SJW Tyranny

How is this shit going with you guys? Have you ever got fired or threatened because of political views?

Brazil is far from cucked, but today I got hit in the face with some SJW democracy & equality.

>working part time at an office to pay college
>people are pretty nice in general
>boss is a women, though not full on SJW
>she still fucks with anyone with any indications of right wing
>big news on that whore getting gangbanged by 30 dudes
>people raging everywhere
>"waaah patriarchy" here and there
>coworker mentions it, as expected
>people pick the subject really quick
>as carefully as possible, I make the huge mistake of voicing my opinion
>"isn't it odd, though? She said there were exactly 36 guys..."
>"kinda strange she actually managed to count 30 people if she was out"
>some are actually agreeing with my subtle redpill
>next day
>somehow the fucking whore knows every word of what I said
>comes near me and throws shit right in the middle of the office
>rapist and monster and other crap
>threatens to fire me
>can't hold my tongue anymore
>"you can't fire me because I have a different opinion"
>she gets even more pissed
>"next slip and you're done"

If I get fired I'm pretty fucked in this country, SJWs are taking my job and the lefites destroyed any possibility of getting a new one. The best of it is how every cunt there didn't say a single word about it, and some people I told about didn't mind either, even though they have a really big opinion on dictatorships.

So, how is it going there? Is it as bad in Europe and the USA? I know some friendships end, but do you guys get fucked like that often?

Other urls found in this thread:

I didn't even read but god damn my dick

girl in the OP with her Asian boyfriend

So what's her name? (girl in op pic)

found it in a creepshot thread, no idea

In parts of the US, you would have been fired on the spot and been smeared on local and/or national news, ruining all prospects of future employment forever.


What went so wrong?

I have no idea what Brazil's laws are.

In the U.S. I would have an attorney and she would be fired. Or I would walk with cash and prizes.

came here for the feet

These people are so full of shit, I actually feel sick standing next to them.

I've seen a teacher fucking with one, he said a black dude was fired without much reason, and then showed some news of a guy getting fired because he didn't agree with SJWs.

He was gone a week after, it was great anyway.

this is the last one I think. i've been looking for the sauce as well, but I think its some random creepshot

I hope they don't create their comeuppance by firing you, that woud be ironic

esoecially if you were smart about it




File for wrongful termination of employment. You can't legally fire someone just for holding a different opinion. Especially opinions not related to the company


Over here nobody cares. I'm openly racist and homophobic all the time and so are all my friends. Nobody cares.

>cucked by SJW


I saw the video OP that bitches pussy was gaped.

>>"isn't it odd, though? She said there were exactly 36 guys..."
>>"kinda strange she actually managed to count 30 people if she was out"
Great job user. But I'm slow; How is this subtle redpill?

>>she was out
As in knocked out?

just go to the male boss above her

>working with women

Not even once.

You should have silently tolerated it all, then immediately reported it to whoever is above her, and say you're concerned with you're safety and worried about being assaulted by her.

Then if she fires you, you have some evidence to work with.

You learned an important lesson, never talk to women in the workplace. You say hello and then get to work. If you have to work on a project with them you discuss that project only. Same goes for anyone else considered a minority

I think the implication is that if she were passed out and raped how would she know there where exactly 36 people, or even vaguely 30.

That's what this is about right? Rape? I dunno the story, and op's english was a tad broken.

She's a known whore, half the pics in her fb she's holding guns and showing off with drug dealers. Right after the story came out people were already questioning, she said she woke up in a room and counted 36 guys, all armed with assault rifles.

Few days ago her boyfriend went to the police and apparently showed proof of her telling him to call a ton of dudes, and right now the media simply gave up on the story.

She also had a kid at 13.

Felt nothing for her desu that's what you get hanging with drug dealers in a favela. Sorry about your job man hope your boss gets hit by a truck.

she was gud girl, went to church every sunday

A hideous and pathetic hijab-wearing cunt tried to have me fired from my workplace because of some of my comments on Facebook regarding Islam.

wait, she's a tranny?

What human behavior do SJW's even allow? Clearly they allow agreeing with people (them), but is that it?

