I used to think the whole 'we wuz kangz' thing was limited to like 2 or 3 afrocentrist shills and magnified here on /pol to cause outrage....
But I'm seeing more and more of this stuff. Are blacks doing this because they lack an ancestry that made explorative finds and scientific advancements?
Logan Murphy
>Are blacks doing this because they lack an ancestry that made explorative finds and scientific advancements? Forget ancestry, they don't even know who their dads are. Have to fill the void somehow.
Kevin Clark
Goddamn it, americans, fuck you. You have the world's biggest army, navy, and air force, start dealing with this fucking problem. Don't know how?! Look at our Colonial Wars: if a negro gets uppity, just remember he's alfway charcoal already, a little bit of help, and he'll go full charcoal. And then he might - MIGHT - have some use to a society. Goddamn it, I'm mad.
Brody Edwards
Easton Wright
Wyatt Robinson
Lucas Allen
Just out of curiosity. How did they determine this?
Elijah Evans
>Are blacks doing this because they lack an ancestry that made explorative finds and scientific advancements?
Blacks are doing this because it's a meme that pisses off white bois even more than Sup Forums spamming CP.
>being this triggered by every nigger
Grayson Gomez
No source as always
Wyatt Adams
Because there all in fucking denial of where they come from and still are
Grayson Smith
>African branch of the Portuguese royal house >African >royal house
Now I know how Egyptians feel
Jace Morgan
trololo bottom left pic
nice try, now kill yourself.
Ryder Gray
>Black Queen of England They truly believe this shit, the ones who share it. Literally had to remove black people who I considered friends off my FB, for sharing shit like this. Alot of the people sharing this shit were the dumbasses who made jokes and didn't pay attention to FUCKALL in school, because having intellect is not cool. Now, they want to pretend to be intellectuals, without having done any of the footwork, albeit sharing memes to get there
Because there is a mega-church preacher + American Muslim groups that are teaching this bullshit to them.
Camden Young
>Pissing off
It's more like the look how stupid I am comic.
Hudson Myers
The Muslim brotherhood (funded by CAIR) literally goes into prisons and teaches blacks this in order to create the seeds for strife among half-retarded nigger populations.
Nathan Roberts
>We wuz portogeez
Ian Hill
Christopher Wright
Connor Clark
They're right, Portuguese people are not white.
Hudson Hall
Liberals have been rewriting history for decades. If they're successful, we wuz kangz might be a respected historical theory 1000 years from now
Ryan Ward
Dylan Scott
>Why? White people are genocided. They just start rewriting history to erase all traces of us.
Lincoln Lewis
You're confirmed nigger Portugal, it's done and there's nothing more to say on the subject.
Zachary Flores
>we wuz kangz might be a respected historical theory 1000 years from now
More like 100 years.
At the rate that niggers are replacing white people in Europe, history as we know it will be burned and replaced with 'we wuz europeans'
Julian Moore
>we wuz portuguese queenz n sheeeeeet
How did the portuguese evolve past their brown heritage to a slightly less brown heritage?
Luis Flores
Who's culture will be next? Please place your bets!all bets are final!
Ian Scott
From what I understand, there's some kind of Church of Islam, Black Power group or something like that going around preaching and misinterpreting the Out Of Africa Theory to be that blacks were some master race suppressed by evil beings called "recessives", or whites. They come up with these impromptu ideas that every culture was actually black, up until some undetermined date, which seems to be the late 1800s, when the recessives took over and "rewrote" history. The story is not coherent and any attempt to question it's verity is met with that the recessives did it, or want it that way. I find it interesting as a false take in history, like a weird sort of fanfiction, but its such a jumbled mess, it's laughable.
Wyatt Jenkins
this faggot / literally chimps out.
such irony. sorry but you crackers are just like these niggers you speak of.
slowly mankind will move to the stars ya'll niggers can stay here and keep your two restrooms.
Jordan Diaz
Super nigger confirmed.
You deserve to be remastered and sold as property.
Sebastian Morris
>Hood Intellect >African """""Intellectuals"""""
Hudson Mitchell
I'm actually mad at this. genuinely mad.
Jayden Gomez
>From what I understand, there's some kind of Church of Islam, Black Power group or something like that going around preaching and misinterpreting the Out Of Africa Theory to be that blacks were some master race suppressed by evil beings called "recessives", or whites. They come up with these impromptu ideas that every culture was actually black, up until some undetermined date, which seems to be the late 1800s, when the recessives took over and "rewrote" history. The story is not coherent and any attempt to question it's verity is met with that the recessives did it, or want it that way. I find it interesting as a false take in history, like a weird sort of fanfiction, but its such a jumbled mess, it's laughable.
I think you might be talking about the 5%ers
Kevin Rodriguez
Go back to your torture chamber, pinko scum
Landon Parker
>Hood intellect How can white boys even make you think?
Dominic Cooper
I'm not really sure as I've never looked much into this bullshit, I might be.
My aunt is really into this shit, and I sometimes get into arguments when I tell her it's all a delusion.
Carter Baker
>slowly mankind will move to the stars ya'll niggers can stay here and keep your two restrooms.