Why aren't millennials having children?
Why aren't millennials having children?
Because they can't have sex (porn-induced erectile disfunction). And they shouldn't be reproducing anyway. /thread.
Every single one of them is a faggot.
They aren't financially stable thanks to boomers importing various flavors of shitskin
some of us are
Can't afford them. And I can't afford dating either.
Oh well.
If as a Latvian I can afford children, you have absolutely no excuse, Americuck. Wanting to spend your money on video games or other degenerate shit doesn't excuse you from being a pathetic little shit. Fucking learn a skill, even if you don't you'd prolly earn more flipping burgers than I do with my masters degree in structural engineering here. People like you are fucking disgusting wastes of oxygen.
there is no app for it
>masters degree in structural engineering
top kek faggot i majored in english, no jobs other than wagecucking online for me writing for meager pay.
so no, I'm not having kids. I'm not marrying, unless I make at least 70k per year, which ain't happening with my degree and lack of marketable skills.
Porn and vidya it is.
You should at least make an effort to find a partner, faggot
And do fucking what leaf? Impress her with my ability to string sentences together and defend a thesis statement for ten pages?
Where the fuck would I even go? I'm out of college and have too much self-respect to lower myself to online dating.
Have never desired children, from as young as seven and eight, despite coming from a large family. Honestly thought about becoming a monk/priest. It's not a money issue, though I understand that money can be a barrier from people being able to provide the same quality of life they had growing up, but for me, I just.. Don't want kids. If I were to have kids and not love them/care for them, that would be the worst kind of child abuse. The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.
Most anons here are faggots with a victim mentality.
> as a Latvian I can afford children
Yes, but you spend it all on vodka anyway.
>why isn't my son feeding his children into the taxpayer machine to slave away for my fellow boomers' security?
Cost too much
Fucking annoying
Non-Slutty women are hard to find
Takes too much time
Fucking other women is fun
Prob more.
What is stopping you from learning a skill? I don't understand people like you. All you do is whine, what have you done to better yourself? You're literally tumblr.
>I "studied" irrelevant shit pls pay me for being useless
You're the problem. There is nothing wrong with learning a skill, it's infinitely more useful than having a degree in some meme subject.
>What is stopping you from learning a skill?
>a skill
Be more specific and I'll take your advice.
What are we talking? IT? Something else that requires certification?
>no children
Raised by a bunch of fucking morons who created another generation of morons by telling them they can be anything that they want and that the world is a fantasy land because they don't really want, at the end of the day, for their children to be competent because it is a boomer's worst nightmare that an entire generation of people collectively outshines them (and millenials would have had the "harsh" realities of the world been shown to them starting from a young age and had a curriculum that trained people how to use and promoted technology exclusively) and in general someone having more knowledge than them threatens their egos because they are the special snowflake generation lite.
Now we have an entire generation of people directionless, crippled, and stupid because their parents lied to them about things that they are past the point of development of being able to learn how to deal with.
Yeah, good thing there are refugees in sexual emergency to pick up the slack.
Babies agitate me.
Anything. Plumber, carpenter, car mechanic, whatever. All of those things are actually needed in an economy. I don't know whatever happened to make those things so undesirable that people would rather get a degree in meme magic which has absolutely 0 application in real world.
Hands-on work isn't for me, especially considering the ones you listed will all be automated in the future.
Not knocking anyone who does do blue collar work, I'm just not the right guy for that area.
>considering the ones you listed will all be automated in the future
For the foreseeable future computers will help you detect the flaws, not fix them. Not until a computer can drive a car to the house, exit the car, knock on your door, navigate it's way to where to problem is and fix it. It's hard to make a computer go up and down the stairs, those jobs are secure as fuck.
If you're opposed to hands on work, being a jr sys admin might work for you. That's how some of my self educated friends are making money, but I've no idea what you need for that.
>The opposite of love isn't hate, it's apathy.