I'm serious. What human behavior will be allowed under SJW totalitarianism?

Thanks man, I hope so as well.

I don't get it either, it makes no sense. The best I can guess is that they follow their feelings.

How someone over 20 has never been in a situation where their feelings didn't cut it is beyond me.

Report her

I have. I was working in a factory and a lady from the fitting floor brought me a piece glass to re-cut. I asked what was wrong with the first piece and she said it had black spots on it. I jokingly said to her "whoa whoa whoa Missy, we don't call them black, we call them African-American."

Well standing next to me was a new worker in the glass room. A 40 something scarred face bull-dyke named Steph or something. She reported me to the supervisor and about 3 hours later I got called into an office with two fat bitches from human resources.

I had no idea what it was about, I had no idea I offended anyone. I thought I had a death in the family or something. So I spent the next 45 mins in that room arguing over whether or not I was offensive. Raising my voice so loud I was nearly yelling at these regards.

3 days later I was fired for being 15 mins late to work.

Damn, Brazilians are whores

You should fuck her.

The cure for feminism is a rough fuck.

Retards not regards, even my phone found that offensive*

My last time with work's justice (how they call it here) it took ages and nothing really happened. It seems Dilma did a great job at fucking that department up even more. I don't think there's anything legal I could do about it, my best bet would go at her boss and talk it, but I hate doing that.

>3 days later I was fired for being 15 mins late to work

This makes me rage and worry.

They are lucky you didn't come back and fucking murder them to be real.

>be me
>live in Harlem because poor
>go to store to get pancake stuff
>grab aunt gemima
>aunt hamima reincarnate appears behind me
>"u is support the racist institution. Blah blah whites invented crack and aids"
>listen with straight face for her to finish
>"in that case I better buy two"

I hated Jew York. Midwest is so much nicer.

This is nothing.

>be me
>be 27 get a job as office manager at a small plastics manufacturer(3 in the office and 7 in factory)
>my duties includes accounts payable, books, payroll, timesheets and whatever pther office bs
>autistic old ass late 50s woman gets a crush on me
>stops me to have conversations while im busy
>"""bumps""" into me several times while im leaving the restroom
>pulls me aside once and tells me shes been drinking and smoking a lot when not at work and thinks about me
> slides her hand across my ribs 2x while im counting inventory in the back

>leaves candies, toys, gifts and cards on my desk every week. Brings me food

>i ask her to stop several times

>my boss sees gifts on my desk one day and i mention it.
>become the joke of the company
>bosses wife comes in once in a while and literally sits accross from me cracking jokes
>friday the factory is shut down except for her another worker and the factory manager doing overtime and me.
>bitch accosts me as im comig out of the bathroom and doest let me get through
>says ive been treating her badly
>literally have not said a word to her in 2 weeks except for "how many hours did you work this week?
>says she wants me and will kill herself if i wont come see her outside work
>she is pinching my arm really badly
>i am scared she will attack me with a weapon
>leave work
>email my boss
>he calls me
>says he will talk to her and he cant fire her because shes worked there for 25 years and she literally works for a full 2 dollars less than others an hour. I know since i did payroll.
>i say if he wont fire her immediately i quit
>i quit
>start my own business
1 year later im making as much as i did at that job
2 years in im making double

Eu acho estranho.
A garota realmente tem fotos com metralhadoras e ouvi áudios dela dizendo querer dar pra meio mundo porque tem boceta e boceta é pra dar mesmo.

Fiquei um pouco chocado com o fato de fazerem fila para passarem a rola nela, mas ficaria 100x mais chocado se ela não fosse tão untermensch.

Your country was always a shithole. The only good thing your country has ever done is shelter Nazi criminals.


found some more misty pics through image searching

Wasn't there a video or something? I just heard about it on the radio.


all i found

Obrigado, claudinho

>>boss is a women

You lose at life, monkey.

Yeah, the idiots actually incriminated themselves by making a cp video with a passed out girl and their faces on it.

You might want to start looking for a new job, there're good chances it won't end with just this. Get ready, better safe than sorry.

Holy shit, there's more?!

