How do I get my girlfriend friends...

How do I get my girlfriend friends? I have a shit ton of friends i am really close with and whenever i want to hang out one on one with them or have a boys night she get's incredibly sad and jealous. Bonkers I know. I think the biggest issue is she does not have really any friends or hobbies so she just has me on her mind 24/7 and it is exhausting. she is not socially retarded or anything but she is also not the most interesting. need advice. she is 22 so she missed a lot of crucial friendship building time

Maybe talk to her about signing up for a class about something she's into... like photography or ceramics. But remember, some people go so long with no friends they get really used to it. God speed

thanks! yeah i was trying to get her to find some hobbies or sign up for something. she bitches about not having time or money but i told her i would even pay for some of it and she watches game of thrones all day so she has time lol

Yeah good luck. I started a business selling cactus and got to know the other industry related business owners in my city always has volunteering shit going on easy way to be around 50 people so there's that too. 22 is the best time of your life!

Forgot pic.

You're fucked. This type of woman can't make woman friends because she is anti social. If you start giving her alone time or "hobbies" she will just start making friends with other guys. So you have three options. Be stuck with her, let her fuck other guys, or get rid of her. I recommend the last option, but I know you won't be able to arrive at that conclusion until you're in pain. Best regards.

yeah i think her living in the middle of no where has a little to do with it. that's awesome best of luck to you

hah you are probably right. she has a guilty conscious so i do not think she would physically fuck anyone while we are together, though the second i am gone i know she would rebound hard. we have almost broken up a number of times. i honestly think a lot of the reason she fights to stay together is that she has no one else. sometimes feels like she is so jealous of my friends and family she wants to jeopardize my support network.

Bro I know a girl just like that who I would bet thousands or more that if I called her right now she would have me come over and fuck her. She has a bf and she has tried to fuck me while they were together. Those bitches are psycho succubus'.

I like women, but there are some really damaged ones that fit this profile.

yeah she definitely has some daddy issues so you are probably right lol

Ya bro protect yourself. Look for a new girl before she hurts you. She is definitely going to try to jump to whatever guy seems more opportune. The girl I was talking about ruined one of my friends and now he's an opioid addict. I still care about him, but kind of want to kick his ass so he sees how weak he has become.

yeah she is like a leech on me. the biggest thing is like whenever i want time to have 1 on 1 time with people ( the whole reason i have such good friends) or want to visit a friend for a few days out of the year or hell even just #crackafewcold1zwitdaboyz on friday night she will say shit like " i guess you or anyone else just doesnt want me" or " ill be alone i guess have fun,,,"

jesus bitch we do not need to be together 24/7

the pie chart should be

time with the gf

time with friends

time with family

time all together

We're in the same situation. My girlfriend doesn't have friends, and she thinks that's ok. I have to look at it from the bright side in that at least she doesn't have any whore friends, but then again, why can't we just be not do shit that jeopardizes our relationship when we're out with our friends?

exactly. like she cant make it she will blow up my phone like it is the end of the world and get pissed if i dont respond every minute. then all my friends give me shit for texting the whole time, as they should, and it fucking ruins the night

Get out while you still can.

However she throws a fit about you seeing friends will get worse until you dont even bother trying to see your friends anymore. Jealousy and her own issues are going to control all your senses of self identity. Its not worth fucking up your social network in your 20s.

...true. good advice

>Sup Forumstard
>"I have lots of friends"
>"I have a girlfriend"

...but i really do lol



This faggot thinks everyone is a friendless loser like him so he feels like he's not the only loser. You're not the only loser on here, but some of us do have friends and female companionship. Unfathomable for a fat friendless virgin like yourself.

guys, stop giving this retard actual advice and fuelling his fantasies that he's not pic related, this is worse than using a tranny's preferred pronouns

Its called being "Basic."
And the vast majority of women have this problem, regardless of how many friends they have. If anything, her having friends makes it worse.
The only answer is to get a new one and specifically tell her how boring she is, and how she in no way can contribute to the both of you maturing into a healthy couple.

i would post proof but you are obviously trying to derail the thread with pointless trolling. this site is normieville usa.. not everyone is a fat neckbeard like in 2004. ive been here since 07 ( not that it fucking matters) and pretty much each year this place gets more and more "normal". don't hate because i have a life outside of runescape and loli threads

lol funny thing is i told my gf she was boring tonight when this convo game up.

work ans school are not fun topics, especially to strangers

I just got out of a 4 year relationship with a girl like this, get out while you can. I don't think it's going to get better. I think it's going to get worse. Much worse.

did she just guilt trip the fuck out of you? did she ever get friends?