What is Sup Forums's opinion on northern ireland ?
Its a shithole and fuck the place
t. Northern Irish person who escaped the place
where did you escape to? Come on... it's not as shit as some other places in the uk at least :P
North West England, soon to be London
nah, its a shithole
Wolverhampton, here. It can't be as bad as this, surely.
well this is from a man from northern Ireland, its a shithole and everyone here deserves a good biblical flood
Should've got independence, fuck the Queen, fuck the paras cover-up bastards, long live the 'ra
t. grew up in south armagh
I grew up there (Bangor). It's a shithole and anyone with any drive or motivation gets the fuck out as soon as possible.
After I moved I came back 5 years on a trip to visit friends and literally nothing changed. Because people do nothing but collect welfare and drink it doesn't need to evolve. It's like it's trapped in time.
I wouldn't mind if it went off and became a part of actual Ireland.
one day my friend, one day...
Hate the place, wish I could move down south.
Why do you want to lynch taigs so much?
Should be given back to Ireland, all people there should be given an option to remain in Ireland or be relocated in Britain (with compensation).
We need to build a wall and Britain is going to pay for it.
part of the united kingdom just like any other.
Plastic fucking paddies the lot of ya. God save the queen and may all those IRA bastards burn in hell.
Wasteland. Give it back to Ireland desu.
>soon to be London
I'm so sorry
Known a few lads from there, solid guys
A bit poor, but pretty and great roads for rallying
Still largely uncucked. The economy ain't great, Yank companies seem to think of us as the pajeets of the English speaking world. Would still rather earn £24,000 working for a local company here than $120,000 (probably half that for H1B1 workers) for the same job in cuckilon valley.
My only gripe with our wee country is the fenian problem, they're the same breed as your typical western leftist.
Bangor's even worse now than it was before. Fuck me.
I'm half English, half Northern Irish.
No one in England has any idea about the place even though it seems to be the only country in the UK that doesn't hate England (minus the republicans of course).
Anyone with talent soon leaves for Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh and the rest stay in the country.
UK wants to keep it out of principle, Ireland says they want it out of principle but it's such an economic dive they only do this to please the people.
If I had the choice I'd be independent from both Ireland and the UK but it would essentially be suicide.
I'm from Londonderry/Derry as is my mother, dad is from Leicester in the army.
Keep it.
Fuckin Micks
Last sane country in Western Europe. I love you guys.
Kill the papists, and keep running the niggers out based Norn Iron.
Nuke the shithole and nuke London, everyone worth being happy is now happy.
It's a dump and it's the black sheep of the UK that everyone tries to ignore.
They have to do something with it as Northern Ireland is an artificial state that was never meant to last long-term.
At the moment, peace has been somewhat achieved and no ones to touch incase republican and loyalist terrorists balls up the place again.
Once most the older ones are dead then an United Ireland seems likely as it is the only way to save the place as the UK is losing lots of money in keeping it alfloat but it's the question of whether other people actually want it.
Republic of Ireland and UK don't seem to want it and Northern Ireland can not go independent by itself so it's fucked so matter happens.