North vs South Germany

Which is better, and why?

North vs South is an American category.
Here it's West (more wealthy, more cucked) vs East (less wealthy, less cucked.)

They are truly the greatest allies.
I went to Germany when I was young, really liked Munich so I guess south.

Which ever is more racist is the better one.

Arent People from Munich different to people of Hamburg though, like the culture being different?

everything's fine ....except big cities but we'll deal with that

Sure. The catholic/protestant line and the different tribes they descend from are just imagination.
As are the historic territories and cultures, not to mention dialects. Do you learn anything besides Nazis in your history classes, you ignorant shit?

I've only been to Frankfurt and Vienna, so my sample size isn't too large, but it seemed to me they were completely different culturally. Is South Germany more similar to Austria than North Germany?

Protestantism and Catholicism don't mean much anymore. There is hardly anyone really religious left.

But East Germany is culturally and mentally closer to Eastern Europe, while West Germany is more influenced by the West.

East Germany was under Soviet occupation for 40 years, West Germany under American occupation for 40+ years.

So no, it's the exact opposite of what someone who only learned about the third reich thinks.

They mean very much as they are embedded in the culture. Bavaria was less western, which means french in that sense, than saxony, which was more eastern. Eastern European mentality, what you call it, had very little influence on the forming of prussia, which was a hybrid between the knightly traditions of the teutonic order and brandenburg,
Eastern germany is only more conservative now because it still hasnt recovered from communism, not because of intrinsic culture.
As is the case with the slavic nations east of them. PEGIDA is also primarily a saxon, not eastern german phenomenom.

Sud. Been to both, the North doesn't even have good beer. Less immigrants down there too. Munich master race of the master race!

Jesus tier or God tier, which is better?
Wherever mbw audi mb and vw are

And here we have an example of picture-perfect German indoctrination.


The South

Because there's less of the East in it.

my opinion the south westish area? idk
I was born in frankfurt but raised in pirmasens

fuck the bavarians though

by the way america is pretty fucking cool but I wouldn't want to live here the rest of my life, going back to deutschland in like 2 days so

oh shit wrong pic, waddup

Schwaben are the only good Germans.

South, because that's where Bavaria is

>Is South Germany more similar to Austria than North Germany?
Oh yes. Bavaria is based.

you're pretty right, going to be visiting your country once I return to germany any suggestions on nice places to go? I was planning on visiting the eagles nest (ik not in austria) and some of tirol

how does it feel knowing that you cant have a based president?

Northeast is full of ost-kanacken, but Bayern is also shit.