Marco Rubio was unironically the best candidate for president this election. I was sad he dropped out.
Marco Rubio was unironically the best candidate for president this election. I was sad he dropped out
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>Not JEB!
JEB was low energy but he seemed like a nice father figure.
Why didn't he win then
normalfag candidate
JEB! is a horrible father though
too religious
>little experience
>can't handle personal finances and mistresses
>gang of 8
>promises different things to Spanish crowds
>nice father figure.
>sons went to jail
>daughter Noelle battled crack addiction
He couldn't handle the bantz nor saying something different every 2 minutes
Rubio is even more of a lightweight than Jeb. Seriously like most Florida politicians he is just a puppet than shills for whatever wealthy interest has their hand up his ass.
>cant win his home state
>takes sip of water
He's a manlet. All manlets are losers.
Jeez.But he is still a nice guy right?That's why his kids became keks
>Let’s dispel with this fiction that Barack Obama doesn’t know what he’s doing. He knows exactly what he’s doing
>tfw Bob Graham is the only good floridian politician
Rubio was a failed experiment by the Republican party. He has the very same neocon ideology people got tired of, but in a new and young Latino package to pander to changing demographics, like Obama has been for the Dems 8 years ago.
Rubio will be groomed for a future run. I would not be surprised to see him appear in the next 4/8 years after a Trump presidency.
>implying any candidate for the president of this zionist occupied government is a best.
Seriously...none of them will stop the extinction of the White race and all of them will do whatever their jewish masters tell them to do.
I really hope Trump and the libertarian faction purge the party of neocon scum back to the democratic party where they belong.
You can't be serious.Jews themselves are white
You're going home, pedro. Get used to it.
He's like 12 years old...
>back to
>the democratic party
You don't know what you're talking about.
I hope this guy drops out of politics. I haven't enjoyed seeing him from his debut with the little water bottle up through to today.
I would be happier, as a true homunculus, if he would just slip away, and become... Y'know, he can be a mayor somewhere. That won't bother me. But generally, politics isn't his thing, and watching him do it is like watching every circumcision that ever happened, all at once, every second he's in motion or making sounds. Just nail my chalkboard up.
Neocons literally came from the Democratic Party during the 80's and 90's thanks to Scoop Jackson.
>literally Yeb!'s protege
>You can't be serious.Jews themselves are white
The bluepill sure has taken hold of this board hard, hasn't it?
Are Jews White? (Revised)
Ashkenazi Jews Are Not White
Europe's Ashkenazi Jews are 50-54% Middle Eastern
I'm Not White I'm Jewish
Jews are Not White, Gene Research and Confession
Jews in America Struggled for Decades to Become White. Now We Must Give Up Whiteness to Fight Racism.
I liked him when he first ran for his senate seat back in 2010 when he actually ran on a tea party line against that faggot Charlie Crist, he changed a lot as soon as he won office.
I really liked pre-election Rubio, but once he got into the race it became very clear that the GOP establishment was speaking through him.
I'm guessing he'll make a 2020 or 2024 run if Hillary wins. Hopefully this time he'll be a little older and wiser and know that he can appeal to voters on his own merit and not have to be a party puppet.
I was talking about their skin colour.I guess the media is wrong then.
Oh wait,the media is controlled by jews.
Also the article titles seem to be the brainchils of an autistic 7 year old
>I was talking about their skin colour
Race is more than skin color.
>I guess the media is wrong then.
The media wants you to believe that Jews are White so you'll accept them easier.
>Also the article titles seem to be the brainchils of an autistic 7 year old
At least they know how to spell.
I type fast,ya know.
>I type fast,ya know.
And yet you neglect to proof read while attempting to insult others.
I thought you hated the media?Why would you care about anyone insulting them?
Rip Jeb the guac man