It's time to get redpilled on whores, and the sexual liberation Sup Forums:

It's time to get redpilled on whores, and the sexual liberation Sup Forums:

Currently, relations between men and women are horrible.

Men are weak, needy, risk-averse and too often confuse providing safety and security for certain women, with being passive-aggressive to those that make mean comments about any woman.

Conversely, the situation that women find themselves in is far more dire; hypersexualization. Thanks the the Cultural Marxist-led sexual revolution and liberation of the 1960s, which is still ongoing, women are becoming less and less valuable.

While the aforementioned unhealthy attitudes in men can be, and often are, fixed by a mix of maturity, experience and first hand failure, the unhealthy attitudes in women are permanently scarring.

Women who lose their virginity to men that aren't, or don't go on to be, their husbands experience monumental drawbacks that are disastrous for society when seen on a large scale.

The more partners a woman has had:

>The less likely she is to be in a stable marriage
>The more likely she is to report marital unhappiness
>The less likely she is to be happy
>The more likely she is to be depressed
>The more likely she is to be infected with an STI
>The more likely she is to be divorced
>The more likely she is to be a single mother

Other urls found in this thread:

ost of these are obvious; however, unfortunately many today will go to great lengths to pretend that their irresponsible hedonism is perfectly fine and has no consequences.

A Monogamous, married (or other cultural equivalent) couple with children - the family in the strictest of sense - is the building block of any successful civilization. There's a very good reason most successful religions, cultures and civilizations have tried very hard to regulate sexuality; those forces understood the extraordinarily harmful effects of weak, broken or nonexistent families.

The situation in the west is especially dire thanks to the dismantling of patriarchal customs, laws & norms, most governments subsidizing single mothers, and widespread birth control freeing sexual participants from consequences, easily noticeable consequences, at least.

A man, in the west, has a duty to get married and have children. He has a duty to his family to carry on their name. He has a duty to his country to keep replacement rates up and invalidate the supposed "need" for third-world immigration. He has a duty to his culture and people to help instill proper values into the next generation. He has a duty to himself to experience the joys of fatherhood.

Yet, despite this fundamental duty, marriage is a bleak prospect for men. Divorce rates are extraordinarily high, most often initiated by women, with the most frequent reason being 'dissatisfaction.' A combination of simple dissatisfaction, a lack of problem-solving capabilities, poor judgement from both parties, and a deeply sick culture allows for a woman to take everything from her soon-to-be ex-Husband. His family, his reputation, his wealth, even his own home.

Some men have decided to 'go their own way.' Despite their relatable and sincere intentions, this will be the downfall of the west, far before any economic or demographic issue. The only way this problem will end is if men, collectively, end this hedonistic frenzy of irresponsibility and supposed 'liberation.'

It's not impossible to do, societies have actually been saved from the brink of unchecked sexuality.

Vladimir Lenin and Leon (((Bronstein))) Trotsky were both fairly liberal, in many respects. Lenin's Soviet Union provided abortion-on-demand, made divorce easy and cultivated a sexually degenerate culture that was analogous to American "Free Love" in the 1960s.

Divorce went up. As did single motherhood (And with it, property crime and homelessness). A terrible economic system serving such a corroded culture almost caused catastrophe in the USSR. Thankfully, Stalin reversed what Lenin and Trotsky had wrought. He limited abortion, he made divorce much harder to come by, and promoted a culture that discouraged degeneracy. The formerly liberal USSR became borderline Puritanical under Stalin.

Stalin's measures were drastic, and aren't yet necessary for the West's situation; however, it did prove a valuable lesson, Pandora's box can, in fact, be closed.

Men and women aren't equal, women need and crave firm leadership. They know, as much as we do that their behaviour is wrong. We need to encourage strong and vocal attacks against pornography, yoga pants, hypersexualization, the destigmatization of whores, the pedestalization of sexual exploration, and the acceptance of casual sex.

