The Libertarian Party officially died today

The Libertarian Party officially died today

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WTF, I fucking hate libertarians after this bullshit weekend.

Gary Johnson is a peice of shit too

Well in trying to get elected in the US, that probably is a bad thing.

Did McAfee actually said that?

McAfee is a loser, nigger lover.

We should be ashamed of being born a certain way?

That's it fuck Johnson I #felltheshill now

>people being told they should give up their freedom because of things they didn't even do support freedom


Damn, I guess those roads are actually getting built now.

>I won't support a line of thought because of racial reasons

How is this man any different than a KKK member?

I don't get it.
Can you provide some context.
Who is Welch and why does he hate Libertarians?
I havent been following their group at all.


Fuck you and your useless anti-virus software.

Funny how they're indistinguishable from leftists in practice despite the apparent stark difference in ideology.

Wow...really makes you think...

McAfee is just like his virus protection, shoddy, unreliable, and a pain in the ass.

lmao fuck him. I've always thought his software was fucking trash anyway.

>he doesn't use Avira

>people still think that the libertarians are going to take votes away from the republicans and not the democrats

Anyone have video or anything? Why did McAfee say such a thing? Is it possible he was being sarcastic?

He himself thinks his software is trash

"Mcafee anti-virus was a mistake" - Mcafee

Didn't realise he was a fucking cuck though

Fuck, dude. Did you find that sentence in a bowl of alphabet soup?

So when will you holdout faggot libertarians realize it's time to grow up? It's a fucking meme.

It really did.

I mean, it really, really, really fucking did.

Gary Johnson also said Trump was RAYCISS, I don't know if Sanders or Clinton have gone that far in terms of white guilt.

Surprises me that libertarian presidential candidates are more politically correct and anti white than liberals these days.

>99.8% of Sup Forums are men, 99.8% of Sup Forums are white


Private companies can build roads dumbass!

and nothing of value was lost

McAfee was the superior alternative. Johnson is Brendan Frazier tier.


>99.8% are white

How the fuck does that even work, I thought there's only like five of them.

yeah its just that you'll have to pay for them every time you use them

99.8% are white

lol nope


But they can't help who wants to join their party? Shouldnt he shame Blacks and Women as a whole for not properly representing themselves across more parties?


Your flag itt

Well youre here for example

the sheer amount of british posters kinda negates it

lol good. I'm gonna show this shit to every nevertrump faggot

they must realize they don't want hillary, so they are self distructing so nobody wastes their vote on them

>The United States of 63%

what is 0.2%?

libertardians more like

That's it! I'm #kasperskyshizzle from now on.

>libertarian shaming people for exercising their freedom of association


Don't, they'll vote for shillary

Gary Johnson pulls more voters from Hillary than Trump. He is a Democrat in all but name.

>he uses anti-virus
>he uses windows
Top Cuck

Is libertarianism real? I thought it was just an insult aimed at right wingers that are scared of the government.

Whatever divides the Leftist vote.

I don't give a shit if the enemy falls on their own sword or shoots their temple. Makes our job easier. Sacrifice your party for Trump this round and we'll give your more serious members a fair shake after the GE.

t.MAGA hat wearing bigot

Honestly, the lolbertarian party reverting to it's previous role of nutcase central is just more evidence of reasonable people getting on the Trump train.

The Ron Paul era of libertarianism is finally dead.

How can libertarians even compete??


>99.8% white

Nah half of them were probably Jewish.



Shit man I'm a #CruzMissile now

hahaha how can they help it who joins their party. The whole party is basically founded on the Non Agression Principle. They do not care about race and sex whatsoever. How do libshits even think this argument is going to fly with the libertarian party?

He actually said that?

Why the fuck didn't he run as a democrat

t. a 63% white country

Try getting on our level, Pablo

Is that a threat, Leaf?

I'm 15 minutes from your border, you commie scum.

>libertarians are cucks
What's new?

libertarian party might be more cucked than the democrat party

>open borders
>white people are bad
>military is bad

Quick rundown of what the Libertarians did this weekend:

>crowd booed Libertarian candidate when they said heroin should not be sold to a 5 year old
>another candidate got booed when they said the coal industry is a capitalistic failure and there should be environmental regulations on it
>nominated a guy who says that open borders and immigrants are A-OK, and compares Trump's immigration policies to, you guessed it, Hitler
>nominated a Vice President with a staunch track record in wanting to ban assault weapons
>had some ugly fat guy striptease at a national party convention
>ultimately has only attacked Donald Trump, and has been silent on Hillary


That man is slowly deteriorating.