Good job if real. Beats all the defeatist shit you see on here. Thumbs up soldier.

I've had this one for a while.

Ash got swole as fuck.

I was about to post that, I accidentally posted the same one twice.

I've done a ton of reverse searching, only got 6 pics.

>"kinda strange she actually managed to count 30 people if she was out"

What does this mean? Out of what?

Never mind, I get it, you mean knocked out.

Sorry, I thought you were talking about the chick who (completely consciously) boned 25 guys in the restroom at a high school.

>all these feet

passed out, I wrote it in a hurry.

I thought you guys new about this though, they said it was a big deal out there. Guess the media cucked us again.

I wanna bury my face in her ass tbqh.

> slides her hand across my ribs 2x while im counting inventory in the back

>leaves candies, toys, gifts and cards on my desk every week. Brings me food

Bitch didn't know if she wanted to fuck you or be your grandmother.

Here in the US most places try like hell not to hire women. It is best to hire whores and sluts. Strangely enough those bitches don't mind men too much. But if a feminist cunt does get hire start looking for another job quickly. I saw one wipe out 75% of the men where I worked because of sexual harassment claims. In fact, some places think it is better to go out of business and start over rather than fire a bitch if one manages to get hired.

On the bright side it does seem to be turning around. Now when a woman yells sexual harassment her name gets passed around and she is pretty much fucked in getting another job if she ever gets fired or quits. I know of one who got two guys fired and right now she is jobless and no one will even speak to her. One guy she was talking about sex with and when he talked sex back she filed a complaint.

Yeah I got fired from my job for being outspoken with other co-workers on feminism and trump and shit. Reason I got was that I make customers uncomfortable with my views. What a load of horseshit. The vast majority of our customers are old and most of them agree with me.

Just work for yourself. After i got fired I said fuck that, I'm never working for anyone again, I never want to be worried about making a living because of my views. Started up my own business, and while it's hard, It's slowly getting to the point where I'll be making more than I lose each month.

Good for you, man. I wish you the best of luck on your new business.

This feet thread is getting me closer to admitting to my gf of my foot fetish

>Reason I got was that I make customers uncomfortable with my views

I'm surprised they said that and didn't make up some bullshit to fire you for.

Isn't firing for political views, like... illegal?

just do it m8
footjobs are the best thing on the planet besides nutting in a girl

>Isn't firing for political views, like... illegal?

Illegal as hell. But a lawsuit cost money which most folks don't have and most lawyers won't take the case pro bono so pretty much you enter the sucks to be you category after a royal ass fucking. Most these shills know you can't do shit about it.

>Have you ever got fired or threatened because of political views?
No, political views and party affiliation is highly private here, and very rude to ask or in some circumstances talk about.

Mostly leftist retards and anarchists called Bliz here really. And they ain't popular these days.

People gives a rats ass about politics, because they are all the same puppets. But we're sick of all this homo propaganda (american jews have taken over all paper media) and immigrants.

Shit will happen here, the SJW is doomed before he arrived.

All Brazil do is to mimic everything the US has done 2 years ago
no surprise the SJW mov is getting stronger here
expect to see tranny shit in the media by the end of the year/next year
we'll have the first globo tranny actor, the first tranny celebrity and this goes on

>implying you know shit about Brazil

Brazil never sheltered Nazi criminals, gook. They were mostly Nazi officials, many of Jewish ancestry among them, and they were ordered to escape to certain areas in southern Brazil, Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Colombia. They were spread throughout these areas in order to avoid being captured, as there were countless "Nazi hunters" in these countries actively searching them for over 2 decades.

Southern Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay were probably mostly affected by that, as those Nazis didn't only escape Germany, but they were given the orders to "spread the truth" in those areas, and that's the main reason why we remained shielded from Allied/Anti-German propaganda.

>first globo tranny actor

I can actually see this happening, they've been forcing that clown dressed as a woman for a long time now. Everyone I know hates it, but Globo is still at it.

