Is it weird that there are blacks who legitimately like this guy?
Is it weird that there are blacks who legitimately like this guy?
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Nope, they're probably above-average intelligence blacks who despise their ghettofied peers
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was actually listening to this guy earlier.
How's Johnny doing? Haven't heard anything about him for a while. I heard his son got busted for banging a teen girl.
best johnny rebel song?
i say nigger hatin me or nigger in law
i heard he died
are the vocals on that song confirmed black?
personally i like coon town
sounds great
"..and i wanna be free" sung by black man.
the main is still johnny rebel
Cowboys and Niggers and Some Niggers Never Die are great too.
No. Intelligent blacks are usually self-hating. They hate blacks more than most whites do. Johnny Rebel sings truth, and they respect him for it.
he tells the truth about us negroes
self-hatred is for faggots. i can't respect a self-hating nigger anymore than i can't respect a white leftist cuck
thanks fampai
question for pol
im 1/4 cherokee. my daddy was white and my mom was 1/2 cherokee half white. my dad died when i was young so my mom moved in with family.
i grew up around a lot of chrokees.
but when i was 16 i moved out on my own and have lived close to whites for 11 years now
am i ok by Sup Forums standards?
>Argentinian who is honest about his skin color
>Dey uncle toms! Dey just a slave fo whitey!
Get the fuck out Jesse Jackson.
I am grateful for colonialism and slavery.
better to be working class in USA than be born in liberia,congo, togo, or such places
But I thought you were white
I am.
buenos aires is a disgusting multiculti shithole. gooks,negroes,spics, congolombians, bolitas, SJW whitey, nu-males, communists and the second biggest jewish community in the world
You're basically a mestizo, but as long as you don't beg for acceptance like you just did there, you're alright, Injun.
how was i begging for acceptance? i was just curious if i was a ok by the standards of this board.
if you had said no i wouldnt have lost any sleep
i was really just wondering where i stood with the Sup Forumsacks