Philosophies of Sup Forums

/lit/ here, what philosophies does Sup Forums believe in?
>inb4 Karl Marx
>"1000 reasons not to go to work today"

Other urls found in this thread:

The Jews did it all

>motivational pic
7/10 in the fedora scale.

InspiroBot thread?


>believing in anything

Post your gems

Inspirobot is trying to get me to do something awful.


So Kierkegaard?

Same here


Right, that's the last inspiro out of me.


Love yourself before your family.
Love your family before your friends.
Love your friends before your neighbours.
Love your neighbours before your nation.
Love your nation before your race.
Love your race before your species.
Love your species before your planet.
Love your planet before your enemies.
And love your enemies.


Stoicism and fatalism.



You guys know that this guy is seen as a joke in South America, right?


I'm curious, why






coelho is a disgusting libturd and that quote is terribly cringey

He lied. Coelho are actually a completly winner beside his books narratives. He went from 0 to 100.


Couldn't find one with a falchion. I hate eastern weapon so fucking much.
goddamn, every little weeaboo with a paypal account has shitty little chink letter-opener.

There should be a saying for that.
"Pretending to be another culture is the first step to treason."


im a practising stoic and I read the cynic school as well as some other schools


he never said that


His books are cringe material. I mean, its obviously higher than your typical anglo writer, but it can't compete with real XXth centhury South Am. literature.
>A completely winner
What do you mean?

pure pottery

Who actually said this? Was it goebbels or hitler or who?
And could we have some more in this thread?


Nihilism. It's the only thing that makes sense, since there's probably no god, and therefore no singular objective. Read the problem of evil on wiki, look at the scope of the universe, and understand the nature of humans, and you too can lose faith in everything.


Hong Zicheng - Vegetable Roots Discourse

You two can't do what he did with his life. Deal with that. He won, and yall lost in life. Definitely, who are posting furiously against life and race issues in an american anime image board? haha

yall always choose the darkest and wrong path

>Paul Coelho
are you a middle-aged housewife?



Katanas weren't even very good weapons back in the day. Their manufacturing process was for shit and resulted in a shitty edge that didn't last long. Take a medieval two handed sword and watch tears pour from weed boos faces as their shit sword gets rekt with one good swing.


>posting furiously against life
he is just a cheap fuck, theres so much good latin american literature and they go for coelho, its sad

Fucking hell, ChadBot confirmed

I am saying whatever y'all arguing or defend sounds stupid cause this imageboard especially Sup Forums are teenager and stupid. Just a bunch of uneducated hatefull minority claiming to save the "white race"


AHAHAHAHAHAHSHSHAHAHAHAHAHAHAJAJAJAHA&!&! y'all are fucking idiots... theres not a fucking white race to save.... and fuck neo nazism is criminal...

I agree, but that one quote stood out, the rest can just go in the bin m8

Yeah right dude what about Kill Bill


is that boll clonton


>he attacks people who disagree with him with a sword first
>THEN resorts to internet arguments if they continue
wow thanks user that really made me think

If the day does not require an AK, it is good.

Okay my man


i am not celebrating his books content, but you not even read one of his book you retard you're just repeating a fucking statement like a robot, like some of you all are. Teenbots nu-males.

i just came here time to time
because of the lols
shit is always laughs worth


>shattered with very little effort
>rusts easily
>durability -999999999999999999
>too light
>made for short men
>no leather grip wtf
>lacquer on scabbard is gross

German, French or Scottish swords all the way


Un-ironic post

Horses BTFO


I believe the official Sup Forums philosophy is National Libertarianism. Aka the savioir of the white race.


They were amazing for the region, though. Armor was either sticks tied together, or wearing too many robes. A blade made of low-quality steel made in the least efficient manner will still tear right through cloth or paneling.
The weaboo hype is bullshit, but samurai were the only Iron Age guys in a copper-poor Bronze Age civilization. At the time that was locally significant.

Seems like a passage from Mein Kampf.


The staunch Sup Forums views deal with race preservationalism, nationalism, being proponents of the Frankfurt School Jewish conspiracy theory, anti-open borders, and race realism.

Everything else is in flux but these are the views that make up the Sup Forums identity.

>Read the problem of evil on wiki

literally off yourself, hahhahaha i can't believe you must be a fucking teenager, believing in God is always inevitable, based on what i know about life, he exists and Jesus is the key to understand. You're too infantile and surface level to understand some concepts, you're in the baby lotion phase of questining things, i bet you hate yourself...
nihilism is always shitting on everything... i be t you have some demons... i might pray to someone exorcise your shit up... you fucking sick degenarate project of kon klux klan


I know I have.

I have more of an existentialist view of things though. I try to find things to give my life meaning. So far I've come up short.

"the jews did everything"
"mastubating to shemales"
""""""""conservative christian""""""""""
"uh orrr i hate the man of colour"

fucking pathetic i wish the world had a more organized hate criminals...

It might be on to something.

>the only good ones are the fake Taylor Swift-Hitler quotes

Fuck accountability anyways right?

There are plenty of poor whites and their crime rate is lower than blacks.

Blacks are inherently violent you nigger lover

Coelho is the most nu-male ive ever read, is right there with getting ouroboros tattooed

fake depth for people who don't like to drown

Awesome quote. Cringy pic



"In the dark we are all the same"

>a movie
>being this retarded

Like Leibniz, I believe that we live in the "most perfect possible world."
There is nothing I would change.
Of course, as a human being, I am constantly seeking to change things. Such is my nature. But this nature, too, is part of perfection.

The downside of this view is that it can be used to justify anything. So it has no real use. It is like looking through a perfectly clear window. It is a philosophy for god, not man.

It is better to be respected than feared, but better to be feared than ignored.

because of the segregations you fucling stupid

you have no balls, i challenge to be in a fight against any suburban latino teen or even white suburban teen , you are so soft and fucking nerd jackass that you're gonna pee in your pants of fear you're such a turbo faggot

i wish i was in the USA right now so i could beat your ass up, i could fucking break your face you faggot

Does this bot actually browse Sup Forums ?

All I know is that I know nothing.

"If I determine the enemy's disposition of forces while I have no perceptible form, I can concentrate my forces while the enemy is fragmented. The pinnacle of military deployment approaches the formless: if it is formless, then even the deepest spy cannot discern it nor the wise make plans against it."
Sun Tzu
"The Art of War"


good example of someone who knows how to interpret data on any level. Don't trouble yourself with the numbers, it's just confusing you and you don't sound any less racist for using them.

Just admit you hate blacks, you'll still fit in during your lifespan

man hes new-age religious writer "The Alchemist", positive messages with mystic details, Russians love him,
hes not a genius, hes more like a type of "guru" like Max Lucado

Anti speshul snowflakes Sup Forums bot confirmed.