>"you can't fire me because I have a different opinion"

1) She'll give you bad job performance marks from now on ("It's MY opinion!"),
2) SJW or not, she's more into feelings rather than cold, objective logic or reason,
3) You got back-stabbing weenie co-worker snitches that informed on you and probably exaggerated what you said to demonize you and try and form a bond with the boss,
4) You better document (and secretly record?) all office interactions with that tyrant. Keep copies of what you were told, and what you produced, Look out for possible bad job reviews/reference letters, etc,
5) Be alert, be professional, don't get mad, try and find another job as soon as you can. Your office is full of hidden dangers.

Well that's not the reason my boss gave me initially. She just said there were too many customer complaints about me and had to let me go. I get severance so I was like w/e, and the complaints she told me were things like I was not serving customers fast enough, that I wasn't smiling enough, just stuff I knew was crap, but I was getting severance so I didn't care.

2 weeks later my boss invited me for a drink with some other co-workers, and I had nothing to do, so I went. After a few drinks she tells me the reason she actually let me go was that she didn't like my views on things and thought customers felt the same way as her, even though no customer actually complained about me. I was fucking fuming, but I just finished the night in peace, went home, blocked her number and blocked the numbers of a few other cucked co-workers.

On the plus side, some of the good coworkers I had that I still talk to tell me that shes in major financial trouble and she might have to sell her business (She only owns it because her now ex husband started it, then divorced, and she got the business). So I have some satisfaction from that atleast.

lmao this looks just like my little sister

I wanna fuck your little sister in her asshole.



>How is this shit going with you guys? Have you ever got fired or threatened because of political views?

Yeah man I got for you

> Be me 27 working in a box factory, name after a river with a load of shite in it
> Fucking huge place loads of people, cos of the temp work trick big company can fire at will
> Be in the cafe getting my grub on talking to my mate who is perm staff not temp
> Talking about domestic violence since both our homes had it etc, started to talk openly about red pill issues at that point (red pill since age 24-25)
> Girl gets upset about the content, says she is a fem-Nazi and this offends her
> zerofucks.jpg
> walk into the shop floor start on with the day
> Her BF is a supervisor he comes to talk to me about 15 minutes into the shit
> none-of-your-business-son.jpg + shouldn’t-be-here-if-banging-her.png + conflict-of-interests.gif
> tell-it-too-HR.jpg + zerofucks.jpg
> Fat HR bitches come down to the floor
> Tell them freedom of speech, they don’t like it very much meh feelings and shit
> Say if girl is fem-nazi give her 10 question test if she passes I will say sorry
> They accept
> Bitch fails 2/10 happy-face.png
> Still want me to apologize
> Nope
> Tell me to pack my shit, I accept and walk out to the locker room
> Manager catches up with me before I leave tells me I should just say sorry, I need NEED the money from this job and they know it however I said I am right and she is not, says would you rather be unemployed? I said yes will not back down.
> Walk out the locker room girly waiting for an apology tell them nope, I am not sorry for you being stupid and not respecting the freedom of speech or other people
> Get told by another manager to “get back to work I will sort this out”, kept my job for a few more months before moving to start my IT gig

I wonder how that old lady looks in those pants. I assume they all wear the same unifrom

what is the 10 question test?

>what is the 10 question test?

On feminism, if is one and knows what she was talking ( She didn't) then bitch should know some stuff about it, my counter point was base her knowing jack shit about anything other than dick

the U.S. is a soft totalarian state. Jews are in the driver's seat, and probe our defenses constantly, looking for the chance to complete their overthrow of our government and do another USSR. It's all hanging by a thread.

For me it's more convincing people to give the white man a STEM job. Even if they're not pathologically trying to correct a wage gap by cramming women in or enforcing soft bigotry by hiring half literate Asians and believing this white man will get a job """easily""" elsewhere (doesn't quite work when everyone is thinking that), but then I have to tackle the all white engineers are autistic stereotype without accidentally confirming it by arguing that social skills actually don't impact how well you code.

That being said, I think I've achieved some measure of synthetic social skills, enough to trick people who genuinely don't have social skills (yet feel the need to judge whitey).

