Did he do anything wrong?

Did he do anything wrong?

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Who was he again? Krispen Wah?

No, she asked for it.

he died for our entertainment

he od'd on drugs. bit degenerate but it wasnt his fault. it was the bastard wrestling managers not looking out for him.


He snapped due to multiple brain injuries so he literally dindu nuffin wrong

He is a founding member of the WWF. He was their spokesman up until he tragically died.

the crippler crossface is a fucking painful hold


His finishing move was a flying headbutt. I know wrestling is staged and all but there's only so much you can fake a headbutt. Dude's brain probably looked like swiss cheese

I don't think he killed anyone. He seemed to be well liked among his fellow wrestlers. Vince, some wrestler (some think Kevin Sullivan), or maybe an outside group assassinated him. It is well known that Dino Bravo had ties to the Quebec mob and was whacked. Benoit is also from Quebec, but I don't think he had any criminal connections unless he was distributing steroids or pain killers.

>Chronic traumatic encephalopathy

I don't buy this. The Barbarian and Harley Race did diving headbutts, and they seem fine.

?? That's what he said. Krispen Wah the wrestler right?

>Using meme diagnoses

>Career and health ending
>Wife constant gold digger, jumped from wrestler to wrestler looking for money.
>Kid a retard, would not survive without a protective father.

Literally who?

grado pls



It's a shame. He was absolutely phenomenal in ring. it's too bad he was a complete cunt outside the ring, and then he went fucking crazy

It's only meme regarding NFL, very real in any other contact sport where a person keeps getting hit on the head, like boxing.

totally not real in the NFL though, for sure.

I hears some theories that Sullivan killed Benoit as a satanic sacrifice

Everyone knows it was Dean Malenko

You know he killed his wife and kids before killing himself, right?

i wonder how people backstage react when they see him

he looks JUST like chris