Trudeau wtf are you doing

From CBC:

South African firefighters flying to Edmonton to help fight Fort McMurray wildfire
The crew began the almost 16,000 kilometre journey from Johannesburg Sunday morning

>Refuses help from every country nearby
>Weeks later - Have no fear Alberta, South Africa is on the way

I want off Justin Trudeau's wild ride

Other urls found in this thread:

>black firefighters

Damn, really makes you think...

>south african firefighters
If you fight the fire it wins. #Notallfires.

just fucking nuke us already this is getting embarrassing

>Don't have money to hold an effective firefighting operation
>have enough to hire people from SA
Almost amazed they didn't call the army.


Why South Africa? Isn't America the closest country?

>Have no fear Alberta, South Africa is on the way
what is happening

Yes, and we're getting support from them too. Dunno why people are so misinformed.

>refuse every neighboring country
>refuse every white country
>accept south africans


Are they going to get free citizenship when they step foot on the ground in Canada


Bet they've had one week of training recently and they'll be staying here lmao

Jesus Christ, can we impeach him yet?

Utmost KEK!
fuck thats some funny shit. never have i seen this magnitude of shameless cuckoldry since Merkel and shes a fucking WHITE FEMALE!

>refuses help from countries with tons of experience fighting fires in conditions and environments similar to Canada
>accepts help from South Africa
What the fuck is wrong with your stupid fucking country.

I couldn't make something up that made Canada look worse.
Are you going to get medical aid from Uganda next?

Why is Canada a chink?


WTF? Are they planning on dropping a planeload of niggers on the fire?

It would be more efficient to use the ones we have here.

>as a thank you for their service they all get citizenship

this isn't real, right?

So you don't think it is strange that we turn down Russian 'heavy water bombers' used to operating in similar climate, but bring in South African manpower?

Hold on. He turns down help from the US and instead calls in nig nogs from South Africa?

Wtf Canada?

Holy shit

Well at least they don't have to worry about getting scorched
>Damn lost in translation this is really funny in nork, we say svidd, like the end of a burned match like how they look. Svidd neger

Cuckstin refused to accept help from Russia, U.S., and Mexico.

> shes a fucking WHITE FEMALE!
implying Turdeau is not.

I think they tried Jews but it got bigger

It's KEK punishing Leafs for being such bad shitposters. Reaping what they have sown.

I am pretty sure 90% of them will not take a flight back.

No, I also think it's weird that we readily accept SA's help but not, say, Russia's. I just think people like should know that we DID accept help from the States too.

What the actual fuck?

This isn't true. The US has sent 1000 firefighters.

Sounds like an excellent looting opportunity.


Why are they entirely black?

Also WTF do SA firefighters know about fighting fires in boreal forests?

I want off Mr Trudeau's wild ride.

Its worth noting that this is contracted out. Same with the rebuilding efforts. The Fort McMurray Construction Association is not on the list of associations which will be involved in rebuilding the town etc. They contracted the work out to other provinces. This is a similar case, they've contracted the firefighting out to another nation.

Thanks NDP. And thanks Trudeau for going along with it.

>should know that we DID accept help from the States too.
I saw that at the very end of the article so I guess the offer was quietly accepted at some point. There's still no good reason why Russia or Australia help should have been rejected if the situation is that dire. They're both very experienced in fighting wildfires, certainly more than South Africa.

What the fuck? I understand rejecting air support because you can legitimately only have so many planes and helicopters running at one time safely, but was no other country like America or Russia willing to send people if we actually needed them?

We aren't paying for this are we? Flying 300 people in from across the god damn planet and feeding them for 2+ weeks isn't exactly cheap.

Probably true, the article says the firefighters were in a program for youths to help get them out of poverty.

Don't worry leafs he's just adding some pepper to the curry in your melting pot.

>A large portion of the South African firefighters have come through a program in their country called "Working On Fire."

>The program was implemented over a decade ago and is designed to give young people in that country a job, pulling them out of poverty.

They're in a literal ANTI POVERTY PROGRAM. They're not firefighters, what the FUCK.


Gas the stoners!

Its best to just embrace it, bro. I hate every policy of his that I've heard of but I've finally realized we bought the ticket when we were born and now we're on this wild ride until it ends. Might as well just laugh.

Oh look, a will shill appeared!

