So, after watching the news the past few days, I think this guy was actually telling the truth.
Several news outlets are now starting to report that Hilary will indeed be indicted. I think this guy was telling the truth .
So, after watching the news the past few days, I think this guy was actually telling the truth.
Several news outlets are now starting to report that Hilary will indeed be indicted. I think this guy was telling the truth .
>Several news outlets are now starting to report that Hilary will indeed be indicted
source? other than that Huffington post that got taken down
Chuck Todd from MSNBC said there is now a 90% chance that Hilary will be indicted.
There will be movies made about this election cycle.
>(couldn't wait for an opportunity to post this meme)
i doubt it, theres been no damage control from the usual hilary outlets.
He said it on morning Joe. I cannot find a specific link about it but there are tons of articles about Chuck Todd grilling her over this IG report. Saying it's too end of her campaign and what not.
Keep in mind he was a huge supporter of hers.
Because they cannot control it. The fucking IG appointed by Obama released a report basically saying that Hilary willingly broke the law and lied about it.
She is so fucked.
>believing le visiting ledditor's roleplay thread
i doubt it.
there would be the usual screaming about sexism and "attacks from the mainstream media"
Ok well you said "several" news outlets. Do you have any link able sources I could read?
But almost everything he said is coming true.
Even though rumors of Biden and Warren taking Hilary's spot.
Dubs get and pic related will be used as poster art for one of the movies
That happens everyday so idk wtf you're talking about.
Other than the Huffington post link that got deleted( most likely because it was a leak that made Dems look bad), no.
But, user, that would require Trump to win.
The only prediction made is that Hillary will be indicted, which isn't a unique or rare POV. There's no mention of the IG report or anything else. Biden running? That's been a meme since last year. Just another faggy, cancerous roleplay thread
>thinking Joe Biden would be a better candidate
Niggers and Spics love Hillary. Basically the only demographic she doesn't dominate in is bernie bros and rednecks.
yes but they are generally targeted whilst mixed in with the usual feel good hilary stories.
nothing so far.
politically this would surely be something to come out attacking against unless you were planning to give up.
but if she was giving up why are the feel good propagandists still working?
Lmao at thinking that moron joe biden could beat trump
>DNC pic biden
>next week trump says "creepy joe" at a rally
>trump wins anyways
>bern victims get even more booty dusted
i see no problem here.
OK so you have 0 actual sources and you bother me with this thread? There are a million reasons why the Huff post article got deleted (such as it being wrong) and I am not interested in discussing them until I get an actual source
Because you're a stupid butthurt liberal faggot.
I hope you die in a car accident.
Maybe instead of wasting time calling me a poopoohead you could try actually researching your claims? Just a suggestion
>creepy joe
I feel like "Creepy Uncle Joe" would have more impact. Everyone's had an uncle who was just a little too friendly with the young girls in the family at get-togethers.