fucking retarded niggers thought that shit was a white kid
Fucking retarded niggers thought that shit was a white kid
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He's not black he just fell in Gorilla shit.
So he was born?
not really their fault, they probably thought that was a gorilla and it's baby and the white kid was off screen
His second father figure also shot to death by zoo keepers (police)
Bit of monkey news for ya. This kid right, fell into some water at the monkey zoo. Turns out right, this kid was a monkey all along. Weird innit?
They shot the wrong gorilla.
Reeeeeally makes you think...
>mfw niggers try to deflect their retarded nigger behavior so hard by blaming white people
I would rather have the rare gorilla alive than the niglet
>its a "where were you?" episode
Probably working or supporting my family through legal means, nigger.
They're so close to understanding their ancestral heritage. Damn.
Someone should say that she shouldn't compare blacks to gorillas because that's raysis
The zoo had no choice but to shoot it. Black people wouldn't be happy otherwise.
Why is he assuming it's only white people that cared about the Gorilla?
No "Police shoot unarmed gorilla" headline?
*denies existence of God*
*tweets funny face on twitter*
*self congratulates for 5467th time today*
Why the hell do they talk like they have some severe speech impediment? Why can't they use proper grammar?
Are niggers against BLM now?
because its funn not to stuckup cunt
They have a brain impediment
Probably because black people don't give a fucking shit about animals. It's even part of their accepted 'culture' via dog fighting.
I don't get it. Whats the problem with to gorillas playing in the zoo?
Ayo, shut yo' cracka' talkin ass nigga. U aint gon choose how I talk, and dis ain't english class like fo' real mofuckas.
There's not really anything grammatically incorrect about that sentence. Even used were instead of was correctly.
Y'all is a legitimate word and has a legitimate purpose.
Fucking kek, what a thread.
The parents owe the zoo a new gorilla. I would say send the father but that's probably a tall fucking order.
"I was also crying about the death of the gorilla then, as I am now. I care for all of them equally"
What did the Gorilla do to the kid the entire time?
I'm so triggered by this, were is the outrage!? If that was a white gorilla there would be more justice!
No, they just missed their shot.
He was only 17, he was a good boy, never threw his shit, was gonna go to college.
I had a hearty laugh. Thank you.
Damn sweden
Probably nothing as it's a god damn gorilla. look up jambo and binti jua.
because theyre not stuck up fucks that think using english in informal setting needs to be moderated by some highschool kid about to sit for his english exam
bip da po diddy bop mo doob booda
I looked at the gorilla's photos, he wasn't such an innocent kid. He was a thug.
So desperate to make themselves always victims while being the most violent race of people next to ISIS. Slaughtering themselves in Chicago all weekend but more outraged by a gorilla being shot because parents took their eyes off their kid for a minute. Add to that Twitter and it's illiterate English becoming the normal. What a world.
>nothing grammatically incorrect
Hey don talk bout shaneequa like dat. Raciss
What disgusts me most, besides all the violence, loud obnoxious outbursts, dead-eyed ignorance, bad parenting, burdening society, terrible influence on white children through their shit music, clustering up streets and walkways with crowds that care about no one but themselves, criminality, attention seeking, racism and stench, is the fact that they act like everything just happens to them and it is all out of their control so they are just the innocent victims of circumstance, not actively doing stupid things that set them back.
Mandatory video: youtube.com
Beat me to it.
Maybe the kid thought it was his long lost father, who escaped parenthood.
Holy shit this is just too much. Imagine how those single black moms must feel. They cackle and laugh at first then have to adamantly say "stop it" to save what little shred of dignity they may have left.
Does anyone have the "shheeeit" comic where he goes to the zoo?
Gotta admit, that was a good post
Unless reminded they forget that there's more than just black and white people in the world.
The fuck you say?
Wow I am #cruzmissile now
Give the kid a break. He probably thought the gorilla was his father.
This is an abo arab nigger.
>shoot critically endangered species just to save an abortion survivor
This story really rustles my fucking jimmies.
English language is literally too complicated for the African brain. They can't conjugate properly and only have a superficial understanding of the grammatical rules.
>gorilla with a black kid
theres a joke in there somewhere, I just cant find it
>start chanting 'daddy' at gorilla
>gorilla sticks around for a while then eventually turns its back and walks off
>second time in their lives the primate they called 'daddy' walked off
Ha. Hah. Smell. That. Pain
Been isn't in that sentence. It says where were y'all, which is perfectly acceptable.
Doing something interesting zzzzz
>white people crying
>not copular deletion
smug anime girl.jpeg
they shot the wrong monkey
Must have been confused for a fambly member
karl pilkington is a bald heady manc twat
Who cares zoos are degenerate
Niglets are calling daddy to a literal ape
ancient silverback
Poor Gorilla
He actually dindu nuffin