Besides boobs, what made Starship troopers so great, and why does it not seem to be that popular?

Besides boobs, what made Starship troopers so great, and why does it not seem to be that popular?

No one IRL seems to have heard of it when I mention that it's my favorite movie.

Was it a box office flop or something?

Also I haven't watched it in probably over 10 years. Has it aged well in terms of CGI and overall comfiness of the movie?

You haven't watched your favorite movie in over ten years???

yeah, why is that weird?

The boobs were the worst part tho. With better boobs, Dizzy would've been the perfect woman

It was universally panned by critics when it came out, because unbelievably none of them realised it was satire

so nobody watched it in cinemas

How can you be so fucking oblivious ? Same thing happened with Last Action Hero, you read the critics from back then and it's like they had no idea what was going on on the screen.

I can't get over this. It's about as subtle as brick thrown though a window, and Veerhoven did RoboCop, which is the satircal sci-fi/action movie.

Also what the fuck happened to the lead actor?

Why isn't he in the same echelon as Pitt or Dicaprio at this point?

Probably because movie appeared to be a big scifi blockbuster on the surface but was actually a cult satire. I guess all the normies of the time couldnt understand it.

retards dont understand its a commentary on fascism, so they think its just another stupid action movie

Hmm... I always thought it was fairly famous. I remember FX and Syfy used to play it a lot.

I just really saw it in its entirety for the first time this year. I think it's the greatest ever comedy.

It's also both Jodorowsky and Takashi Miike's favorite movie

Anyhow, only some people realize it's a satire, but even less people ever catch on that the bugs never attacked

The CGI is like 50/50. Some of it is surprisingly good and some of it is cringe inducing. I still need to read the book (thanks for reminding me) but the movie isn't about the effects, it's about the message.

I thought it was about killing giant insects and seeing people ripped to shreds

If it was released in 2004-2006 it would have done mega numbers as a satire of W's fuckups in the Middle East.

Great gore
Michael Ironside
the videos "would you like to know more"
Jake Busey.
Doogie Howser can suck my ass.

Casper Van Dien is in DTV/Syfy original movie hell because this movie and a Tarzan flick starring him both flopped, so Hollywood dropped him.

I saw this in theatres when I was nine
>mfw my father high fived me when tits came on the screen tho

What are you talking about? Army Dog ushered a new era of hope for the world of cinema.

Rico is a character we can sympathize with (he's not too smart, winds up at the bottom and has to work his way up, and things don't always work out for him) but also we want to be him (because he's good looking and has two hot girls and he's good at sports stuff).

The story delivers its information in interesting and fun ways. Instead of having characters just flat out explain everything about their world, the news reels do a good job of conveying what we need to know in an entertaining way (yes, I want to know more).

The action sequences are well-shot and the CGI, although dated, still holds up. They do a good job of pitting the humans against an alien enemy who is consistently a serious threat (from having them being more vicious to having them hopelessly outnumber them to having a brainbug who outsmarts them and knows more about them then they know about the bugs).

The satire is also so over-the-top but the statements they make are never too forced or obvious. They never hit you over the head with any heavy sarcasm ("gee, I suuuuure do love fascism and hate having a choice"). They treat the audience a bit more intelligent than that.

There's also a good mix of them showing a very realistic (albeit fictionalized since it includes alien bugs) depiction of war with more fantastic elements (like the three friends meeting at the end and walking off arm-in-arm). In this way, they manage to lampoon war itself and the audience's expectations of a war film (especially the last scene, which is a propoganda film).

But you know what? Forget all that. Take everything I said and just chuck it in the trash. Garbage that shit, because, bottom line, it's a fun film.

>that pic
good god i shouldn't be laughing, but i am

>none of them realised it was satire
Because based verhoven made a perfect satire about events that hadn't happened yet.

>implying aliens have never attacked the earth
Lizardman detected.

