Dutch even Human?

Why are the Dutch so slimy.
They have to cheat to win, Mr.Clean faggot.
Sid enote should Netherlands even be a country, pretty sure they're just faggy Germans.

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ayylmao people still cry about this?

I'm still fucking triggered, Mr.Clean fucking flopped.

if we didn't get that penalty we would have won in extra time, last 30 minutes were all on mexico's side of the field

Totally debatable, Mexico is renowned for playing extremely well in extra time familia.

doesn't matter now, our team is shit nowadays anyway

they have an absolutely disgusting language.

It was so fun to see how angry everyone was over on /sp at the time

Belgium is going to be a god-tier team though.
Netherlands is still a decent team.
The Euro cup will change the rankings as well.
Who, Spanish is pretty nice really gets you hyped hombre.

No era

too bad your team is in shambles now. Kuyt is effectively retired. Diving meme man is gone. And Robben is perma injured. Memphis was overhyped.

I meant Dutch. Dutch is disgusting. A horrible, ugly language.

You're not Dutch???

Doubles dubs noice.
Sounds like an autistic kid speaking german tbqh

No. I'm just trapped in this god forsaken hellhole.

What's stopping you from leaving us the hell alone?

Era penal. :^)

Like economically?
Explain please.

I'm a tourist visiting my family.
No. I'll be gone in 30 days.

>Era penal
Get out.

>Iron Man Robben bootyblasts another faggot
Hail to the touch king motherfuckers
He dodges and weaves to make you look like faggots, it's not his fault if shitskins can't tackle worth a damn to avoid a penalty

I bet you are some kebab then.

Hup hup faggot

>Memphis was overhyped
Fuck are you talking about he's great.
His problem is that nobody knows how to fucking play him properly and he's never given much freedom on the pitch
Doesn't matter though, The faggot One will most likely sell him just like he's going to sell based Smalling and basically just turn us into Chelshit gutting what it means to be United and finish the job that LVG was sent to do.
Fuck football I'm done
>Netherlands is still a decent team
Holland is dead, everyone got old and the new players aren't even fucking dutch

Yea, guess it's a good thing I don't give a shit about football anyway.

>Mexico is renowned for playing extremely well in extra time
Yeah, against shitskins

I'm in Almere and I hate every moment of it. I'll be happy once I fuck off to the U.S.
>small houses
>stores close at 10pm
>pay to use a shoping cart
>bring bags to grocery stores
>fine for recycling improperly
>heavy taxes

only good thing about this country is cheap beer.

>pay to use a shoping cart
Jesus christ on a burning cross
Now it makes sense why Nedercuckland is only a sex tourism hotspot


you have to put in a 50 cent coin. Everything except beer is expensive and they're taxed like crazy.

We did some landscaping a few weeks ago and had to rent a wagon attachment. It cost $40 for 3 hours. Whereas in the U.S. we could rent a fucking F-150 for a full day at that price.

>Netherlands is still a decent team

Didn't even qualify for euros in a way too easy poule with Iceland, Czech Republic and Turkey

You get it back afterwards, and it's only 50 cents. Not that big of a deal.

>being this mad
lmao weed
What do you mean, no one even touched him.

The shopping carts are linked together to prevent theft, you put in a coin (you can get coins from the counter, doesn't have to be actual money). And you get it back afterwards by linking the shopping cart back, pushing the coin out with the link.

The other things he complains about aren't really a thing either, he just put some random things out of context.

>We did some landscaping a few weeks ago and had to rent a wagon attachment. It cost $40 for 3 hours

I just looked it up, I can find them for about 12$ for a day, if you're too lazy to find a good deal then don't complain about the price.

Please don't disrespect my city.

You cant be this retarded he clearly placed his foot on Robbens foot.

Robben himself even said he wasn't touched.
Terrible damage control

He did not.
He said he wasn't touched in an earlier challenge outside the box in the first half.

Even if you dont believe this.

Kindly point yourself to 5:25 in the video and shut the fuck up.

Re watch it.
Look at that fucking flop

>Canada mad because the Netherlands is a better country

God fucking damn it, why are the Dutch so awesome?

Seriously where the fuck do you think the rest of Robbens foot is?

Protip: It's under the foot of Marquez.

That's everywhere except the US. You get your fucking dime back when you return the cart you broke and lazy shits

Another angle, tell me how Marquez doesn't crush Robbens toes with his heel.

Do you even play soccer whit boi.

In an ideal world Robben doesnt have to overreact to it to make sure the ref notices the foul.
Sadly if Robben just went down rationally the ref would have let Marquez get away with it.

Overreacting or selling a foul =/= cheating.

If it was a real foul, he would of legitmately gone flying, this is obvious deceit and not sports like at all.

>Its only a foul if you get sent into orbit after the foul

rare flag

>Attacking us for no reason while we sleep
Pretty low man. Good night imma sleep again

That's the plan

What's his trademark play, again?