>Get new job, things seem to be going okay
>Michigan, "Right to Work" state so can be fired for any reason
>Owner is total SJW, very publicly into gay rights and minority rights
>After 3 months of doing fine I get called into the office.
>"You're fired. I want you gone immediately and never want to see you near the place again."
>"Wut? Did something happen? I have no clue why you are so angry right now."
>"I don't need to tell you. If I told you it'd only be lawsuits, and I don't care. I want you gone NOW. Get the fuck out of my office and don't step foot near this place ever again."
>No clue what happened.
>Never had a complaint, and often asked the boss what I could do better. He always said I was doing great.
>Find out later from an old co-worker that it was because I didn't get excited enough about BLM fast enough.
>When the boss told me he was doing some BLM stuff my reply was just "Oh, that's cool" and I went back to work.
>Find out that the boss's wife got pregnant after I left.
>The baby is black.
>The owner and his wife are both pasty blonds.
>They wanted the baby to be black. Literal cuck boss.

Fuck, I don't think I could have kept my opinions to myself for too long. But shit, I was fired for not being "excited enough" about Black Lives Matter.

The civil rights act bans discrimination based on political beliefs and no decent union would allow this to happen in the US.

Get a lawyer anyways, im in michigan too, and what he did is illegal and discriminatory.

Far from that. But keep in mind Brazil was under a Marxist regime since 1985, when our military government was taken down by the Marxists. Millenials wouldn't know this, but Brazil was closely allied to the United States with a fast-growing industry and Brazilian culture was widely popular in the West (Bossa Nova/Brazilian way) until the late 70's, when things started to go on a downwards spiral. The population is far from cucked, many of us want the reestablishment of the military regime and the purge of socialists, and we're slowly getting to that. I hope this country is still repairable, cause the damage as you can see is for from negligible.

I'll be honest with you, I don't mind transsexuals. They exist in every society on the planet, you just can't avoid that, even in Israel, among Arabs and Jews. Read about the Xq28, there's a lot of science between homosexuality and transsexuality, denying it is really not the best approach and Brazil is caveman-tier when it comes to understanding homosexuality.

Temer's government also wants to abolish quotas and kick over 40 million welfare rats out of the benefit, that while also considering the population is currently leaning to the right and quickly towards the far-right, so you can certainly expect Bolsonaro to be a potential candidate for 2018. I don't fully support him as I want a candidate who doesn't blatantly exposes his power level like that, but Bolsonaro would be the most reasonable option at the moment.

That being said, SJW-types here are a practically non-existent, they're not even a loud minority and whenever they attempt a trick they're quickly stepped on by the swarm of angry Hues around them. It just won't happen any time soon.

Was it a university?

This, that shit still isn't legal I'm nearly 100% sure of it.

not sure if it counts.

>be working for homebase (uk hardware store)
>crazy angry woman runs up screaming about our "swastika panels"
>go look, have indian inspired fence topping panels which have swastika looking panel in the middle
>explain its inspired by an indian style and thats a part of indian decor.
>yells so loud it echos across the store
>demands i move them from shelf
>"i suppose i could put them next to the gas fires" i say, smiling
>suddenly remember Sup Forums isn't real life
>demands to see manager, fired next day.


So the girl didn't come forward until after the video came out, and she says she was unconscious yet knew how many men raped her?

Sounds like she was slutting it up, everybody found out, so to save her reputation she claimed rape.

I would literally pay for your lawyer. Fucking guy needs to be shot.

no her "BF" was involved and was arrested and he said something about 30 people. then there were some online post from people involved saying something about at least 30 people. some dumb fuck took a selfie with her. so the number of rapist being talked about most likely didn't some from the girl.

why would it be illegal? as he said it's a right-to-work state. as far as i know in those states it's only illegal to fire someone because of their age (but only if they're too old), race, marital status, religion, etc. speech usually isn't protected unless it's about "working conditions."

in other words it's OK to fire someone because you don't like their political beliefs

This is why we need to build a database of all SJWs and their text and video rants, so if they ever end up in management positions and fuck with CIS WHITE MALE SCUM, we can sue the fuck out of them. Even if they don't fuck up, we can use it to notify their employer of their craziness and risk of liability.