>besides boobs
ahahahaha, implying Dizzy's pancakes qualify as boobs

>No one IRL seems to have heard of it when I mention that it's my favorite movie
You're likely hanging with very underage people.

Critics are fucking retards.

Book isn't satire at all by the way. Author was an ex-marine and explored the narrative through the prism of the army.

because of peoples desire to want to know more

I sure am glad I dont live in a fascist regime where the media is all lying government controlled entities.

Why was buenos aires full of white people?

>but even less people ever catch on that the bugs never attacked

was it a false flag attack or were the asteroids just a natural phenomena?

argentina is white

I loved this movie as a kid. The mix of action and satire really appealed to 12yo me.

When I got a little older and read Heinlien's book, I soured on the movie a little. It is counter to the book's theme in the same way that I-Robot is. Even worse, people project ST-the-movie onto ST-the-book.

It's a solid 8/10 if it had another title.

I highly recommend the book for the 2 action sequences alone. Especially the first one. >Dizzy (who's a man) getting killed by a stray nuke
>Rico and his team using their power armour's jet packs to jump a kilometer at a time while dropping bombs on "The Skinnies" and using flamethrowers when they briefly land
If only the film had them in giant gorilla power armour armed with cluster bombs, flame throwers and nukes.

>Author was an ex-marine

Try Navy. '29-'34 with a medical discharge.

>argentina is white

not according to Sup Forums

> this

Why did we have to see dizzy's boobs when denise richards was there...

pornhub know better than Sup Forums

What i dont get is that it's a fucking great movie even not taken as a satire. It's satirical to the same success that red skull's new speech in captain america is evil.

>it's my favorite movie.
>I haven't watched it in probably over 10 years.

Good bait.

is it really that satirical though? other than the news being overly positive?

The critics pretended to be retarded though. Reality is satire this time hit too close to home. America just won cold war, it was the middle of Clinton era and no one could think USA could be wrong.


I think the problem with many of the more influential critics is the fact they go to big screenings together. That way, they start to talk after the show, and it just takes one to be dense, harboring a grudge or having a bad day to seed discontent among his fellow peers. Which then spreads out to lesser critics and international critics when they read first impressions of the movie they're about to review, so more than occasionally things get panned without deserving it.
Hell, there's no better place to witness this than Sup Forums. Things are often made out to be shit even before they are released, and opinions don't change easily after the thing is out and it turns out it isn't shit.

Well yeah. It's about a system sending his youth to death for no clear reason.

> satire
are you some kind of autist?

I dont think it is, see it portrays a militaristic society, with some comic news reports of dissidents being executed as entertainment. But what is it satire of? The US? A country so afraid of direct war it involves itself entirely with espionage and population control instead.

Portraying a particular society isnt satire anymore than showing zootopia is a satire of the modern west. It's just a fictional society.

To fight a virulent species of insects that are corrupting planets and trying to spread? Seems a pretty good reason for me.

Unless you want rico to change his fb profile to an Argentinian flag then tweet #notallarachnids

The movie literally predicted the Bush era.

t. millenial


Nice digits

It's supposed to be a multicultural future.

What a very limited war with the misguided belief that the local population were good and wanted liberty, in which we left without conquest.

Bush's real legacy was just obama-lite, introducing the patriot act and beginning mass surveillance of the american population and breaching all safeguards and laws of national sovereignty and privacy rights.

>(especially the last scene, which is a propoganda film)
The ENTIRE movie is propaganda. Every time the news segments ask you if you'd like to know more, it makes the choice for you and you get more of Rico's story. A guy with humble beginnings rises up the ranks and gains respect and recognition and becomes a perfect federation drone at the end, it's sympathetic and manages to sell the federation's ideology to the real world audience because they end up rooting for Rico and humans in general. Very few people who watched the movie sympathise with the bugs at all, which is alarming because the point is that the bugs are an abstract stand in for things that are alien and therefore scary for us in real life.