We need to go a step further, and do ourselves a favor in the process; stop rewarding women who engage in these sorts of behaviors. Don't validate them, don't fawn over them, don't date them.

That's the key here. Leave non-virgins to the men stupid enough to settle, and never be stupid enough to settle for a non-virgin. Dating or marrying non-virgins presents massive risks, that don't present any justifiable reward.

More relvant facts on female sexuality:

>The younger a woman is when she loses her virginity, the higher her sex partner turnover rate will be
>Women who lose their virginity at age 13 have a partner turnover rate four times higher than those who become sexually active in their early 20s
>The earlier a woman has sex, the less likely she is to be in a stable marriage
>There's a very high correlation between single motherhood and property crime

List of non-arguments:

>There aren't any more virgins!

Yes, there are, you just have to find them. Try fairly serious Churches, date younger, etc.

>You must be an autistic virgin!

Sex isn't hard to get. It doesn't take a mentally unstable, emotionally neglected Eurasian to agree with history, data and reality.

>Society's probably going to collapse anyway, who cares about future generations?

You're going to make it that much easier for the powers you hate to conquer your society, because you feel like society MIGHT collapse?


This is often repeated by people LARPing as alphas on the internet. It's not an argument.

>Sex is fun!

Sugar tastes good. Much like sex, humans have a natural desire for sugar. There's a biological justification for this, but it doesn't mean we should eat nothing but sugar. People who do that are more often than not obese sacks of garbage. Guess what happens to women who have too much sex?

mmmmm, entices one to ponder, indeed

Basically either find, date and marry a virgin girl or whose virginity you took or become an unhappy person who will get divorced and sent to the cleaners.

>Men are weak, needy, risk-averse and too often

Speak for yourself amerifat

That's a cute dress. I would literally stick my erect penis inside her wet vagina and ejaculate.

You think any Virgin woman would want to marry the kind of scum who go to Sup Forums?

People here are too corrupt to deserve virgins and should suffer celibacy

bitch and moan all you want but women will never go back unless you beat them back

bless KEK


My ex literally had incest fantasies, rape fantasies, and another I won't even fucking type. Hyper slut, cheater, dumped. Fuck women they are trash.

OP why did you sperg out and spend 2 hours writing this post when you could've been out meeting chicks

Only virgins spout nonsense like whatever that shit you just posted is

>Not hiding his power level
You deserve to be forever alone.

Of course I hide it.

But is the any more honorable than being a closet faggot?

>But is the any more honorable than being a closet faggot?
It is if you get to keep your loyal faithful girlfriend and future wife while covertly fighting for your beliefs.

OP I fucking commend you. I truly do brother. You are a good man.

That being said FUCK this society. I fucking hate it. I can look at every women and she's a fucking whore and/or junky. This is not exaggeration. I live in Clearwater Florida it's fucking everywhere.

They are not worth saving. We are not worth saving. Let this whole God damn sick show burn.

BTW fun note a chick I know blew a guy in Denny's and got like 3 million views on world star.

You have to be convincing, and not be a little bitch. Dont hide your power level, just dont say dumb shit like yeah lets gas the kikes or whatever.

Be subtle, ease her into the red pilling. She will follow your lead if she's the right kind of gal. Just had a shag with this northern lass who's 100% pro remain in the EU but I managed to talk her around to at least considering voting leave. Learn some persuasion guys.

As for this thread, yeah. Marry a fucking virgin that loves you like you're worth the world, make it your quest in life, be the best you can be to make that shit come true. We've all seen marriages that weren't like that - our fucking parents, mine are great individually but together they're absolute shit because of these issues.


I'm speaking about general trends. The loss and vilification of masculinity are fairly observable trends currently.

Do you go around telling girls you go to Sup Forums? If not, why does it matter? Despite the shitposting, and anti-social tendencies of the website, Sup Forums at least has plenty of good, decent and moral people.

There's a chance they might. You have to consider, right now, they're being rewarded and celebrated for throwing virtue to the wind.

