>land of the free
>Can't even drink a beer in public
Can someone explain this to me?
>land of the free
>Can't even drink a beer in public
Can someone explain this to me?
Redpill me on McBeer.
nobody wants drunkards roaming the streets getting shot by the police for acting like niggers.
>inb4 statist cuck
I'll waste my time however I like m8
I've had it it Europe.
It is not very mcgood.
Are all americans meat that big?
>implying I don't drink in public all the time
Nigga I'm half-blitzed most of the time, you just gotta be inconspicuous about it.
it is bullshit, probably directed to homeless people
Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son.
put that shit in a thermos and you're good to go
Nigger you don't even know the laws of your own country
fuck i'm hungry also it's not that good, in germany you get bottles not Cups
They're are literally like 5 towns where it is legal to drink in public in America.
Blue laws that went on so long they were absorbed into the cultural fabric.
It's really bizarre to me.
But at the same time, all the people I know who drink are horrible drunks and even a drop means they're duty bound to drink until belligerent, combative and unconscious. So, I find it hard to imagine a world where one beer is a thing.
Drinking is for people who need to escape.
Escape if for children and women and cowardly men.
If your life is shit, improve it instead of drinking.
If your life is great, you wouldn't need to drink.
>Made up bullshit number
There is not any sort of federal law preventing drinking in public.
You are all fags living under a fucking pseudo-sharia shithole, thats why! If it wasnt for fucking capone you would be worse.
>Be european
>Can drink his beer in public
Feels good to be free!
Not drinking is for weak cucks who can't handle their alcohol
If you can handle it fine. Most drunks I know are pathetic fuck boys or recovering junkies.
now this is hilarious.
i'm sure that you're right though, the rich surely aren't the ones drinking johnny walker blue.
no way, just the pathetic homeless.
i really hope this is bait.
damn son. life is great when you post.
>There is not any sort of federal law preventing drinking in public.
Okay how is this relevant when 99% of local laws makes it illegal?
>big mcfeast
They aren't even trying at this point.
I don't even know why people go to McDonald's, everytime I go I get a McShit meal that looks like it's been assembled by an armless McSpastic
Didn't that guy get cucked?
There's no such thing as JIDF shilling on Sup Forums you fucking stormfag idiots
>mfw im one of the three
The only reason you say that is because you're a white, privileged male and you've never had to work a day in your life. Us oppressed people need some "escapism" because we aren't trust fund babies like you.
there is no federal law regarding drinking alcohol in public. but because it is unsafe and degenerate, locally it is usually illegal.
tell me of this "McFeast"
That's cause they're retards who get paid shit.
If you'd pay them 15 pounds an hour, you'd get a beautiful burger. But then the burger would cost more and you'd not buy it.
The hell is a McFeast?
do you take cofee?
how do you excuse yourself? must be interesting
I'll be honest, my Yankee Doodle friend. I love America.
However, I think your alcohol laws are primitive and silly.
I don't think it's right that someone can join the army three years before they can have a pint.
I also like our law in which someone under 18 can have a beer in a pub as long as it is served with a meal. That's nice.
Mate, I adore America. I think you're wonderful people. I'd only like to be able to have more pints with more of you.
Obviously you can drink beer in public, you just can't walk around the streets blatantly drinking alcohol. You could put it in a brown paper bag and be perfectly fine as long as you didn't look homeless
2bfair alcohol literally lowers testosterone levels.
>but because it is unsafe and degenerate
T. Ahmed
You can drink on the street in many places like las vegas. All you see in those areas are homeless niggers asleep on the sidewalk, there nothing to be gained by being allowed to drink everywhere, it just lets the degeneracy seep out into everyday life.
It's also pretty cool that you can drink on private property from the age of 5.
I literally drink 1 to 3 beers a day. I don't get horribly drunk, I dont like losing my mental faculties, I just drink a bit to relax.
99% of local laws don't make it illegal you're just making shit up bro.
24 fucking states have 0 laws against open containers and most of the ones that do it's legal to drink pretty much anywhere that isn't a road, playground or sidewalk and the laws generally permit "special events" like concerts or parades to allow drinking in the middle of the fucking street.
11 fucking states allow open containers in your fucking car while you're driving
My county has one town that's wet, could be worse user.
Or you can drink with your friends after a hard day's work and putting something out into society. Just saying.
There's a ridiculous blue law in Bergen County NJ that prohibits the sale of electronics, appliances, and anything made out of fabric. Only county with a blue law in the entire state. Don't think it's going away anytime soon.
Can you even imagine a life where the only thing you have left are problems that can't be solved with money? Shit is awful. Watch a Wes Anderson film you uncultured swine.
This. And it's argued loosening alcohol laws will make retarded teen and college kids drink themselves to death less. If it weren't such a forbidden thing for badass lawbreakers.
>no guns
literally any search engine?
Alcohol is a social drug
I think with how long Britain has been established, it relaxed an awful lot with alcohol. It's not a knock on the USA, I just think America has a stigma that it needs to work through after getting rid of prohibition.
That being said, if I were to start a business, I'd open up a big European style beer hall in the USA with fire pits and roast hogs.
That sounds fucking bizarre. Is this law abided by?