To be fair, I doubt anyone on Sup Forums was alive for the previous false flag operation.
>be alive during Gulf of Tonkin
>spend 4 decades waiting for the chance to shitpost on a Cuban Cigarillo Exchange Forum
Or even the previous false flag operation wherein the press was also towing the party line.
>be alive during Pearl Harbor
>be under the delusion that a Tibetan Salt Reviewing BBS is your means of communicating directly to your great grand children

>and trying to spread

Oh no whatever will we do about these bugs who launch their sperm across the galaxy with the power of farts! Better send in millions of grunts armed with shit weapons just to be wiped out!

The Arachnids in the movie were a complete non-threat due to the simple fact that humans had transports that could get them to other star systems within a lifetime, whereas the bugs relied on their spawn surviving for eons while crossing space at incredibly slow speed. Hell, if the humans wanted to they could have done the exact same thing they claimed the Arachnids did: bombard them with rocks. Except the humans could launch the rocks at close to lightspeed, which would make the rocks completely destroy anything living on the planet.

And I expect a world-spanning fascist military power would have managed to come up with something more powerful than the Tsar Bomba, even if they didn't rely on lightspeed mechanics. But nah, let's just bomb the planets a bit and then send in grunts with rifles. That'll be the efficient way to stop the spread of an alien animal.

Watched this as a kid and had no clue it was supposed to be a satire.

I just liked watching soldiers go around shooting bugs.

> bugs throw meteors at earth
> slaughter people en masse

"But we just dont understand them!" says the numale faggot

I've had two guys tell me the movie was the reason they joined the military, with no idea it had anything satirical about it. It was what made me realise what kind of thinkers there are in the armed forces.

True and I agree, the whole thing is a propaganda film. My point was more that the last scene is a propaganda film within the reality of the film, and I see how I didn't say that clearly.

And true, the bugs are portrayed in such a way that it's impossible to sympathize with them. When a character does (a news reporter starts talking about how maybe humans started this by encroaching on their territory) Rico immediately interrupts him with a "I say we kill them all!" to cheers, and even the reporter seems to agree. Then, all the scenes with the bugs, they're killing people. And they're bugs, not humans at all, which makes them all the more more difficult to relate to. The only time they ever show any emotion is at the end, when the smart bug is afraid (again, to cheers).

Meanwhile, the humans are super sympathetic, especially Rico because we're with him through all his low points (losing his girlfriend, losing his rank, losing his family, nearly dying, losing Dizzy, nearly losing his ex-girlfriend, and so on).

It's great stuff.

aren't you missing the part where their political system of citizens vs civilians depends on the soldiers actually having to fight? If there was no war everyone could just sign up

Oh so its okay that they could overrun and destroy earth because we could go elsewhere? Not much of an option.

Also the power discrepancy wasnt so severe, they did manage to wipe out buenos aires killing millions. A human life being worth billions of the mindless normal bugs.

As for their tactics, orbital bombing doest make for a great film, although we do see bombing runs. Maybe the future civilization is environmentally sensitive? Regardless if your point is that the humans are stupid, that contradicts you saying they are vastly more capable than the bugs and regardless affects in no way the fact that the bugs need to be killed.

well really in the grander scheme its more abnormal not to want to conquer kill and expand.

t. enlightened cuckold

So a movie about pride and serving a greater principle riled up their test, dont worry you can always watch mr.nobody again.

When other forces wish to conquer and expand, to employ a policy of simply maintaining yourself is suicide, because there is an imbalance. To maintain in a world of competing forces you have to try expand and conquer.

so lets say the bugs with their much higher population and growth rate colonize all the resource useful planets available, would they still be a non threat? What if they evolve/learn to use technology more on par with humans?

Is that supposed to be a bad thing?