A cheating whore with fucked up fantasies that was also a hyper slut? Glad you dumped her, user, but you should've seen red flags all over the place.

>Worldstar blowjob nets 3 gorillion views

Absolutely disgusting.

Have you tried the Churches around there, user? If not, have you considered moving to a smaller, or more rural community?

Your logic is sound, now get it out in the real world instead of on a taiwanese carpetry emporium

I had one relationship back when I was totally bluepilled with a Bangladeshi (pretty much apostate) Muslim second generation American. She was a Virgin and wanted to wait untilarriage and we didn't have sex but ultimately I couldn't get over her career obsession and constantly accusing me of ruining her grades. And also her father wouldn't have approved of me and I couldn't deal with the culture difference. I won't be race mixing ever again (I'm Italian) As I started to research stuff she started to agree with me on things like zionists though.

ikr ahmed. do it now, ramadan is in 1 week

Caamib,is that you?

What about the more partner a man has had? Develop on women loosing their virginity to men that arent virgin please.

Nope I am single and never dating again. 32 tomorrow, seen these fucking sluts too many times to have any faith. Good luck though man hope you find yours.

>just dont say dumb shit like yeah lets gas the kikes or whatever.
you know nothing faggot, my gf hates the kikes everybit as much as me, and totally agrees that hitler did nothing wrong.

I just don't go full blown racist and shit.

It's so strange that white women are the sexiest women in the world yet have so little respect for their body.

OP, you're absolutely right and yours is a good analysis.
But it isn't enough. Marrying a virgin isn't enough.
Because there are a lot of rotten apples who will try to rot your apple too. You can't even trust her to go out with her friends or to the gym.
The only safe way is to close her in your house, without Internet. But obviously you can't do that, she'd be unhappy.
It's a lose-lose situation.

If you cannot handle the modern world or you don't want to rebel against it then kill yourself fag.

Even if virgins all women have the evil seed, just deal with it.

Nice trips. I try, but there are limits. Currently going through a few Churches. I've heard rural places are pretty good for women who aren't whores, but I can't move to one yet.

Plus, I have to spread the good word on Sup Forums, or at the very least, make sure other like-minded people have the data linked in the second post.

I've tried searching for a definitive answer on this, but the results are mixed.

They vary from minimal effect, to a man having (very roughly) twice the threshold for promiscuity that women have.

Granted male promiscuity practically requires a permanent underclass of willing whores, so despite the lack of (or minimal-moderate) drawbacks, there's still a negative effect for male hypersexuality.

Regardless of the differences in data, though, most suggest that men aren't "punished by the reality" for sex here and there.

>some men have decided to 'go their own way'

>this will be the downfall of the west

caused by WHAT? your saying that going your own way for a male, compared to 1960's and the fact that women are 99.9% of the human replacement commander's and chiefs while women have been going their way before most of us were even SHOWING UP ON GODS GREEN EARTH? we were raised by the girls who never grew up and its just been an endless age of the WGTOW. wake up and know that MGTOW is only a tiny minority compared to that BEAST WGTOW that is the MAINSTREAM accepted western culture destroying the west. its the giant elephant in the room that everyone thinks was always there but its been crapping up the room since the 1960's. more proof that guys just keep hating each other instead of calling a cunt a cunt and that my friend is why the west will fall.

I think multiple serial committed relationships are damaging to men as much as women. Then again I'm probably just a weak cuck who can't get over his ex. Still the guys who've had multiple relationships tend not to be as promiscuous anymore but empty and depressed when older.

Really the fix for this is going back to marriage being more practical and not an ordeal of long term competitive dating. Families need to get involved in courtship again but this will never happen.

See I want to rebel. Dont care about consequences anymore. I am ready to die. Just not sure where to make my mark yet.

Good man, now you see why it isn't a meme, race mixing very rarely produces healthy relationships.

Muhammed Ali sums it up perfectly. Nobody can ever refute this video. I've literally never seen anybody properly refute it.

