Proving once again that Hitler was right.
Proving once again that Hitler was right
what's the issue here tho? independents never get more than like 1-2% of votes anyways right?
In terms of American elections, more than about a 2% victory is considered a landslide.
So yeah, it matters.
Elections are usually won by 1-2% of the vote.
So a spoiler that takes a 1-2% edge away from our side could give the election to the other side.
Bill Kristol is motivated by Israel, so my reading is that he thinks Hillary would act more in the interests of Israel than Trump would.
>Bill Kristol is motivated by Israel
no one chokes on jew dick harder than trump
Can we turn neocon opposition to Trump into support from Bernie supporters?
Logic: neocon warhawks prefer a Hillary presidency to a Trump one. This is because Hillary has demonstrated her willingness to go to war as a first option, both in Iraq, and in Libya and Syria. Trump has said he would not engage in such wars.
So, who do you prefer? The hawk or the dove?
Of course the obvious counterexample is Hillary.
>no one chokes on jew dick harder than trump
Wrong.Trump was criticized by other candidates and Ben Shapiro for NOT sucking Jew dick harder.
A Jew in our country who has tricked us before into using our military to fight and pay for his racist wars, now sees Jew control of our country slipping away, and he as well as the rest of the body of Jews is taking action to prevent that.
should trump have taken this kike's bait like that?
In actuality it's a little more complicated than that. Trump isn't going to give the neocons the war against Iran that they want. If he was they wouldn't be trying so hard to get a spoiler in place to throw the election in Hillary's favor.
We should start a fake petition
To commit suicide if trump loses.
They've been back and forth about it a few times.
I'm sure this was just a coincidence.
who the fuck is Kristol?
A neocon, favored Iraq War and Iran War, generally war hawk, for Israel's interests.
Father was Irving Kristol, former communist, then "father of neoconservatism."
He publishes Weekly Standard, which put out this cover right after 9/11, to use it as a pretext for Iraq War.
Trump won't fight Kristol's wars, so Kristol wants to get Hillary in, because she will.
always retweet his tweets bro
Look at the 1992 and 1996 election, or even the 2000 election.
That's enough to swing any election, especially this one.
How exactly does this guy have influence? Even aside from our former neocohen administration, why is he special?
Trump likes how Israel has WALL and wants the US to have one like it, too.
Globalist jews are actually Israel's greatest existential threat. They view Israeli jews as a burnt offering to sacrifice up to further enrich themselves, the true Chosen One TOP JEWs
What is wrong with these #nevertrumpers?
They just want that lying criminal to win the election, don't they?
He's not just talking up opposition to her. He's taking practical real-world steps to put up a third party candidate with the specific goal of funneling away Republican votes that would otherwise be cast for Trump.
Of course the third party has no chance of winning, so what objective could Kristol have other than to give the election to Hillary rather than Trump.
That says a lot about who Kristol thinks Hillary is. He thinks she's a fellow war hawk, at least more so than Trump is. That fact, if advertised, should have the effect of keeping Bernie supporters away from her.
I sent it to Cenk in hopes he'll understand it and say something about it.
>opposition to *him
Al Gore lost Florida by like 1k votes
3k votes went to Ralph Nader that could have easily gone to him
Same scenario in New Hampshire, literally the entire world history and events could have been different if not for a few hundred people in 2000
Why a spoiler is bad:
>40% Trump
>60% Hillary
Hillary wins all 55 votes in the state. Now lets try it again, with Bernie running as the Progressive Candidate, sapping votes from Shillary.
>Trump 40%
>Hillary 15%
>Bernie 45%
Trump still doesn't win, but Bernie does. Hell, even if Bernie stole only half of Hillary's votes, it would play right into the Republicans hands. Trump would inevitably win, because you can't beat Republicans without the help of California. It's like Republicans trying to win without Texas.
I think the statistics are about the same for Ross Perot in 1992, when Bill Clinton won over GHW Bush.
>independent Bernie winning CA over Trump
No fucking chance.
>putting pressure on the GOP to keep their cuck crypto-marxist in line
So where is this independent candidate? Why hasn't he materialized yet?