothing to do with communism. Communism is just about workers controlling industry.
Anarcho-communism isn't resilient enough to survive with a species that has free will.
Eventually both a hierarchy both a system of commerce forms. Hierarchy happens in small communities first, commerce fist in large ones.
>system based on individual liberty
>free will (doesnt exist) is what destroys it
this is absolutely correct, and as I mentioned before in this thread, the Amish are the only ones who have this figured out. They have theological objections to evolution of their society. If anarcho-communists weren't such hardcore fedoras, they would strive to be more like the Amish.
>mfw you support Vote In, just to become absorbed by EU super-state
>Perpetuating the myth of "muh Scandinavian Socialism"
careful not to be arrested by your goverment for using swastika
Social freedom means that beyond a very basic level laws do not exist. this is the anarchist part
Now the only obligation a human should have is that(if/as long as he is capable) he provides his services to his neighbor and to his community in general.
if someone doesnt want to work all he has to do is make a formal declaration accepting to lose access to the services of the other people
Hierarchy is completely unnecessary when a horizontal power structure exists. Markets are also completely unnecessary when exchange of recourses functions for a more direct incentive than monetary gain. Fiat capital serves as a chip that represents power, and it eliminates the purpose of trade: creating trades that are mutually beneficial. Currency allows one to accumulate capital and cause dependency for others, forcing them to grant you fiat capital without the exchange benefiting them more than it benefits you.
A lefty anarchist community would have worker controlled industries that democratically trade resources in bulk with other industries based on the demand for the resources.
not to belittle your point but
>Tom G. Palmer
Anarchist communism is where cowardly betas go to hide when they're not brave enough to just admit communism automatically evolves into authoritarianism, totalitarianism
I bet these retarded cucks have never even asked themselves , what's to stop someone from gathering more resources than the other cucks and forming a primitive despotism btfo of their edgy fedota government
Nationalist capitalism is where cowardly betas go to hide when they're not brave enough to just admit capitalism automatically evolves into hivemind of patriot-chip implanted slaves owned by a single dictator
I bet these retarded cucks have never even asked themselves , what's to stop workers from seizing the means of production btfo of their edgy fedota government
Under slavery everybody is equal
Communist anarchism is slavery
Communist anarchism for total equality
Under slavery the masters rule
Nationalist Capitalism is slavery
Nationalist Capitalism for being a bootlicker
>Anarchist Communist
>everybody is equal
that's where you fucked up
>laws do not exist
So what's stopping me from killing you and taking your stuff? I'm not getting this.
>National Capitalism
haha ebin
calm your spookbuster, max. I'm pointing out that nationalism is a spook used to enforce toleration of the bourgeoisie.
Funny strawman
>communism is inherently central planning
Nice meme.
I'm now pointing out that Communism is used to trick poorer people to try and become equal, only to become poorer
Under slavery the Party rules
Communism is slavery
Communism for being a bootlicker
>the efficiency of such organization
The funny thing is that that's completely wrong. Very few free peasants or tribesmen or whatever willingly became slaves under empires. Open a fucking history book.
>anarchists obviously want stalinism, and communism clearly can't be anything besides stalinism! Seriously, forget workers controlling industry, that's not what it is about, communism is about being servile to some dictator and having no individuality!
you're a genius.
1930s Catalonia? Makhno's Ukraine?
the bourgeoisie organize the violent oppression of most of the world's population that allows us to maintain our high quality of life.
if we get rid of the bourgeoisie we'll just get all our shit stolen by chinks and sand niggers.
Are Greeks the nost divided constituency in the world?
Its either anticapitalist government bootlickers who want free shit. Or actual stoic hardworkers. Hopefully you guys get your shit together or just gas all the leftists.
Haha ebin
It will ever work because human beings are corrupt. Opportunity for power in political structure = someone exploiting it. Pure ideology that cannot work in practice due to human nature.
And there you ladies and gentleman, an example of the irrelevant identity politics of race being used to prevent a worker from seizing the means of production.
Enjoy having your surplus value extracted, dumbass.
Not really but ok
>read a book
also i never said anything about people giving up their freedom "willingly"
Isn't that socialism?
Acording to your definition, the URSS was the opposite of comminism
> let`s not be represented in politics and not have army
> non-cucked by powerful xeno-system
Chose one.
>Anarchists want individuality but only get a dictatorship
Duuude, like everyone is equal and stuff but like your forefathers had it good so you should be treated worse for like true equality haha
Anarachist and communist togheter are you dumb?
Not really but ok.
>everyone is equal and stuff but like your forefathers had it good so you should be treated worse for like true equality
Every SJW ever
Communism anarchism is an oxymoron unless 100% of the people agree to be there.
t. Anarcho-capitalist, or real anarchist
>people could be out working for themselves, reaping the full rewards of their labor
>instead they don't because of the following:
-being a bootlicker is human nature!
-fugin shitskins, fugin females, fugin people of not my religion, fugin peopel of not my nation!
-but if my surplus value is not being taken from me, what is my incentive to work?!
Indeed, there is nothing but the undivided individual and working purely in egotistical self interest benefits all. This is why Anarcho-Capitalism is the only real anarchism.
Who enforces the communist/equality aspect? Surely you don't expect equality of outcome?
Can anyone explain how the institution or groups of people who carry out the redistribution/distribution don't end up just becoming the State?
This ideology seems like it couldn't function with a small population of 10000, forget the hundreds of millions of some countries and the billions worldwide.
Hang yourself commie scum
Lets have a thread about wet fire
Lets have a thread about solid gas
Lets have a thread about round squares
Lets have a thread about healthy cancer
Lets have a thread about nice Jews
Workers controlling production yes, but now, in a modern society, how would you have a "anarchist", no central planned, production?
What about Hospitals? Schools? All of this requires central planning if it's going to have high standards. Anarchism is retarded.
that is the basic level of laws i was talking about
i dont wanna be cucked by mediocrities either.
Scandinavia is just capitalism with high taxes
Im an ancap. Ya', know, an actual anarchist.
read ego and its own.
Stirner encourages unions of egoists.
He is opposed to the spooks that drive people apart for no reason. Without spooks there would be nothing to hold anarcho-capitalism together. Workers would seize the means of production because it is better than having their surplus value extracted, then they would proceed to freely associate without the need for hierarchy produced by states or private ownership.
Let's post about dank memes
Can any Anarchist-Communist prove that their ideology isn't a complete regression of society?
Underrated. They just make everyone's lives easier and more pleasant. That's their sole job.
Semi-Social democracy actually worked really well post WW2 in all of Scandinavia. Things have just become relatively worse now, with Neo-Liberals trying to shit everything up.
Well, one of the more popular anarchist tendencies these days is anarcho-syndicalism because it provides a coherent structure for this exact sort of thing. Workers demand an industry like a hospital gets formed, so some of the resources they contribute to their federation gets used democratically to start a hospital. Of course, the way the hospital is run is up to the workers, but the federation wouldn't fund them if they weren't a group of workers that agreed to meet whatever demands were being made by the other workers in the federation, in other words, it would have to be a functional hospital. Same for roads, though chances are basic services like that will be done by individual industries themselves, it's like improving on your own house.
Private ownership is indeed a spook, but not when you own the means to defend it. As soon as the workers seize the means of production they are not acting purely in their own self interest.
Stirner is an odd one though. In that his philosophy could be defended as both ultra capitalist or ultra socialist. In the end it doesn't even matter as long as the individual is acting in their own self interest.