>People here are too corrupt to deserve virgins and should suffer celibacy
i don't understant that statement. I come here to get some laughs and the funny may mays. I don't like Sup Forums and other boards.

Well most people here would consider me a filthy nonwhite mongrel being Sicilian and 1/4 Jewish. But really I'm only mostly attracted to dark haired Mediterranean looking women. Even most Jews I find repulsive and I'm glad I don't have the hooked nose.

>Marrying a virgin isn't enough.

It's really not, but it's a step in the right direction.

I would say locking a girl inside is a bit on the extreme end though. You just have to cultivate a healthy lifestyle for yourselves as a couple.

I've seen a girl, for example, make it through High School and go halfway through College without becoming a whore.

She eventually slept with someone, but she'd been dating him for years and he had proposed a few months before.

She had a very healthy relationship with her family, and surrounded herself with people that weren't whores.

That's why I'm a big fan of Church for this kind of stuff.

Define rebel. I'm currently advocating a rebellion against culture. Any rebellion against governments, which is something that I don't support would be meaningless. Not only is there not a good climate for rebellion, but regime change wouldn't fix cultural corrosion.

I might've been a bit harsh on MGTOW, but it's something that's not helpful at all. I get where those guys are coming from, but they actually do need to "man up." Not in the sense of marrying some used up whore (Which is often the meaning of the phrase nowadays), but in the sense that they need to reclaim their rightful gender role in the culture.

They see the problems that are going on, but decide to opt out, instead of fight against it.

Kek nice.

Nonwhites tend to be much more red pilled on jews, its an anglo thing to be a kike puppet mostly.

Breed that blood out senpai, dilute it enough and it will fade with time, you'll have little olive descendants. Do it

>Nonwhites tend to be much more red pilled on jews,
This is true, im white, but my girlfriend is half japanese, she fucking hate jews and Israel!

Bro give me a gun and tell me who the fuck to kill and I can do that but I cannot fix this broken culture. It's not personal but you cannot save it man. You are watching the shit before it hits the fan.

Mate with her

Sicilians are fine in my book. I also tend to be okay with Quarter-anything-but-black.

Hell, the 1/4 Jewish thing wouldn't have been a problem in Hitler's Germany.

>I live in Clearwater Florida

Step 1: leave Florida. Massive shithole.

Kek I'm pale as shit. My dad is fairly olive and his mother is darker but my mom who has the part Ashkenazi blood made me sickly pale but I didn't get kike facial features.

those 80's high hip panties are so hot, but girls don't wear them anymore for some reason

me too comrade

My Bday is tomorrow I am 32 and all I have is my mom and dad. Literally that's it man. I live alone and pay my own bills but moving away is so depressing to me.

Told my dad the other day how I feel and be said maybe I should move, I literally would die for this guy. When he said that I just lost the last spec of hope i had.

Patterns fucking clear brother.

Do it at a club, with a note in your pocket about how fucked Modern people are.

>My Bday is tomorrow I am 32 and all I have is my mom and dad. Literally that's it man. I live alone and pay my own bills but moving away is so depressing to me.
>Told my dad the other day how I feel and be said maybe I should move, I literally would die for this guy. When he said that I just lost the last spec of hope i had.

Sounds like all the more reason to move, user. You have very few things holding you to Florida. Airfare is cheap, you can visit your parents pretty much any time you want (and they can visit you). A lot of people would kill to have so few obligations.

Cut the umbilical cord you cuck. Youre fucking 32.

Rather target deserving individuals who we all agree deserve it. Innocents, even if rare, should not suffer. I strictly believe I will end up going full fucking retard one day but I refuse to hurt people who still have a good heart so to speak. I might end up in hell either way if it even exists but ya I can't be down with that bro.

They're pretty nice. I like low rise briefs the best.

Sounds like you're just talk then.

Is that really a shocker?

Going to do it probably. Just very sad that it's come to this. Ty.

Amen. Fuck it. I might pay my own bis and live alone but they are all I have. You're fucking right though and it kills me. God speed fucker.