>land of the free
>cant even commit triple homicide
Tldr. Estrogen in hops causes lower test after regular consumption over time. A drink every now and then is fine.
Also just Google it m9.
>drinking past the age of 13
*sips insta coffee*
what would a McDonald Trump taste like?
>big mcfeast
The excuse is that you drink caffeine to make your day more effecient. Whereas drinking alcohol only does bad
Okay you're autism is really cute and all but as I said its practically illegal everywhere in this country.
In that Wikipedia article you just read it says there are only 10 towns where it is legal.
> sugar with alcohol.jpg
>not degenerate as fuck
wew lad
It's not USA, the monopoly is written in Spanish, maybe southamerican country.
All the great world leaders were drinkers/drunkards. Real men lead such stressful lives that alcohol and frequent nights of binge drinking are necessary.
You'll find that the only people against drinking are NEETs whose biggest daily decision is which flavor hot pocket they want their mom to bake for them.
What kind of stupid excuses are all this 'not man enough if you have to...'?
Seriously, we are talking of fucking beer in fucking mcdonalds. I like to eat with a drink by my side, beer or wine preferably and that's it. McDonalds in the EU happens to offer this service and everythings okay mate.
McBeer in the US is probably forbidden because it will make McDonalds full of niggers wasted with 1$shit-ale all day everyday causing trouble. Or maybe just because your alcohol laws are a little excesive; either way I don't give a single fuck.
>inb4 muh degeneracy.
>Gets proven wrong
>Has the reading comprehension of a potato
I'm new to burgers, I've simulated a lame menu of burger+fries+soda and I've got over a thousand calories.
It's normal?
Hes is right though, its more linked to open container laws than physically drinking alcohol. Police arent very strict about it anyways except around cars or if youre being a drunken fuckwit
Right, because cops would never hassle people some other way, i.e. public intox, disorderly conduct, etc. You're a fucking idiot if you think the police don't have clever ways to take you in for drinking in public. It will be your word against theirs, and good luck with that one.
>you can drink alcohol without having an open container
God damn I hate you "well technically" autists
Binge drinking in the streets is degenerate.
Have you ever been out in any town or city on the night of St. Patrick's Day?
Fucking Disgusting
No, I binge drink home alone.
Is it true that pubs and liquor stores aren't allowed to sell anything on Good Friday?
It's another law proving that the US is degenerating.
Drinking in public should include activities like drinking champagne at picnics, brandy from a flask during a winter walk, or beers at a 4th of July bloc party cook out.
But because of niggers, immigration, and the regressive left breaking down our traditional moralities and ethics, drinking in public means homeless people drinking 4loko while passing out in a bush, gangs drinking 40oz of malt liquor in children's playgrounds, and downtown environment street walkers drinking beers while smashing windows and flipping cars after sports games or political events.
It's MGD, so piss.
>Home of the brave...
It's Poortugal
>Anyone that can actually read or isn't a summerfag is an autist
>The city of Butte, Montana, prohibits open containers only between 2am and 8am. Drinking openly in the street is allowed throughout the city (and elsewhere in Montana where no local laws exist) during the other 18 hours of the day.[3] A recent attempt to pass a comprehensive open container prohibition in Butte met with widespread opposition and was dropped.[4] However, Montana state law does prohibit open containers in vehicles on a highway.[5]
>Drinking openly in the street is allowed throughout the city (and elsewhere in Montana where no local laws exist)
>elsewhere in Montana
What country is this?
A McFeast? Look how small that serving of fries is. No American gets that size of fries.
Never forget
> statist
You're a fuckin liberal riding the fence trying to covert as a conservative.
Wtf Francisco that's not spanish you retard. It's portuguese or some other shit. Learn your own language.
>Can't even drink a beer in public
What? Is this actually true?
Well said, user. Let people drink in public. Darwin will sort it out for us.
You can in certain states
>What country is this?
>A McFeast? Look how small that serving of fries is. No American gets that size of fries.
Sure they do, they're called infants.
>>Drinking openly in the street is allowed throughout the city (and elsewhere in Montana where no local laws exist)
>>elsewhere in Montana
>where no local laws exist
Are you even old enough to drink alcohol?
>Calling another country a shithole
how is not wanting degenerates to roam around drunk in public liberal?
Isn't every day St. Patrick's day in Ireland?
Who cares what you want, go be the boss of your house you whiny spoiled faggot.
Get a Big Mac and mcfish for 5 bucks and eat it at home with a cold blue moon. Bretty gud desu senpai
nice argument
nice ad-hominem
nice strawman
some of the most educational encounters i had was with groups of drunken austrians.
american beer is anyway beer flavoured water, I don't understand it either.
Public intoxication is against the law.
No one wants to deal with drunk assholes outside a bar.
Germany's drinking age is 16.
No one wants to deal with drunk teenagers either
land of the free is also land of the drive thru. no drinking and driving negro
yeah, if you drink the macro produced bud or miller
there's so much good beer in the States on a local or regional level
LOL, another control freak who spends the majority of his time sniffing his own family's butts all day, harassing them to the point they want OD on helium balloons.
I bet you're fun at parties.
Stop triggering me. WE HAVE EXCELLENT BEER. We have tons of good micro brews, especially IPAs.