Not writing in cursive

>not writing in cursive

What are you, some kind of degenerate?

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I'll be sure to teach my children the ancient art of cracker runes.

not in highschool anymore

>tfw can only write in cursive with both hands
just fuck my shit up

>writing like mudslimes do

Yeah have fun being cucked OP


Set yourself on fire

>That A
>That G
>That I and J


LOL what kind of font is that XD

I'm left handed

Now that I look at it, that too is an archaic form.
Here is current standard.

>not writing in the beautiful romantic style of the forefathers of Western civilization
>writing in horrific chicken scratch instead


Wow it's almost like you're from a different country with a different language, Gulbis.

As somebody who regularly handles handwritten text on mail, fuck your unreadable shit cursive.

I do, but not in the shitty Palmer method they teach in schools. Shit looks horrible.

Pretty sad that the idiots in charge here decided to stop teaching cursive in elementary school. Not like the future generations aren't fucked up already and now they even don't learn to write like civilized people.

wait what

they stopped teaching cursive?

I kind of support this. A society has to evolve as technology evolves. Now they have started teaching programming to kids, which is much more useful.

I know the struggle

Does my call log annoy you?

well this is fairly depressing

Cursive always bugged the hell out of me.
>ALL lowercase letters connect
>whoops lol we'll make it so half of the capital letters don't connect lol

Fucking triggered.

i can decipher like half of that. need higher resolution.

Heh. Cursive will be my generation's secret code.

Upper case letters don't normally follow each other.

>language has arbitrary rules
who would've thought

You need to be at least 18 to shitpost on this board.

>not using a fountain pen

Fountain pens need to make a comeback. They give you better handwriting and prevent hand-cramping.

>writing in cursive
What are you, some kind of pretentious faggot?

>tfw you know glorious Russian cursive
Shit's so hardcore that you will often fail to decipher it even as a native speaker.

I studied both programming and cursive

I only write in cursive because im not a fucking millenial

It's easier, faster, and looks better. Nothing pretentious about it. Sorry I don't like writing in slow chicken scratch like a child.

You are literally her

>not writing in the official prussian font
do you even germanic?

Cursive was literally designed to be shorthand, it was made for convenience not out of some divine master race reason. In medieval times they wrote how most kids write now: in print.

If the forefathers could have typed everything they would have because it's faster and more efficient.

Random: what was Hitler's handwriting like?

I learned cursive before I learned... letters. But that's the thing, I forgot it when I learned the other way. I can read parts of it, but not all of it. And I certainly couldn't write it.

Like, I learned this shit before Kindergarten, then they don't ask you to learn it until 3rd grade. Something happened while they were beating it out of me.

You should relearn it. It's satisfying and makes writing easier/more fun/faster.

top kek i am a native russian and can only decipher one word "lillies"

How come nobody actually writes with these letters, though? Well, I still do, but it makes my handwriting look ugly, like a first graders' who just learned to write. Everyone else seems to use some weird combination of cursive and printed letters. Where do you learn that shit? Do you just have to experiment a bunch and invent your own unique system or what?

We learn it in gradeschool here, and then everyone just kind of develops their own style.

Can anyone write it, but not read it back? I seem to have that issue

That's kind of weird.

Fountain pens want to connect letters. Ballpoint pens need to be convinced to write, need to be pushed into the paper rather than merely touch it.

writing with ballpoints and other modern pens requires that they be placed at a greater, more upright angle to the paper—a position that’s generally uncomfortable with a traditional pen hold. Even before computer keyboards turned so many people into carpal-tunnel sufferers, the ballpoint pen was already straining hands and wrists.

most american children are no longer being taught cursive handwriting in public schools.

cursive is dying in the US

Master race ballpoint pen coming through