Old thread What do you think happened to her Sup Forums?
Old thread >>75485345
Other urls found in this thread:
First for her being stalked by her old repressive family who she escaped from two months ago.
>But I have just had an update that she was seen at Barking station at 10pm last night. Heading down there now to ask if they saw her or if they could check CCTV, I'm getting desperate now.
>Barking station
Is that a culturally vivacious area?
Your image scaling is fucked up.
Looks like the type of girl that starts sucking dick at 11 and never stops
It's a complete shithole
Why do the poor dress like slags? They're just announcing to the world that they come from a certain economic group.
Why can't they dress nice like this girl?
More importantly though: is she white Sup Forums?
>still looks better than half of our country
Are there chavs in Czech Rep.? Otherwise, it probably isn't.
Does this help?
I recognize that road.
Two words: Dirty Dan
"PLZ BE IN LONDON" - dead girl's brother
I'm assuming the cheaper property and rock bottom level of happiness wasn't just a spontaneous coincidence.
Now's the time for her family to get REALLY worried.
Errrr hard to say its east london probably not full white desu turkish/greek half breed with english probs
What's his name again, Sup Forums?
Pripiyat, London.
Dan "the diaper slider hurry up and get inside her" Schneider
>tfw no more pics of this slag
Why, Sup Forums, why?
I wouldn't call her a slag normally, but
>Five hoop earrings
Come on. Surely there must be an instagram or something?
>be 14 years old
>dress like a street hooker
She was literally begging for cultural enrichment.
migrants happened.
Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider
That picture is essentially what happened in Dagenham. Replace the nigs with pakies for Barking.
dindu nuthin!!
Dan "I rape children" Schneider
Dan'Rape kids not war'Schneider
Dan "if she doesn't suck her thumb, she's too old for 'um" Schneider.
It looks as if Political Correctness has just potentially sacrificed another lamb.
what the fuck
/r/London is cuck'd so bad.
Who moderates these boards? Lonely white beta males who never go outside? Their entire nation, culture and civilization is being sacked from within and all they can do is sensor anything that resembles reality.
Let the goddamn racist, Sup Forums posts commence. The world needs to learn the truth. Fathers need to give their daughters advice about sand niggers. It's about survival at this point. Would you drink a glass of water is there was a 10% chance it would kill you? No. Flint Michigan logic right there but they won't apply it anywhere else.
>>tfw no more pics of this slag
There's a small one on the police tweet at least:
No u maed he saaad :(
Green bomber jacket.
Wear one on them in Dagenham and expect to be stabbed.
Pick one.
Dan "FOUR SCOOPS, COME ON!" Shillenger.
>missing brit girl
Probably joined ISIS. Mystery solved.
Haha you can tell pol has visited, just waiting for a Shlomo Sheckleberg to oyy vey in
I don't get it, I went there and all they say is "call the police" or "post it on facebook". That's stupid, they seem to be a shitload, they should organize a search instead. There are 400 commentaries, all telling the same. What's the fucking point if they can just thumb up replies ?
What, are you crazy? Those incredibly culturally diverse neighbourhoods can get really dangerous this late in the night, especially for members of a party of fragile white liberals.
No, they will instead call upon the fascist, racist, white supremacist copper pigs for them to hopefully do the hard work and, if lucky, solve the situation for them instead, while the well-meaning leftists then pat each other in the back for how anti-racist, non-bigoted and "moral" they are.
>letting a 14 year old roam free in a sharia law zone
They shoud call shariah police to start investigating on the case then.
Dan "Size of a beer can" Schneider.
shit like this and worse literally happens multiple times a day and is probably happening around the world to girls right now
just because this one is on reddit you make thread after thread about it?
probably touching yourself over her too, no doubt
fucking sick fucks just kill yourself kek you're fucking worthless. some of the posts in the last thread just screamed 'pathetic virgin losers'
Dan 'I fuck children' Schneider
Why so upset Ahmed?
looks like a Romanian street urchin, also this is total bollocks.
Calm down Mohamed
hell yes, live 20 minutes away in a white flight area
it's 95% white in the north m8. but really, what purpose does this serve? bad shit happens. it's not as if it's your sister, get on with it. the cunts upboating and retweeting are fishing for le karma and le reddit gold. these threads are on the same level.
Hmm.... not according to my research m8
Why so embarrassed of your own kind Ahmed?
>95% white
>it's not as if it's your sister
But she IS my european sister. Why wouldn't I care about my kind ? See, the only thing I envy from muslims is that they have this sense of brotherhood and community.
Anywhere above Watford is northern to me you northern monkey
Also 95% in the north? Lolol, ive been to Bradford and Rochdale, its far from fucking white.
you are talking shit.
>95% white in the north
>UK consists of London and nothing else
what is scotland, wales, northern island?
for fuck sake, is your skin even white?
>white in the north
>is your skin even white?
Why you ask......? I don't want to be a martyr please spare me Ahmed!! PLEASEEEEEEE111
>north britain means northern england
jesus christ m8s
Dagenham is London, Rodrigo.
Fun fact:
In 2001, the White British population of Barking and Dagenham was 80%. By the 2011 census, this figure decreased to 49.5%, an astounding reduction of some 30% within a decade.
It's projected that by 2031, the White British population will be less than 5% in Barking and Dagenham. That's a 75% reduction in 30 years, a remarkable change that nobody has ever once consented to at the ballot box.
No idea what happened to this girl.
I'm sorry, pol. But it's true. All of it. And if you criticise it you're going against the grain of "diversity" and the "melting pot".
I was discussing this with my gf today, we've been brainwashed into thinking that nationalism and seeing a Union Jack/St George's flag = racism. Why the fuck should we conjure thosei mages in our mind for seeing our nation's symbol? Lefties have memed their way into power. We're fucked and all the major cities like London, Birmingham, Bolton, Sheffield etc are full of mudslime and dindus.
It;s ogre.
>north britain means northern england
So why post a fucking picture of Scotland you mong?
>north britain = northern england
b-but meme arrows. poor bait lad, you all dived in like nonces.
Based Pennan.
Comfy as fuck
"in the north" yet you still post pictures of east london?
If the British police dispatches an unit to the area, is it considered a transgression/invasion of a different nation's (Londonistan) sovereignty?
Could that potentially cause an "intra-international" accident?
thread theme
White homogeneity and flags lead to Hitler, and we can't have that so off comes the flag and that horrible, racist white demography.