these kinds of images really make you think don't they? what's the point of having arbitrary lines on a map somewhere if they'll ruin people's lives and separate families
These kinds of images really make you think don't they...
damn, so tru
rly makes u thingk.....
Really make you think...
yeah mang so tru
But they ruin other people's lives by crossing illegally, and bringing crime to our communities, not to mention dragging down our property values and the quality of our healthcare and schools
who forced then to come there?
they could still be toggether making tacos in some shithole in the middle of mexico
They know damn well that this is what they deserve for entering another country ILLEGALLY. I will never shed a tear over this crap.
Children should be deported too. You make me think, thank you user.
woa wtf never even thought of it that way
Ey esse Juan hundred pro cent mang.
Nobody be taken my homes from my homes.
kek then why we have doors in our houses?
we can just live like animals and let people in our house too.
If his wife really loved him and their child, she would go with him back to Mexico.
But apparently, welfare is more important than her husband or her family.
would you want your child growing up in Mexico? this dad is a hero, sacrificing himself for the sake of his child.
So whats the point of having your country exist if its just an arbitrary line? You puling lines on the map killed a lot of people for no reason
Makes me think we need to gas the subhuman shitskins.
People that dont want any borders wouldnt last a year in a borderless country because it would drain resources too fast and give them no tine to accumulate
This is why even our cuck overlords allow immigrants in bursts only each year.
Its funny because their red heroes didnt even anricipate mass immigration back then and probably wouldnt just let it happen if they were alive today.
why dont they just go to mexico with him
hes trespassing and got asked to leave
Your actions have consequences. You break the law you do the time. In this case, you cross over illegally you get your ass thrown back over the fence. No sympathy for this law breaker.
nice proxy fagmaster
these people were probably ejected from their house. they weren't hurting nobody but these unjust laws are obviously hurting them.
shit, I might look like some bleeding heart liberal but our country was built on immigration and pursuit of happiness. to deny a human being those opportunities is unjust and harsh imo
m8 this isn't a time for baltic butthurt belt posting. your situations can't be applied here
the massive homeless population in every US city who are legally here are totally not being hurt by people working for dimes
Go get raped by Serbs :)
That REALLY makes me think...
wow its like they can just follow him back to mexico
pic looks like they missed two spics
ship them all back 100%
He does realize that Mexican is just as much an evil descendant of invaders as the white devil, right?
>funny how passports and borders didnt exist hundreds of years ago
Well no shit, if you don't like todays' society is defined, move onto an island in the middle of the ocean and stay out of the country.
>be illegal
>attempt to anchor into country with baby
>get deported anyway
Justice is blind and emotionless, free from human flaws.
y dont they just go wit hym? :3
Think makes me really, I am.
Came here to say this
Each person as a member of the society must adhere to the social contract within. When breaking the social contract (which all do eventually) you must man up and answer to the consequences. A law governed by man is much like the laws of nature - complete justice lies in the arbritary of the chance and misfortune. It certainly isn't fair that a twelve year old boy gets cancer but such is the arbitrary of law. Without a social contract only anarki and the arbitrary could exist, which leaves room for no compasion, only justice in the arbitrary nature of law. I'm sad to see your emotions cloud your judgement but people with sovereign powers must by all means be stoicists.
Anarchy *
My whole world view has been up ended. I'm really thinking here
Borderless world makes sense. Borderless country is insanely idiotic. Also, this:
"WAHH THEY'RE TAKING DADDY AWAY TO A COUNTRY WE'RE ALLOWED TO FOLLOW HIM TO." Nigga's probably crying because he realizes that they value benefits more than they do staying together as a family. I'd easily leave the US to go to Mexico if my family was somehow deported. Being around them is more important that the material possessions I have access to here.
>white ppl murdered evry1 on the planet
>yet dey complain when we crack a whitey head open w/ a brick an rape a white bitch back???? get yall priorities in order whitey
dam makes u tink
Damn...really opened my eyes...made me..............think
If they really wanted to be together she would leave with him.
The solution is simple: deport the woman and child with him. Two less dirty spic mouths for the welfare system to feed.
Somebody take a picture of some child raping murderer crying with his mom or kid or something and say he's getting deported. Then watch as liverás cry for him even though it's essentially the same concept.
*smacks lips*
*colonizes the world*
*gets sunburnt*
*dances awkwardly*
>these unjust laws
could have crossed legally, didn't.
Mexico is just an arbitrary line in the sand. It's the same as everywhere else, go enjoy your life in Mexico.