Why doesnt he just leave the park and look under the table
I bet thats where the maze is
Why doesnt he just leave the park and look under the table
I bet thats where the maze is
It's not easy getting unshrunk
He has to find the unshrinking ray first dumbass
n i c e m e m e
Why doesnt he just leave the park and live on a farm
I bet thats where the maize is
Why doesn't he just ask his questions and kill the androids as he needs to with out doing a tough guy shtick against robots who can't hurt him?
>under the table
The bottom of the table isn't visible, there's a panel blocking that shit from view
You'd see the people in the sky you autists
Wrong. The table is at the END of the maze. Once you bet the maze quest you get to stomp around Westworld as a giant.
It's a holographic sky.
Because he's roleplaying.
With as much maize as you can eat
So the embiggenizer is the prize at the center of the maze?
this is the 1 thin i dont understand
do they shrink every1 down to fit on that map?
Of course, that seems obvious
Yes. The lift from last episode is how they get from the floor onto the table. If a giant hand dropped them in it'd break the immersion for everyone.
dont know enough about the lore or the books to know if ur twisting my balls
There are no books.
then how do you explain the existence of the show
good thread
You're a fucking moron.
The elevator shrinks with them before they get on the train
What if aliens are involved?
>All this bullshit
>theres no logical reason the park would be miniature
>its proven that there are multiple entries so how could a shrink ray cover all of them
>the hologram moves and changes meaning its not a physical object denouncing any proof its a miniature park
>diggers have been shown in the trailers, why would large diggers be needed if a shrink ray is involved
>the command center is literally inside the fucking park
But hey maybe its all in Delores' head
This is bait right? Obviously theres a smaller command center inside the park. Maybe there's an even smaller park inside that with it's own command center, and so on. Everyone's a robot so it's plausible.
it's DOLARIS ffs
>he didn't notice the mountain-sized coffe mug in the background
Why would you watch something while not paying attention to it?
it's Dolearense
Because he's shrunken while in the park. If he falls off the table he'll die from the height of the fall.