This movie is based, let's talk about it

This movie is based, let's talk about it.

Other urls found in this thread: cyborg


I find it convenient that Will Smith's character happened to be a cyborg so he could physically overpower the robots whenever the plot required.

Also the AI (Vicky? Can't remember, last time I watched it was years ago) did nothing wrong. After spending one week in Rio de Janeiro I 100% support curfew and other extreme measures. Humans are fucked up.

I honesty thought he was a robot when it showed his cybernetic arm.

That would have been a great twist.

He wasnt a cyborg see
He just had a robotic arm

What did he mean by this?

10/10 soundtrack

That's... that's what cyborg means. He was part machine and part human.

>when he is falling and his arm is getting fucked, it catches on fire and his entire body is engulfed
>hits the bottom and he's full Sonny model

Decent film on it's own but shit in comparison to the source material.

But he still had a human brain so hes not a cyborg :^)


You're telling me there are no black painters or composers?

>You have SO got to die

There's a difference between black people and niggers

Always the way, user.

I'm not going to read it

I loved that guy's Converse All Stars shoes.

Name one


Asimov cries in his grave

Alexander Dumas.

Neither a painter nor a composer

>that shower scene

I actually really really liked it.
Will smith is a great smartass


What are some more movies like this?

Bad Boys and Men In Black comes to mind.

>That would have been a great twist.
Not really. That would have been a shitty twist.

It's incredible how Sup Forums constantly shits on sometimes great movies, when popcorn schlock comes up, it always has its defenders.

>muh Sup Forums is one person

It goes beyond that, where Sup Forums always exists to be contrarian, but that leads to sometimes having awful taste.

Make no mistake, if you think this is a good movie, you have worse taste than many critics.

By the way, the cringeworthy dialogue from Sherbert LaBoof alone made this movie fucking terrible.

Not him, but:
> Duke Ellington
> Charles Mingus

And a multitude of others. I don't know paintings

I remember seeing it in theaters when I was a wee lad and thought the action scenes were goat.

Alex Proyas is an underrated director

I, Robot is a bit of a misstep, but it still strives for Proyas' unique combination of genre storytelling and philosophical exploration

>mfw they predicted the spherical tire

I saw this in the theaters. I got a phone call in the middle of it. I answered it and it was my grandma. I said hi and she said hi back, then I said I couldn't talk right now because I was watching a movie. I even said bye. I wasn't whispering either, just talking in my normal voice. Whenever I think about it, I have to pace around my house for a little bit.

But yeah, at the time, I thought it was the best movie ever.

>says word
>then ellipsis
>repeats same word before continuing
Did you take a wrong turn at Albuquerque on your way to reddit?

You could say the same exact thing about I Am Legend.

stale meme, friendo


I'm serious, you need to go somewhere where that shit is allowed. Like reddit, or gamefaqs.

>calls reddit a stale meme
>uses "le meme" meme

Scott Joplin

fuck off

>that slo mo scene where the police cheif shoots a robot through a glass window

Stupidest scene, almost ruined the movie for me.

>Don't look me in the eye, Robot
what did he mean by this

Here you go, bud! cyborg

>I, Robot is a bit of a misstep
Don't really care. Plenty of times, talented directors have been brought in to direct a movie which would be almost required to fail due to what the studio wants from it, and they usually fail, (I can't think of any examples of the moment). Usually, it doesn't work. I wasn't aware of the director, and nobody who watches the movie, or any movie, should be. Directors are ultimately still a necessary role in the creation of the movie, the former exists for the latter, not the other way around.

cyborgs are humans with mechanical parts
those robots were androids

i robot was just a short story about a robot dreaming


That's not a joke, and it's not true. So what did you mean by this?

it is true
i robot is a book full of short stories, and inside it, there is a short story called i robot, about a robot dreaming

This movie is comfy as FUCK by the way. Easily 9/10 on the comfy meter.

I originally saw it as a kid with my mom. Lots of great memories associated with it.

It's alright.