Lmao this meme again. Yeah, maybe its a good thing that you aren't reproducing because you're clearly a dumbass.
>angry leaf shitposter
>jr sys admin
Just looked it up, seems like much of it requires certs, which is fine. Thank you, actually looks like something I could do without wanting to an hero.
That's kind of the point, actually.
Do you think the emotionally retarded will make good parents?
I'm pretty sure I'd make a shit parent, even if the kid turned out just like me it'd be awful.
I don't have the emotional depth to hold down a GF, much less nurture a child.
Any child of mine would be another statistic from a broken home, so the best I can do is make sure they never exist.
You can do it user. I belive in you.
why did this picture make me sad
I'm absolutely determined to have kids! At least three. I'm studying my ass off to make it a reality. Even if I get a crap job... so what? So my kids will be poor. Big deal. I was poor it didn't kill me. I've even started goibg to church in an effort to find a good woman to marry one day. I'm constantly bettering myself. I've lost 40kg since 2014. I bought a set of dumbells and a barbell. I lift it like a madman. I'm so god damn motivated it hurts!
I swore black and blue that I would NEVER have kids just three years ago... Turning 30 changed everything. I think that once the younger millenials get older they will change like I have. I hope...
>I can afford children
He means afford them a decent standard of living, not having them live in a shed, dress in a burlap sack and work in a factory for 50 years after they graduate high school because you can't pay for their college.
My rule of thumb is you shouldn't have any kids unless you earn $50k a year, throw in another 10-20k for each additional child after the first.
This is so obviously "I'm a internet nerd who doesn't get laid"
I fap to porn all the time and fuck all the time, you're just a pussy
Well, for me it's because I'm in the first year of my career and my girlfriend is still a senior in college/we aren't married yet.
Don't worry user, I'll expand the white race.
>40kgs over weight at 30
>joining church to date people
>still studying
You will never reproduce, but that's ok, the human race is better off without you.
Thirty is young. Young enough to turn your life around. Which he is doing.
I can barely afford a place on my own as is.
I'm taking a pharmacy tech certification exam this week.
If I don't pass I don't know what I'm gonna do. The only thing that stopped me from suicide is Robin Williams death, I can't believe he's gone and it gave me some self-reflection. If I can't do this, I may be out of the game before Trump's presidency.
It was nice memeing and shitposting with you fellows.
K selectors require additional finances to reproduce, after affirmative action youth unemployment is the highest it's been since the great depression.
But you got sick dubs. You're bound to pass.
The best of luck to you
Men and women can't get along with each other due to a lot a factors. Sexual freedom and divorce laws are making the marriage deal very sour for men. Many men are opting to avoid marriage entirely.
They cannot afford to because the boomers are giving money to Jamal and Takbir to reproduce instead.
Too ugly to even get a 4/10
Not an argument
Why would I want to have a kid which force me to spend the next 18 years of my life caring for draining away all the fun things I like to do
Thanks mate. Nothing can stop me!
Why would we?
Millennials were raised to believe that having a child is a huge hardship at best. Government-mandated sex education has impressed the idea that having children will ruin their lives.
Millennial women were raised to believe that being a mother is an anachronism: it's something that would get in the way of them doing what (they are told) will actually make them happy, which is to go to school until they're in their mid 20s and then have a career. Millennial men are taught that having children just puts them at risk of enslavement by women, which would force them to actually work full time instead of the maybe 20 hours a week they need to keep their simple apartment and internet paid up.
The oldest millennials are just now in their mid-thirties, but most are still in their twenties. The oldest are MAYBE beginning to suspect they fucked up; that not having kids cost them their happiness, doomed them to a life forever devoid of meaning, but for them it's mostly too late: even at their age complications are starting to accrue. The majority in their 20s could still settle down, but chances are good they have yet to figure out how much they've been fucked up.
>projecting this hard
I heard you can work on an oil rig with no degree for like 70k, but it's hard work, long hours, and you're away from home for weeks at a time, so it might be hard to raise a family.