>Going to do it probably. Just very sad that it's come to this. Ty.

What's the worst that happens? You move somewhere else for a few years, don't like it, and go back to Florida? Or maybe try somewhere else?

What's the best that happens? You move and end up loving it then laugh at why you waited so long?

>Mate with her
We want to have at least 3 kids, but we can't yet.

I just graduated from university and am jobless, can't find a job due to the economical crisis of my country, while she is on the second year of university, and therefore still has a few years of studying before she graduates.

For now I am. Bro I got a 250 grand charge from a female, I did absolutely nothing. Charge is dropped I am not fucking degenerate. If that didn't make me kill, it's going to take a bigger push. But I am really getting there. I am not full of shit though the desire to make evil fucks pay is in me, I will just end up being evil myself. It's all subjective morality anyway at this point but god damn I might just start killing the type of folks who deal H and put fentanol to purposefully make users OD so junkies think it's good smack. I hate druggies but these types of dealers deserve to die. And no cops will give a fuck. Investigation will be half assed. Just some thoughts.

>rape fantasies
>my fetish
>wish I could find a GF who wanted me to "rape" her all the time.

We have the same tastes my fellow burger. Those kinds of women are my kryptonite.

Have you had any luck finding any wife material ones? I'm not completely hopeless yet, I still want to find a good women and start my own family.

Problem is she might get raped for real and fucking like it. Worse then being cucked. You got rape cucked!

>Try fairly serious Churches, date younger
I'm not religious and I just can't find younger women (

>expose a girl to feminism, cultural marxism, and rampant sexuality from childhood
>"the consequences are so strange"

Nope. Just left engineering school of majority pajeets and changs and starting work in the Washington DC area in July. No clue how I'll ever see another woman who isn't an old HR harpy ever again.

>(Which is often the meaning of the prase nowadays)

the meaning of the phrase implies that any human can really "get up" in society at all... look at the numbers again. I'm happy for the girls who are able to make it big in life too btw but if most of our species has no hope then not even a man can really manage to "man up" lol. Btw your a really nice person and this thread is awesome and I respect your reply to my rude rant.

I want to catch a decent girl, wife her, and have children.
But at the same time, vast swathes of modern women are shit. Entitled SJWs, retarded liberals, hypersexual sluts, psychologically broken due to being raised by single/divorced mothers and having daddy issues, I could go on. These are the types of broken women who are high risk and relationships with them are liable to end up in divorce or worse.

I have no fucking clue where to meet decent women. All I can ever find are unsuitable hookup-culture garbage. And I swear to god, nobody better give me that "meet a nice christian girl at church!" bullshit. I go to mass every week. There are no young single women, period.

I understand logically where the MGTOW guys are coming from when they just want to forego the entire song and dance entirely. But I want a family and children. I don't want to be a genetic dead-end just as responsible for the decline of the white race as the anti-child SJW cat ladies out there.

The problem is the wife material types that we are looking for don't put themselves out there like most modern women do. While that's generally a good thing, it kind of makes them difficult to find.

And the fact that you just entered the workforce isn't going to make things any easier for you. Best of luck though, they are out there.

The girls you're looking for float up the socioeconomic ladder to the society-tier Chads who are looking for a wifey to settle down. You get stuck with the chafe

I just moved to Manassas for an Engineering job. Just graduated college. Don't worry - woman everywhere.

George Soros. get your own gun.

I want a family too. But I just gave up. All I find are whores. What the fuck do we doooooo. I should of joined the Marines God fucking damn it.

First of all, nice digits.

Secondly, that can't be all there is to it. It can't' be that everyone but the elite class has to settle for broken women raised by single mothers with daddy issues who have sucked 100 cocks in their 20s. I can't accept that.

10 4 pattern is clear

the brazilian japanese seem nice enough if you ask me

My buddy is a doctor and basically found a 9/10 girl. Not sure if she's a whore or decent human being though. She looks wholesome but that means absolutely fuck all.

I really do think he's right man. We are the modern day peasants we just have Internet and plumbing.