A fascist military society needs a war to sustain itself. In the movie we see what happens when a planet-wide state has such a society: they are forced to fabricate a war with alien species just to make sure that the society won't collapse, and make it seem like a fair fight with propaganda, despite being able to wipe them out easily if all of their military power was actually used. Then add even more propaganda to make sure dissenters won't be heard. The citizens dying in a futile and meaningless war means nothing to the leaders. This is practically the only definition you can have of an objectively bad society. One that fucks over its citizens.

>they could overrun and destroy earth

There's no way for them to do so in the movie. It's like going off to Africa to kill elephants to make sure the Elephants don't end up taking over America. And doing so by sending in kids with slingshots instead of effectively eradicating the species.

>No one IRL seems to have heard of it when I mention that it's my favorite movie.

how is that even possible unless you're underaged? but based on your other comment "havent seen it in over 10 years" im assuming youre in your mid/late 20s
so im calling bs on this bait

>an insect was capable of throwing a meteor 10s of thousands of light years
>an insect was capable of throwing a meteor 10s of thousands of light years and striking Earth
>an insect was capable of throwing a meteor 10s of thousand of light years and striking Earth, with all the calculations required to compensate for cosmic drift, gravity attenuation from all the stars along the path, Oort cloud object dispersion and movement, in-system planetary alignment, gravity attenuation from said in-system planetary bodies with emphasis on Jupiter ( which granted is the one planetary body that has tried to kill Earth with large rocks), asteroid belt object dispersion and movement, gravity attenuation from the Moon.
Yes, a bug did all of that in an antagonistic act towards man, several millennia before man even became a thing.

God almighty. I wouldn't consider SST a cerebral movie but maybe it's too far up the scale for you user. You miss the entire point of interspecies contact, how it's impossible to judge intent and even communicate. And from the perspective of the bugs i don't think they would tend to agree that one of them is worth less than one of us, even if they did fully understand the differences in our civilizations. The movie is ankle deep, i know there are explosions but it still requires a small amount of brain engagement to understand

They launch themselves through space and we can see that these meteors can hit earth. Being bugs they can reproduce like wildfire, so if they just bombarded earth that's it over.

> Faster than light travel is also possible

A large number of feats in the film can't logically happen, its a sci-fi. Just imagine they use their lazer energy to effect meteors already near earth.

while you are right about the propaganda the point is they all make the choice to fight and that sacrifice is what keeps their society stable.

That's a good point, and something I only really noticed when I watched the movie couple weeks back. In order for Rico to fully integrate into the federation, he has to lose all the personal relationships that allowed him to retain his humanity. His parents, Dizzy and even Rasczak who came off as slightly too smart and sympathetic for an infantry officer. Rico's relationship with Carmen is tame and chase compared to how Dizzy felt about him, and Carl is a 'friend' who is willing to mind-control Rico to achieve military objectives.

maybe a 5th dimensional bug opened a love wormhole for them

There is no message about misunderstanding the arachnids and the one smart bug we do see them communicating with it. Stop being such a redditor trying to create things that aren't there.

You're completely missing my point. Kill all the bugs if you want. But do so effectively. Don't use them as a cover to perpetuate a state that needs a war to survive, sending good men and women to die for no reason.

Terraform the planets they infest. Blanket the planets in toxins and bioengineered contagions keyed to their anatomy. Blow their planets up by launching FTL-missiles at it. Then you can take all the resources you need, without fabricating a fight where there's really only an extermination.

The Earth government doesn't need the resources. They need the war and they need to send their young to die. Which makes them a failed state.

>Just imagine they use their lazer energy to effect meteors already near earth.
That just makes it even worse, by twofold.

He has a closer relationship with dizzy than he ever had out of the military. And carmen was always going to cuck him.

Not as bad as humans every having contact with an alien species given the insurmounable distances between celestial bodies. Not as bad as sound in space, not as bad as there still being white people in the distant future.

Lazer space bug beams are tame on the scale of things.

>so if they just bombarded earth that's it over.

In a couple of millions years when that bombardment finally reaches Earth, sure.