As for me, I never want kids or a wife and I'm young, so 70k is a sweet deal for a single young guy like me. I just need to find a way to find a job on one (and there's no fucking way I'm going to one in the middle east.)
Perhaps because it was an answer and not an argument? Do you disagree that millennials are being financially disabled by anticompetitive corporate socialism? In a free market, they'd probably do better than gen x or boomers because they're more acclimatised to the digital economy.
Meanwhile, gen x thinks reactjs is "good" rather than the necessary evil to achieve SEO from a dynamic backend. This is why the gen x fears the millennial programmer and will instead hire people that age who didn't grow up in the west or doesn't have a real passion for STEM.
You mean millennial men
They aren't having children because they realize the system is fucked for them
I never really had any guidance.
How the fuck can you blame me?
I hope you don't mind me wasting my 1k income on vidya and anime, instead of 3DPD.
>your life is devoid of meaning unless you have kids
Also, I'm going to stay single and just fuck multiple women, get a nice job (working hard for that in school now), and maybe even get some side funds to start a business. Maybe when I have free time and some money I'll pursue my other passion, which is acting and film making. I have plenty reason to work more than 20 hours so I can afford this good stuff, and I don't need to make a family to feel worth.
You might be right about women though. The biological clock To have kids seems to impact them more and make them go insane when they hit their mid-30s.
stopped reading there
Because having children sucks. Children are born, overwhelmingly, by accident. Modern birth control practices and technology is reducing accidental pregnancies. So the only people reproducing are the small group of people who want to, and the much larger group of people that can't handle pills or pulling out.
Because I don't want to.
Don't listen to this traditionalism shill.
That shit is dead.
You are better off. A woman will always leave you and take your money, your house, your car, your kids.
You should work on making money and making your life better for you - to travel, to learn, to have fun. Fuck women, they will only ruin your life.
I'm married, have a kid, can fix 90% of anything that goes wrong with my house, can fix 90% of my car with an instruction manual, have a 50k a year job as a high school dropout.
We're not all hopeless, some of us understand 'work'.
Rigzone, be amazed. Probably not hiring much though
Fuck off faggot. There are people who change careers in their 40s. I've seen people in their 40s get careers after working shit jobs their whole life.
I don't want any. They're expensive and troublesome.
I wouldn't even make a good parent. People always complain about how some people shouldn't be parents; I am recognizing that I am not fit.
I will confess that I had fetish for lolis ranging from 14-16. call me a pedo all you want, but anything higher than that is OLD HAG category.
I've resigned to my fate that I'll never gonna hold a 8/10 15 y/o who could fulfill my fetish now and then. I have the money and the means to financially secure her, but yeah fuck society of calling such fetish a taboo.
nature made it clear that once you bleed, you're for breed. only humans are calling the pedo taboo, but hey, humans have always thought to themselves they're smarter than nature right?
so yeah, I'd rather die a virgin than be a betacuck provider to OLD HAGS. If I'm gonna feed a wife, I better pick the best I could or none at all.
because you will never give her a dicking
you'll make a better parent than that black ape or worthless spic that has 3 kids living on welfare. I guarantee that.
because it's fucking expensive
the only way this would work is if i made my wife work too, and then the whole family would be miserable
>tf no gf to have kids with
Why should we?
Thanks user, I'll look into it.
There is no real reason I could come up with which doesn't make me look like a resentful neckbeard.
Still never going to date though.
lolis are 6-12
hebe is 13-17
You're a hebephile
You're not even technically a pedo. At those ages, physically, she's good to go on fucking. It's the damn lawmakers. In fact, not sure if this is true, but jealous feminists actually raised the age of consent because they knew they couldn't compete with teens. I'm capable of getting with and being attracted to girls my own age but there's no good reason why a 14 year old can't consent to sex with an adult. I can't wait for these age of consent laws to change.