The silver lining is that the attitudes of women are based entirely on peer pressure and conformity. Women always take the position of whatever society deems the most vanilla and kosher. Hence why all the women were traditional back in the 50s and they're all progressive shitstains in the modern era. But we all know the pendulum is swinging back to the right. So it's possible there will be a resurgence of proper women. But I fear that it will take time, and by then I'll be in my 40s or 50s.

We are modern day peasants we just have Internet and plumbing.

Exactly, I will be 80 and shit will finally be getting corrected. I should of just joined the Marines like I had planned at least I would of had a brotherhood. My cuck father took that from me as did my mother with massive guilt trips. Fuck I have no heart I should of joined. I ended up fucked up and miserable anyway at least I would of seen some fucking action.

Sorry, but this is the truth:

Fewer working/middle class women are being raised with traditional values because of the downfall of the nuclear family and the rise of cultural postmodernism.

The rich and moneyed understand the importance of family, so this isn't a problem for them.

The few good girls that do pop out of a middle class existence marry up. Sorry my man, all I can say is work hard and you'll get your turn.

Got a real good feeling you are right. I am 32 dude it's over lol. Young guys take this advice and become a success.

At least peasants had women as well. Feudalism still operated under christianity and monogamous relationships (which generally meant most men could have wives) was still in place. But yeah, that's a sad but true statement, more or less.

And I've learned that appearing wholesome means jack fucking shit. I've met seemingly wholesome girl-next-door types who ended up being cultural marxist feminist turbosluts. It's not as simple as just avoiding women who are obvious clubslut degenerates. They've learned how to hide their pitfalls.

And I wouldn't even say being well-off helps. I'm not a doctor, but I'm a fresh-out-of-school pharmacist and make good money. But the irony is that educated women statistically tend to be even bigger whores and tend to have even higher divorce rates than average.

Geeze that's depressing to know your in that business and can't find a good girl. My cousin chelsea sucked dick at 13 and is a pharmacy tech lol, maybe you can tag her if you work near Springfield, MA.

>But the irony is that educated women statistically tend to be even bigger whores and tend to have even higher divorce rates than average.

Sauce for that?

Damn, this thread is kind of getting me depressed for the future. I'm only 24 but still, it's hard finding a decent girl from a strong family unit these days.

I really don't believe this either. The middle class girls who are first/second gen college students and gold diggers are probably more promiscuous and unfaithful, but women in higher SE strata are miles better.

We're not going to make it. :(

So what do I do? I want to seriously date a beautiful girl with no cheating with each other. I don't want play around with dating.

All I can say is work hard and make it into the upper middle class, and hope you'll become at least a beta brad that some good girl's father approves of.

>Damn, this thread is kind of getting me depressed for the future. I'm only 24 but still, it's hard finding a decent girl from a strong family unit these days.

Don't be. 24 is still really young. I didn't know shit when I was 24 (I thought I did though).

My mistake, I was wrong on that and got it backwards. College-grads have lower divorce rates while drop-outs and those with only diplomas are higher.

This is totally anecdotal, but all the girls in pharmacy school were either
1) taken and in long term relationships
2) turbosluts

And that's how it always seems to be. All the decent women are snatched up. All the single ones are sluts. Impossible to find a non-broken single woman.

>So what do I do? I want to seriously date a beautiful girl with no cheating with each other. I don't want play around with dating.

It is a numbers game. Date around, learn how to get comfortable with women, and you'll figure out how to sniff out the non-wife material. It's just're out $20-40 tops.

That attitude is as naiive as it is feminine.

>image search
>"escolares russas"

Hello pablo, how was your day of landscaping?

lots of this is a consequence of the accessibility porn. porn should be banned.

You better not be a liberal shill. Of course I am going to be strong for my family. With what's going on in the world today, I want to pass my family name to my children and continue my legacy.

Honestly the whole Internet including Sup Forums should be banned. At this point it's inseparable from porn. It's just conversation porn.