Is anyone here voting for Gary? If so, why?
Is anyone here voting for Gary? If so, why?
I always vote third party.
This year I'll vote Trump.
Fuck no. I have a trump hat/shirt/sweater/pins/bumpersticker/wallpaper for a reason.
I don't like him either but there are a few libertarians who shill on here to bad that all the libertarians have adopted left wing values
>Open borders
libertarians were always cucks
I voted third party in 2012.
It's a Trump kind of year my man.
Who else here going /bareforgare/ here?
Fuck you, I'm voting Goldwater.
>open fucking borders
>gun grabber vp
Never voting for Johnson ever again.
Clinton - open borders
Johnson - open borders
Stein - open borders
Trump - build a wall
Election is FPTP (spoiler effect is a real thing) - guess who is going to win
Yes. Because good things.
>this is a 10/10 answer to drumpfers
>voting for a kike
Fuck off rasheed. Less kike than the mainstream parties. You made me reply but I'm bored so 1/10
>Is anyone here voting for Gary?
>If so, why?
I gree with him politically more than I do with Trump or Clinton.
>open borders
>less kike than Donald Trump's The Wall
Kill yourself
>Gary Johnson
Johnson was born on January 1, 1953, in Minot, North Dakota, the son of Lorraine B. (née Bostow), who worked for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and Earl W. Johnson, a public school teacher.[17] His father was of half Danish and half Norwegian ancestry, and his mother was of Ukrainian descent.
Whats it like being retarded?
>Trump shills for Israel
>willingly gives up his children to kikes
>thinking that Trump isnt a kike
trump 2016 not this cuck
Not after that vp announcement.
Libertarians need to be supressed and purged for the greater good desu.
All those retards are doing is robbing votes from legit candidates like Trump.
>suppressing the democratic process is for the greater good
>Implying Johnson voters would vote for Trump or Clinton
>Thinking that certain political parties are entitled to peoples votes
open borders policies are symbolism for spread buttcheeks.
Gary johnson is a xenophile who enjoys getting railed by blackmen and hispanics.
>jumps straight to gassing
I like the enthusiasm but I don't know if libertarians need to actually die. They're misguided good guys. They just need a dose of reality to see that a libertarian vote is a wasted vote. The "lesser evil" war has to continually be waged because we have to use it to push back a little more each election. It's a losing battle given how retarded most of society is but giving up and voting libertarian allows the floodgates of leftism to open more and more. Basically, we're all fucked in the long run unless we end this universal suffrage nonsense.
Gary "Ban all guns" Johnson
#NeverTrump #NeverJohnson #NeverHillary
Better to just stay home
His VP is a Antigun shill.
Who cares, you're not an electoral. Your vote is worthless at this point
That's what your response is? Some meme wall that isn't even going to ever happen?
another question
what does it feel like to throw your vote away?
>VP is against "assault weapons"
>Open borders
How did you fuck this election cycle up Libertarians?
>vp is anti gun fag
>Invite millions of migrants who don't share my worldviews
>Devealuate votes by introducing millions of new voters
>Make the irrelevant party/candidates I support even more irrelevant as none of the new voters will even consider voting for them when dems are giving them free shit.
might as well skip all formalities and take away the voting rights of libertarians, since that's pretty much their endgame anyways.
>what does it feel like to throw your vote away?
I really want this meme to die.
I was gonna but because of now I'm not so sure.
That's why the jews hate him right?
Keep telling yourself that, cuck. You can go through the door to Mexico when it's made. You're all for open borders so why not live amongst the people who you want to take your country from you, faggot.
>throwing your vote in the trash
there is literally nothing wrong with open borders once you get rid of the welfare state.
>Electric a party that actually wants small government
>Stop being retarded with gibsmedats
>Flood of immigrants looking for a handouts becomes a trickle who actually want to work for a better life.
>That's why the jews hate him right?
Never heard of false flags or controlled opposition have you?
I'm planning to vote for Johnson because he ain't Trump or Clinton.
Isn't the Libertarian dream to basically turn the US into a 3rd world country where everything is controlled by the rich(I mean that's already happening to some degree but they would make it even worse) and poor people starve on the streets?
