His country wastes time and effort in a sport that is irrelevant worldwide

>his country wastes time and effort in a sport that is irrelevant worldwide
seriously WTF is the point? you are so bad at real sports so you play something on your own to not be embarrassed on the world stage? im looking at you american football, aussie football, rugby league, gaelic whatever-it-is, hurling, etc.

no one likes jews so get out

cool fact. im not jewish so your comment is irrelevant just like your literally-why """sport"""

>Looks at flag

Not even once.

All sports are irrelevant in a cosmic sense. The only justifiable reason to watch any of them is entertainment. I think NFL football is more entertaining than any other sport and that's why it is my favorite. I could give two shits what the rest of the world is into.

>his planet wastes time and effort in a sport that is irrelevant galaxy wide

>what are domestic leagues

>he lets his interests in sport be dictated by what is deemed acceptable by others

this is a type of trait displayed commonly by millennial cucks

>not a jew
And I'm white and rich.

there 1.5 million arabs who are israeli citizens you stupid ape.
keep enjoying dumbed down versions of sports just because people around you do it too. forgot to mention NASCAR in op

Divegrass is shit, why watch it?

>Says the only country that still plays apartheid

What is the NFL a dumbed down version of? I would argue that tactics in football are among the most cerebral of any sport.

Personally I don't why England invest so much in football when they go out in the quarter finals every time.

We should just stick to rugby.


see these:

>good at any sport

he's going to say that rugby's gay and NFL hits are 6 gorillian times harder etc etc etc...


btw saved screed

They're delusional countries that need an excuse to fall back on whenever they get BTFO. They just say 'all our real athletes are playing [insert contrived shit here]'

im not jewish but israelis can say one of theirs have won 7 (seven) gold medals in a single olympiad. this guy used to compete here in the maccabiyah. has a canadian ever did this? dont think so!

but I have nothing against rugby; it's a great sport? So is American Football, it's just my favorite. I watch soccer too :')


lol and we americans can say we won triple that

>his country cares about being relevant worldwide
No thank you. We will continue to whoop everyones ass in the Olympics and pretend we care then. You should be glad we don't care about soccer and cricket so you fucks at least have a chance at something

keep up the good work and stop dumping money on shit sports. i cringe every time i see how much money college football coaches earn.

Why dont you assholes come and dethrone america in basketball and american football instead?

yeah no this is america where we dump money in to anything

and mikey phelps can out swin any kike

Says the oven dodger

thanks for the bump moor

because nobody gives a shit about it

Did you miss the cut for becoming a suicide bomber?

Lol being an arab is literally worse than being a jew

>everyone should only play one sport

>jew is globalist


Being arab is worse