Are mercy killings a thing in Canada?

>implying McAfee isn't just a joke
>implying anyone else takes McAfee as something other than a nutcase

This is the same man who has a DUI, is a murder suspect in Belize and believe the government wants to off him.

And his best response to any question posed to him is just repeat the question, but throw the words "What is?" in front of them.

God i fucking hate that guy, he's like the kid in college who tries pot for the first time and makes everything an existential question.

He would never get elected just because of how crazy he is, and he has no idea how to govern a body of people and would probably run our country to the ground.

>MUH OPEN BORDERS (this guys more lax immigration than johnson)

TL;DR - he's not an actual liberrtarian, and no libertarian (or person for that matter) is taking him seriously as a candidate.

t. actual libertarian

there's still time to nominate Arte Johnson

Okay nice bait, but even if that were true, those are obviously not libertarians. Those actions do not even coincide with libertarian values.

no true libertarian fallacy

He's so right. As a white man I should take every step I can to politically sideline myself and do everything in the best interest of the unwashed minorities

>H-He's not a REAL Libertarian(tm) though!

>this level of spin

just accept it

the LP is dead and gone you have no future beyond naked dancing fat men and SJWism

So it'll just be like the government but on a smaller scale.

You're using the fallacy wrong. Gary Johnson thinks the state should use force to make private bakeries cater gay weddings. He is legitimately not a Libertarian.

Nice input. Unfortunately this is what actually happened and these are the actual nominees. They're a joke.

So basically this nigger just called us out as being white supremacists? I thought niggers would like personal freedom.

Pretty sure nobody of those SJW would have a problem if it were 100% black women. Fucking sexist racists.

but in libertarian land the private company will get to charge monopoly rates to use the road and maximize their profit

GO Freedom! GO Liberty!

Yawn, predictable argument.

>nominated a Vice President with a staunch track record in wanting to ban assault weapons

If he wants to ban that, he is simply not a libertarian.

>niggers who vote 96% Democrat
>liking personal freedom

>If I don't like a libertarian's positions they aren't a libertarian

I suppose you're going to lecture us on the difference between Big-L and Little-L libertarians next?

You Amerifats realize that you country was basically founded by classic liberals / libertarians right? It went to shit from there. Especially in when you started putting moronic bible texts on your money when it first carried a superior Latin text. E pluribus Unum!

>Gary Johnson
>Bill Weld

KEK the two worst "libertarians" of all time. Literally just "pro free market" guys who also want to ban assault weapons, have open borders, and keep trade deals as is, or possibly make them worse.

Queen Ann knows that Libertarians are mainly faggots.

>Implying the Libertarian Party was ever alive.

Mcafee is not black

although he is married to a black ex prostitute

>if I call myself something that makes it true

By your logic Bruce Jenner is now an actual woman.

Not even close, you skilled Logician you.

McAfee isn't even close to touching Johnson in the polls (Johnson is the only one in the lot who even has a fighting chance in making the debate stage and poll requirements, sorry petersen)

So again there is nothing saying that McAfee has any kind of pull with libertarians, again he's there as just the nutty idealist to make the other two libertarians seem less crazy and radical.

To be fair the libertarian party was never that alive and well to begin with, this is pretty much the only year it might be able to make a difference.

Key word: might. And thats just because HIllary and Trump are such unlikeable douches.

Yes. He burns coal so...

INFA 1488%

It's good that they are killing every non-right wing position with this cuck SJW nonsense

>Banning guns is limiting freedom which is against libertarian values.
>Not getting this.
>Being this much of a dense colonist.

things only went to whit after we let in Jews from EUrope and then the Jews let in hordes of niggers, spics, mudshits, and pooinloos.

>the polls


So what? They also didn't envision Jose and Tyrone being societal parasites. Culture is changing and the founding fathers are hardly relevant anymore.

Any respect I had for the party before went down the drain


Fucking lolbertarians.

They forsaw that, that is why only white land owning men could vote for at least 150 years.

Kek colonist, know your own history.

>Hurr durr x% white people
Please translate from Cuckspeak into English.

Libertarians just want to have fun

They are LIBERTARIAN candidates running in the LIBERTARIAN party who won the LIBERTARIAN nomination and the LIBERTARIAN convention because they appealed to LIBERTARIAN voters

Empirically speaking all the evidence is on my side.

Maybe you're not the real libertarians and they are. Ever think about that?