How exactly does sending in grunts with rifles help against being bombarded by the bugs?

Kill the bugs? They do bombing runs and eventually capture a brain - so its a winning tactic even if stupid.

It just doesn't make for a good film having artillery strikes from earth hit other planets. You people really push it too much, its an extreme comedic fiction but it isnt satire.

Nobody watched it, cult hit, cult following. It's not rocket science, please.

People's minds are so numb now that they have no sense of self-awareness and can't understand satire.

>Carl is a 'friend' who is willing to mind-control Rico to achieve military objectives.
he does the exact opposite

like I already said thats part of their political/cultural system, the young choose to serve sacrifice some of themselves and in turn rule the society with their vote, this ensure principled competent people guide the society and it is a form of eugenics as well. You can not like it, but no one is forcing you to fight.

>Kill the bugs

In the most inefficient way possible. These people should by all rights be able to completely obliterate the planets the bugs infest. They're killing ants one by one with a set of tweezers, rather than getting a can of bugspray out.

So while they're wasting time capturing brain bugs, as if you even need one of them to fight the bugs, the bugs have had time to bombard earth with their seed for years. Good going.

>Nobody watched it
It's on TV all the time and has been for ages.

Hell, I watched it a week ago on TV.

Nobody watched it at the time it came out. I know you're probably 12 or something and has no idea when this movie came out.

>this ensure principled competent people guide the society

It obviously does NOT, since they people in charge are wasting time, resources and lives on the war they should be winning in days.

Argue for the merits of the book's system of government all you like, but the movie clearly has a shit government that only people raised on propaganda would think is efficient or competent.

The bugs know of their plans ahead of time though due to the brain bugs - they are frustrating their ability to kill them. So capturing one is imperative, plus they want to investigate it.

Also we just don't know about their capabilities - sure they could nuke the planet but the bugs hide underground and may be resistant to radiation. They then might not have any other superweapons. The infantry tactics are of course brain dead and that's part of the action/comedy of it.

I havent read the book. But you don't seem to grasp that the easy way isn't the best way. If they just nuked them or w/e they would set precedent for the civilians caste to become citizens.

>favorite movie

>haven't watched it in 10 years

Post discarded.

It's not the 90s any more. People have seen it.

And I saw it in theaters.

But the leftist democracy today that seeks to subjugate and lessen all people is better? Here's a shock: all the things that have lead you to hate and notice things like an overtly militaristic society are real life propaganda, not the movie ones that signal themselves to you.

>The bugs know of their plans ahead of time though due to the brain bugs

Because they fucking sent people to the surface of the planets to have their brains sucked out by the brain bugs. If they'd just kept on bombarding them from orbit, with one or two grunts sent in with biological weapons, the brain bugs would never have gotten any info.

Are you so fucking dense that you can't understand that an old movie, not very successful at the time of it's theater release, is not going to be as famous as an old movie who's very successful at the time of it's theater release?

People can watch it later when it's on TCM or whatever, but it's still not going to be very well known, that's why you call it a cult hit, same thing happened with The Thing.

Hey you're being a little rude there friendo :^)

>If they'd just kept on bombarding them from orbit
But we see that the bugs can live deep underground, so I don't think the bombardments are really all that useful.

Plus, they wanted to catch brain bug alive. They wanted to know more.

It's never suggested they have biological weapons and that these would even be effective against bugs. Also remember that at the start of the movie there is no war, so we witness the first battles and they may be finding what works. It may have even been centuries since they engaged in any large form of war.

They also had no idea a brain bug really existed or could suck out people's brains and knowledge so to them there was no harm in having important people planet side.

I agree. I was going to respond, but not if he's going to be a little jerk about it (pardon my French).

The special effects are surprisingly really good

The joke is that with the discovery of psychic humans, humanity is turning into a hivemind species of telepathic leaders and mindless drones, no different from the bugs.

Mind blown.