What are some of the biggest red flags or warning signs that someone is a degenerate who should be avoided?
Pic related for me. Smokers are beyond blue pilled, the absolute scum of society.
What are some of the biggest red flags or warning signs that someone is a degenerate who should be avoided?
Pic related for me. Smokers are beyond blue pilled, the absolute scum of society.
>Having a vagina
Thats a pretty easy one.
Being black.
you talk with them and they're boring or worse
Anyone with a selfie stick should be shot on sight in my opinion.
>Sister has tumblr hair and even dyes it
>excessive piercings
>she's redpilled as shit
fucking what and how
I'm still confused
Oddly enough, I associate smoking with being redpilled.
I mean, literally everyone knows smoking is bad for you, but so is a lot of shit people don't know about. Looking at you, fatties.
>bashes smokers
>this he is redpilled
Go back in your bubble and fly off a mountain
>he doesn't know all the health benefits of tobacco; universally wondered after and admired
Go drink another beer
Warning colors in hair are a surprisingly good indication that you should stay away unless they prove otherwise.
Are you a women?
are they supposed to be clowns or be masters of the violin and play one for you?
Die in hell gretel
>increases brain function
>not red pilled
One can see a direct correlation of people smoking less and this country becoming more cucked.
Any man who doesn't watch and/or play sports is a bluepilled beta and must be avoided at all costs
Being human is a big one.
The most red pilled people you will meet are smokers.
I'm an electronics engineer. Next week my company is shipping some telecoms equipment I designed to South America in a contract worth around $8m. I smoke. What have you done for society lately?
smokers are the ultimate redpill you wretch, they're doing society a favor by killing themselves while your NEET ass sits on Sup Forums and shitposts, at least they can afford their addiction, you leech it off of your parents
I smoke. Literally hope I get cancer. Fuck this world. No kids so i don't pollute gene pool. Can blow my brains out but I am too scared, if my parents die I will do it though.
Its almost like sometimes you can't judge a persons entire personality in their appearance.
Hmm..... really makes you think...
Hva er det dere sender?
Smokers are red polled because they actually have stress in their lives unlike you NEET losers
Im a smoker, but I think the worse scum of society are fast food consumers and vidya gamers. God I hate those. They should be putted to the torch. The absolute cancer!
Harming your body for hedonistic pleasure is blue pilled.
Not an argument.
It's the secret anus and benis fetish
can someone explain why so many schizophrenics smoke?
>80% of schizos smoke
>19% of the general population smokes
4/5 vs 1/5
>It's a "wasting half my income on the inhalable Jew makes me euphoric" thread
People that watch anime.
>wearing under armor/Nike polyester athletic shirts and nothing else
>wearing hats indoors
>chewing tobacco
>thinking the huffington post is a reputable news source
Saw my grandpa die from lung cancer. You literally DO NOT want to die from cancer. Probably top 3 or 4 worst ways to die, up there with burning and drowning. Gunshot is near instant.
>spotted that awkward nigger that can't keep up with conversations
no they're supposed to be mildly redpilled or at least have nice topics and argumentations to discuss with
you know, the very basics to judge someone despite HURR DURR DIED HAIR like this mongoloid here that still can't cope with the fact that his sister is redpilled
Easiest way to spot a degenerate, bar none.
Tons of Sup Forums will hem and haw, but a really good way to separate the ilk is see who smokes weed.
smoking is pretty redpill desu
feel good man and finger to establishment trying to ban smoking everywhere all the time
>blue pilled
OP is truly a faggot.
Today Jamal sat around and collected his monthly gibsmedat check from your taxes worth 10,000 kroner.
Drowning is not too bad.
After some time you lost your conscience.
Everyone I know that smokes is more redpilled than I can ever hope to be. They're mostly people who served in the soviet army during what they call kike influenced war in Afghanistan.
Saw my grandma die from lung cancer. I know brother, it's terrible. I just don't care. I have no hope. My Bday is tomorrow and I ll be 32. Didn't even know until 3 days ago. Fuck it m8. I ll get through the pain, appreciate you though. Sorry bout your grandpa.
What is Sup Forumss opinion on loose tobacco (self rolled cigs)
Tattoos are the worst.
If any person had a large tattoo, a tattoo of barbed wire, celtic crosses, japanese shit...They are a total knacker.
shitty haircuts too
Also earrings and studs are fucking disgusting on men. It should be illegal
>Weird haircut
>Majoring in liberal arts
>Does drugs
>Doesnt save money
>Doesnt work
sports are meant to be distraction and entertainment for the lowest scum in the nation.
It's still degenerate but at least you're outplaying the Jew.
Smokers survive heart attacks better. Nicotine is almost literal, vitamin B3. No smokers brains degenerate so if they already have, nicotine helps it. They won't get alzeimer or parkinsons. And carrot munchers can go prematurely too. Some smokers live to 112. Cell phones give cancer. Etc etc etc etc
>If any person had a large tattoo, a tattoo of barbed wire, celtic crosses, japanese shit...They are a total knacker.
dude you're quite stuck in the 90s
nowadays it's all about owls and colourful shit
Also they can get more joint replacements and their knees fuck up less
who said its for pleasure?
>people who completely dismissing anyone based on one little thing
That's my criteria for spotting degenerates
Drowning is probably one of the worst ways to go.
Smoking, but especially when they insist it's not that bad, or get annoyed when other people don't like them doing it around them.
Do you drink coffee on patios with motorbikes and buses? Do you? Burn your meat? Use natural gas? Fluorescent lights? Laser toners?
Do you have any granite countertops?
Poorly kept hair/facial hair screams lazy to me.
Why else would you smoke? Smoking doesn't make you look cool once you're out of high school.
People who have nearly drowned, always say the same thing. It's initial shock and terror, followed by a strange sensation of absolute serenity. It could be worse 2bh
Pardon us Oh Mighty Liege
Why not both?
>other people I'm associated with are doing things
>i smoke therefore smoakers tru patricians desufamalam
this is the most autistic thing I've read all day
>spending hundreds of dollars on an addiction because you literally cannot function otherwise
>dying by slowly choking on tumors in a long, expensive ordeal
>this is redpilled
have fun dying at 50 degenerates
I mean, there's not a lot of productive people who don't take care of their hygiene. (Computer working people excluded)
i made my mom stop smoking when i was a kid, and i don't smoke either, but holy fuck you guys are basically swallowing the non-smoking normie meme.
>hurr durr im redpilled
fuck off Sup Forums jesus christ you're so retarded sometimes, go open another circumcision thread
I'm confused are you pro smoking or not?
being beta
Everything in moderation. Every month or two I get a black and mild and enjoy the rich smooth flavor. It doesn't have to be a daily habit.
that's the point, who gives a shit nigger.