>They've contracted it out

So we are footing the bill then? Gee whiz, we couldn't have found somewhere fucking closer so we aren't SPENDING MONEY ON BRINGING 300 PEOPLE FROM THE OTHER SIDE OF THE PLANET

Sounds like hes bringing in those Africans to put out the fire in your womens cunts, Canada



>no single white male
100% diversity

I'd be amazed if they actually have too many planes in the area to accept more. Every wildfire account I've ever seen talks about how short the supply of aircraft is and how thinly stretched they are.

How many of them are going and how many of them will end up going back to South Africa?

is the fire still rising?

>inb4 Trudeau uses their black skin to absorb the heat from the fire by dropping them over the fort.

>is the fire still rising?

the gender studies department tried calling it homophobic but it wouldnt stop

>dude why is an African country full of Africans

They have a policy of forcing demographics in industries to be "reflective of the native population". So for example, most engineers were white, so they kicked them out and now their infrastructure for electricity is failing miserably and has been falling since the end of apartheid. They have scheduled blackouts that are getting more widespread and longer. I wish I was kidding.

first he rapes and beats that lady in front of parliament, now he's burning these poor blacks?

300 hundred going, none going back

welcome to progressive land

>tfw i will be living 8 months in ottawa next year

will i be locked up for revealing power level?

>Let me show you true power

Help we killed all da white folk, give us money now.

It's a secret to everybody.

this is scary shit, hes outsourcing firefighters. THIS IS THE FUTURE LADIES AND GENTS.

South Africa was basically founded by the Dutch, you know, since Africa is garbage at creating livable societies.


based Trudeau is sending in the niggers to die, nice

They're coming for your women.

>Rejected help from the US, Mexico, and Russia.
>Accepts help from negroids 16,000km away.

You seriously could not make this stuff up, even if you tried.

Have you been to Canada recently? The entire upper middle class of China is in the process of moving there.

They can't be very good. Looks like they are already crispy.

Likely we will make some concession to repay them for their help.

>They're coming for your women.
time to rewatch the greatest movie ever


Fucking hell Canada...


I can't even fucking...

first they killed whitey and then they died of hunger in some parts.

Can I have a TL;DR/greentext version of all the dumb shit he's done? I feel like red-pilling my normie friends today.

Also, an anti-Trudeau decal I can purchase from somewhere would be an added bonus.


just say svidd then, we burgers like having our vocabulary expanded but are too lazy to read books.

>Also, an anti-Trudeau decal I can purchase from somewhere would be an added bonus.

There are far easier ways to get arrested, friend.

>South African
No filthy Böers allowed, I see :^)
Really makes you think.

This pic was made near the beginning of his election.

Adding the shit he's doing now like banning Transgender hate speech with a 2 year prison sentence and this fire bullshit is just making everything better.

He sold off all the gold reserves of Canada for literal pennies. Which he spent on Syrian rapefugees.

I just want to curl up in my room and watch anime while the country literally burns down around me.

Here cometh the diversity
Your wildfires are about to be enriched with black sem....foam

If the thought police haven't shown up due to this, nothing will.


Try going outside with it. Seriously, I want to see how that goes.

>Bring in South Africans to fight the fire
>it gets worse
>bring in lots more
>fire finally put out
.>allow the brave heroes to stay as full citizens
>extend the offer to their (extended) families

Expect more of this shit where there going to look for every possible opportunity to bring in foreigners


Blogs booga we come to America!
>Yes this is North America
Bix nood, where Holly wood? Where New York?
>Those are in America. This is North America ... Canada.

>America, Russia and Mexico, just a stone's throw away, all offer to help
>"Dude no way, the fire is way to bad to stop. Don't bother sending help."
>"Just kidding! South Africa is totally what we need to help us!"

be patient leaves

> falling for the Canada is a decent country meme

You fucked up


Hey Canada at least your fame of being the nice americans is strong.

Shame there wont be a Canada for long.

How many of them do you think will "go missing" like all those African olympic athletes do whenever the olympics is hosted in a real country.

Wake me up!

he just craved a shipment of bbc urgently, now theyre gonna hose his ass up and put that heat down

The Canadian middle class is being eliminated by wealthy Chinese. Pretty soon there will only be rich Chinese people and lower class white Canadians.


As an Albertan who's stuck watching the left ruin everything, I'm personally quite ecstatic about the coming wave of cleansing fire that will envelop me and cleanse this country. To be able to laugh at my governments ineptitude as the coming inferno washes away their feel-good bureaucracy is a great pleasure.