Can we get rid of the fucking filters already?

Can we get rid of the fucking filters already?

tbqh the filters help somewhat

shit thread desu senpai

help with what senpai?

The only filter I think should actually be removed is Lennyface. I miss that guy

KEK desu baka senpai

Why don't you grow a brain and be creative?

desu i like the filters senpai

I still insist BTFO should be filtered too
its so obnoxious

filter it yourself

It's mostly because the filter is wholly unnecessary.

desu senpai

ɯɐɟ ɥqʇ ou

I want all the old filters brought back desu senpai baka

Why do you want to type like a nigger?


Why? So you can have normie speak here? Fuck off, learn to write things out. I'm tired of trying to decode your little abbreviations because you're too fucking dumb to have an original thought so you just write three letters and act like your opinion is still valid.

roodypoos desu

Do you not see the shit spammed on this board in a daily basis?

i agree i want to be able to type cuck in capital letters again to be honest shakes my head family

fuck the reddit mods

no desu

gotta keep a little jap culture on every board desu senpai. can't let people forget where they are baka

Is anything actually filtered here anymore? I haven't noticed senpai...

I personally like the filters

F a m is annoying chimpspeak even when used ironically. T b h is just reddit shit.

desu it's fine

Sup Forums is an anime site desu senpai.

I didn't even know you couldn't type cuck in all caps



No. The filters are good and get rid of nigger talk replacing it with weeb talk.



I think everyone just forgot it was there desu

I completely forgot about the filters desu senpai

baka cuck

That's because most of us don't use niggerspeak like that.


Admins can felate me desu baka senpai.

baka desu senpai

Just say "To be honest" if you really want to get that phrase across.

make a thread about it where mods will se it

cuck desu senpai

>smdh tbqh family

I still find them entertaining desu senpai.

What words are filtered again? desu senpai and?