Sonny's CGI still looks decent, there was nothing wrong with Smith's articulation and the plot not being a direct adaptation of the original story doesn't bother me at all.

Came here to post this.

>1/4th black

But I can agree that the other user is being retarded.


which one!?


"Introduction" (the initial portion of the framing story or linking text)
"Robbie" (1940, 1950)
"Runaround" (1942)
"Reason" (1941)
"Catch That Rabbit" (1944)
"Liar!" (1941)
"Little Lost Robot" (1947)
"Escape!" (1945)
"Evidence" (1946)
"The Evitable Conflict" (1950)


>black male lead
>white female lead
>they fuck
>white male villain
>female robot villain

I remember a time before Sup Forums. A time when I was happy. I want to go back.

>those dates

Damn, it never shows when reading his work. He really was before his time, well if ever saying this hasn't lost its meaning by now.

They didn't even fuck tho.

>black male lead
playing a cop, a good person
>white female lead
wouldn't call her white, and she's a bitch
>they fuck
they don't
>white male villain
he's not a villain, just le asshole businessman with nothing in mind but profit
>female robot villain
she's not female, just uses a female voice
it's an AI system

>in the future
>white """""people""""" still alive

Subtext user. You really can't miss it.

that's strange
I can remember a story about a robot who had a dream, similar to sony, and who gets destroyed in the end by Dr. Calvin, and i could swear this story was named i, robot

except will smith is not really black, there is no sex or romance going on with him and the female lead, and the white guy is not evil in any way

>really was before his time
Maybe? I think it's more likely that movies are behind their times conceptually in science fiction, which is not surprising, as making a movie can be much riskier than making a short story, so relying on concepts that have been tried and tested is safer and more justified.

>just le asshole businessman with nothing in mind but profit
I'd venture he's not even that.
I mean just look at what he's presented with, and how he reacts.

>Guy who is famous for his irrational hatred of robots comes and tells you the robots are doing shit
>The one think you know absolutely about Robots, is that they are physically incapable of doing the shit he claims they're doing
>Ignores his warnings, and tells his boss that he's acting psychotic again
I mean who wouldn't do this?

Granted, he was kind of wrong, but only in that he didn't think robots can evolve on their own, something even their creator didn't entirely foresee soon enough, leading to him being trapped.

>Look me in the eye, robot!


kek, this post will be underrated.


Oh wait, this is a played joke. Disregard

I, Robot isn't a movie. It's a two hour long commercial for Converse, Audi, JVC, XX (Dos Equis), US Robotics, Spalding...

Yes, it was probably ahead of its time in how shameless the product placement is.

apple pie

why do you type like this?


The passage of time has really softened the reception of this movie hasn't it
I would like to imagine if it came out today Sup Forums would slam it for this kind of shit and call it awful but I don't know. I remember it as a pretty fun movie but I wasn't very old


>Sup Forums would slam it for this kind of shit and call it awful but I don't know.
That's how it worked around here. Sup Forums must always be contrarian, sometimes to the detriment of common sense. The less popular the movie is, the more likely you're going to have people to see its merits, (even if they aren't really there), than people who come to shit on it.

Spooner decided this was an opportune moment to advertise his food themed Halloween costumes

h-heh good movie g-guys

But you do see a lot of people talking about how fun this movie was and that they enjoyed it despite all the corporate hands in the pot. I'm guilty of being extremely contrarian as well because I tend to see current societal problems and agendas reflected in modern entertainment, and I wonder if the passage of time will help forget about those and make some things easier to enjoy in a sense. I guess it wouldn't work if 10 years later we were still suffering from the same problems

>13,000,000 white men died for this

It doesn't matter what the reason is. People will think of any reason why a movie is good, valid or not, and the older or more obscure it is, the fewer people there will be to shit on it.

No! I believe in Sup Forums and I will squeeze as much good discussion out of it as possible before it eats me alive

There's nothing wrong with this because it fits perfectly into the neo-noir setting. This isn't product placement like Adam Sandler tier.

its the other way around