>tfw no gf
They don't do shit for their parents, why have kids who won't do shit for them?
Too socially awkward to find a good woman
Which is a shame because I have a decent job and could provide a good life for them
>jealous feminists actually raised the age of consent because they knew they couldn't compete with teens
This was actually the exact reason.
They've ridden the cock carousel 16-26 and then when they finally hit their wall and realize their pussy is blacker than a black man's ballsack they decide it's time to 'settle down' with a good little wallet *cough* I mean 'nice guy' to provide for them while they try to get away with as much of their glory days as they can. And in the meanwhile they're aging like milk, men are aging like fine wine. Men hit their prime in their mid-30s to mid-40s, but at that age they're going for 18-24 year old girls. That's why all those rabbid feminists keep crying "where have all the good men gone?!" They want to have their cake and eat it too.
sure I can agree, but good luck convincing a court full of OLD HAGS otherwise.
>no stable job
>no ownership of house
Given that you are not a barbarian, why would you have kids in this situation?
lel they don't have shit on me though
plus it doesn't matter. There's going to be a pedo acceptance movement soon enough. The slippery slope is real after all
i hope you fail so you can overcome your fears and realize a certification wont make or break your life
It's funny, I think I read about Mel Gibson dating someone who was like 19 or 20 and some feminist blogger and her drones in the comment section were bitching at him, also Leo who fucks new young chicks like every week, kek. I don't have sympathy for actual pedos who get caught, but I feel bad when someone gets caught for consensual sex with a high schooler, and I'm kind of happy that celebrities are getting away with hebephilia, as long as it's not real rape of course, becuase hopefully the rich and powerful can actually lobby for lowering the age of consent. That might not happen, but I can dream.
same here user, im 26, and i see girls as young as 16 tell me im cute. i would fuck them without thinking twice. such young cute tight skin bodies, get me rock hard.
Why would millennials do something as outdated and boring as trapping themselves in a traditional family unit when they could live their lives partying, having casual sex and aborting their kids when the time comes?
Kids should not give meaning to your life. They are simply a way to pass on your genes.
what if the meaning of life is to pass your genes?
Meaning is subjective. Unless you're an animal then yeah i guess so
At some level we are all animals. Meaning is not subjective.
>Meaning is not subjective.
Meaning is subjective and objective.
>Men hit their prime in their mid-30s to mid-40s, but at that age they're going for 18-24 year old girls.
I feel like early 40s is actually past prime
Physically men are at their peak in their late 20s and early 30s like Arnold at age 27
I had a professor who was only 35 but was chubby and balding, but maybe he was just a faggot- he was basically a Gen X version of a numale
-No gf
-still haven't graduated college
-no car to get a job to sustain a family (gf would be another matter, obviously)
Beyond myself I would assume that the rather sluggish economy is why we haven't seen a baby boom. If Trump fixes things I'll go back, sweep a freshman girl off her feet and put five babies in her while working at my six figure job or whatever.
Until then there isn't any way a baby boom could happen because even for those who are economically secure things like college and healthcare cost too damn much, ergo middle class white people just have 2 kids instead of 3+.
It's nice that you don't care, but it scares me. maybe its just unwarranted paranoia, but still the "super single" option is just getting more and more attractive the more red herrings 3dpd pulls off its ass.
>women are shit
>men are childish and addicted to porn
>couples are too far in debt to afford kids
>make too much money so the state won't pay for them
"Tips Fedora"/ I base my life around reproduction
this tbqfh famalamadingdong
I already don't get enough "me-time" as it is; why the fuck would I waste ALL my time raising a kid? I love kids and all, but fuck raising one.
Nothing you can do about balding except maybe a better diet or shampoo, but if it's genetic then you're fucked. That being said, he definitely could have fixed being chubby.
A self-obsessive society cannot support a family. A family requires one to care beyond themself
Oh god, more nazi emma watson. Do you have a source?