Is that really such a great idea?
Just live with the fact this planet is desegregated. One world government is coming.
Besides, you can't fight for closed borders while being stationed all over the god damn planet moron. You are going to have to make a more drastic change to policy other than "HURRR HOW ABOUT A WALL"
Until the people you let in vote massively in favor of the welfare state
No sir, not a chance. As a libertarian myself I see it as most important to deny Hillary Clinton the presidency. Freedom will not be protected in a Clinton Administration.
I also understand in large part the electoral college and that it has become a system for only two parties. Even if the Libertarian party receives twenty or thirty million votes the likelihood of that equating to even a single vote in the electoral college is slim.
I like Trump. I do not like that he wants to ban "muslim" immigration and I do not like that he wanted to compel Apple to cooperate with the Federal government in order to defeat phone encryption.
Do I want more Muslims here? Nope. He should have called for a ban on ALL immigration here. This is both a possible attack on the First Amendment and is ammunition for the Left.
Therefore I am a libtard that realizes that getting a lot of what I want is better than nothing. That's the art of the deal, baby. For everything else I have my Congressman's number.
MAGA 2016
Fuck off tinfoil autist
>No argument
Why dont you scurry back to your Mosque, Muhammad?
>Freedom will not be protected in a Clinton Administration.
>He thinks freedom will be protected in a Trump administration
No OP, not a single person here no matter how many shills show up.
>You are going to have to make a more drastic change to policy other than "HURRR HOW ABOUT A WALL"
pictured him mocking that retard while coming up with the wall idea. I'm dead. But also stoned
Your tinfoil autism is not an argument
Everything Trump is proposing and has ignited in white america is against Jewish interests
Saying no argument isn't in until itself and argument. Did you even read my full post?
There definitely some concerns with Trump, but he's for sure better than Hillary.
Are you by chance autistic? I really did explain things in my other post.
If your aim is to spoil the election, then you mine as well just vote for Hillary and be done with it.
You cancerous libertarians are so fucking stupid it's unbelievable.
>this lying, anti-trade, anti-freedom, big-government populist
>that lying, anti-trade, anti-freedom, big-government populist
Shillary and Drumpf are two cheeks from the same ass. I refuse to vote for either one since they're equally shitty
Explain. They are not the same. Trump has literally thrown a brick through the establishment. Yeah, he's a wildcard. That's fine. Let's work with someone new instead of wasting a vote.
You won't sway a libertarian any more than he could sway you.
I'll definitely support him up to the election, as him getting to 15% in the polls is by far the best thing for our democracy. When it comes to the polls, though, I have no intention to make a protest vote. I'll vote for Trump because I live in Florida. I literally have no fucking clue what he'll do in office, probably get sniped or something, but maybe he'll actually make things better. Johnson just does not have a chance to win the election, even if he gets into the debates.
Also, before retards splerg out about how he'll take votes for Trump, realize that Johnson's entire campaign is going to be geared at taking the Bernie vote. He'll split votes at the very least, and he actually could take more from Hillary (he took more from Obama than Romney last time).
they're both in favor of NSA surveillance. Neither likes the First Amendment. They're both against free trade, already mentioned. They're both in favor of economic interventionism and the welfare state (Hillary with the minimum wage and obamacare, Trump on social security and medicare, which he pledged to fight Ryan's effort to cut) They've both talked about how they're gonna shake down businesses for more tax revenue (Hillary a bunch of times, Trump most prominently with Amazon and Apple)
you tell me how they're different. How would Trump reduce the role of the government in the economy and Americans' lives, instead of expanding it? How would he limit the governments power (and his own power!) going forward?
Also tell me why I want a wildcard instead of someone with definite policies. Especially instead of someone with policies I like, like Johnson.
Voted for Johnson in 2012
Voting for Trump in 2016
I am a libertarian! I'm not naive, though. There are only four ways to vote this election.
1) Hillary - Nope.
2) Trump - Ok.
3) Third party - Waste
4) Don't vote - Same a 1
I always vote 3rd party.
This year I'll vote 3rd party.
>I am a libertarian! I'm not naive, though
You should like a pussy.
He was great on the JRE. He's earned my vote.