- Meet girl - She's a freshman in college, from a smallish town in the South - Claims conservative, old fashioned values - Daughter of a Pastor - Does charity and mission work - Claims to be a legit Christian - Cooks, cleans, likes for me to be the Leader - finally, I say to myself.
We start dating.
Fast forward a couple of months, I discover :
- She's really into rap music (even "gangster" kind) - She has more than a passing interest in black guys - I find I'm the only one talking about God in this relationship - Pushes for us to be really sexual together before marriage - Spends half her days on social media sites like Instagram and FB, posting things to keep up her image - She is comfortable with lying to manipulate me and her family/friends - Her favorite movie is "Straight Outta Compton" What the fuck, Sup Forums. I broke up with her out of disgust. White Christian women, even in SMALL TOWNS IN THE SOUTH, are corrupted.
Where do we turn to find a worthwhile wife in this sick world????
Fuck she almost looks like someone I knew in high school
Jeremiah Phillips
not a problem down here ese
Isaiah Cox
You are talking from your experience idk There are probably a lot christian grills there and you can see them only on sunday aye
Easton Sanders
You don't....
Lift, play video games, enjoy weekends out with your friends (anything from hiking to clubbing, whatever you like)
Work hard in college, keep casual sexual relationships
Get a career and work hard at it
Then feel sad, accomplished and alone at 30 like me.
Kayden King
Fuck, too close to home breh.
Me to a T
David Rodriguez
man u sound like an uptight faggot lel
Justin Bailey
>South there's your problem, you have to go to rural Midwest to find them. "The Bible Belt" is assossiated with negativity for a good reason
Noah Green
Just kidding, im 19 and feeling that
Gabriel Gutierrez
I had to break up with my current girlfriend twice before she started to get her shot together. She was doing drugs, hanging out with losers, etc... Nothing wrong with being a control freak if it's the best thing for a person. Just once they get their shit together, lay off.
Grayson Edwards
>Pushes for us to be really sexual together before marriage
Poor guy. Go fuck yourself.
Kayden Perry
Lift. Make money, preserve your culture to the best of your ability.
AT the end of the day...
As the niggers in compton say
Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks.
Easton Morris
The South isn't even racist anymore. Especially not the women. Even most of the young guys regurgitate the same brainwashed meme material you hear in the suburbs and cities.
Dylan Long
opposites attract lad, we're all gonna end up with liberal feminist dumbasses
Henry Wright
Ian Thomas
>19 and feeling that
kek it doesn't get any better
>t. 20 year old
Jack Hall
Is this it? Is this the endgame for young men nowadays?
Is this what I broke up with my high school gf for?
Xavier Flores
This, Mexican chicitas love the blanco banana ey ey ey ey ey!
All you have to do is say Ustados Unitos and they all start fighting to get fucked by a strong noble Aryan.
Thomas Rogers
Being a senior in highschool i've decided to not have sex before marriage like a Christian man ought to do but i've noticed that there is no one really left that has the same mindset as myself and i'm not about to get cucked by some divorce or some other garbage w/ previous sexual partners. SHould i just be a degenerate and engage in casual sex? Might aswell?
Joseph Thompson
It's not too late to put her on the right path OP.
Connor Brooks
People have a public image, and then there is the real person behind that, don't get the two confused next time.
Give every girl a fair chance, sometimes I've been surprised and found some gems in girls I originally thought were not high quality.
Leo Stewart
maybe Sup Forums will answer your question when you turn 18
Chase Clark
Yeah, but by the time you're 30 you won't feel anything anymore, so it won't hurt. And then you just sort of die. It's not as bad as it sounds.
Brandon Reyes
It does get better eventually once you stop caring.
t. 22 y/o
Zachary Martinez
Eastern Europe.
Josiah Gray
lol retard... women claim religion just for the image, not because they care about it. anyways, you're bluepilled if you believe in religion
Levi White
Dont worry boys. Im getting a degree in mechanical engineering, and learning coding on the side.
I'll perfect sexbots by the time im 29.
Colton Jenkins
I hate to say it but you're probably better off. Once you hit late 20's to early 30's you're mostly left with crazy liberal whores, money grubbers, and single moms.
It's pretty cuck to "save yourself" only to end up with some girl who didn't reciprocate and has already plowed through 10 guys (that's on the extremely conservative estimate).
Ian Mitchell
What the fuck that's like the most corrupted demographic you fag. Find some normal grill that doesn't put up some weird Hanna-Montana vibe. IME, """"Country"""" girls and horse girls are fucking weird and degenerate.
Also >no sex before marriage Holy shit just buy a wife from China, sperg.
Carson Anderson
>make my words Fuckups like that are a fucking diamond dozen, get the fuck outta here you illiterate niglet
Sebastian Garcia
Christ wouldn't judge another man by the color of his skin. BBC is perfectly in line with the Christian Tradition.
Christopher Edwards
22 here, feels the same as, if not worse than, four years ago
Blake Walker
Kayden Wilson
>- Daughter of a Pastor
.......come on man, It's so old its a cliche
Sebastian White
But do you lift
Carson Cox
Been in a similar situation, but it ended in her leaving me, because I started redpilling her hard and she couldn't stand it, although it passed as a "joke" for a while.
Hunter Robinson
Carter Kelly
>Daughter of a Pastor
Fucking run like the wind at opposite direction...bigger sluts were never born...
Adam James
I started lifting 6 months ago. Do I have a chance boys? Used to be 200 lbs 5'8 inb4 manlet
Ian Kelly
There's your problem. Believe it or not, lifting helps develop your confidence and to put yourself above shitty women.
Nathaniel Long
It does. Go for 3 weeks and then you become addicted.
What did it for me was watching broscience. If you've seen him, hes the meme master of the gym. He's fucking hilarious. I saw lifting as another avenue to being a sick memer after watching him and I got hooked.
Justin Phillips
I know that feel all to well.
Chase Rodriguez
Who would want a mexican grill? They get fat and ugly at 35 years old on average. I'll stick to my race
Evan Miller
I'm into rap music and my favorite movie is "Don't Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood".
How do I do?
Xavier Bell
Your arms are doughy as fuck, keep working.
Ayden Hill
>Pushes for us to be really sexual together before marriage
Wow, she is a terrible person. Who does this? OP, you take shit waaaay too seriously, I hope you're trolling.
Easton Carter
Even if you're mexican, if you are whitish and tall, you are good to go.
better than turning into a man or something in between
Isaiah Perry
Most women are like 5'4". Just like Manlets there are femlets
Bentley Baker
200 lbs 5'8
Damn dude, I'm 130 lbs 5'6 1/2". You must've been the fattest fucker in the room.
Parker Kelly
Don't buy into the Jewy sexual depravities. Women who are virgins at marriage are shown to be happier in their marriage. The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely the marriage ends in divorce.
The sexual revolution is a kike poison that has destroyed our moral way of life.
Nicholas Bell
Yeah... Took a special girl to get me to drop from 200 --> 150.
Took her breaking up with me to lift weights and browse Sup Forums.
I just want to be held
Oliver Carter
That's because you met a girl from MAINSTREAM Christendom. Women from Protestant, Catholic, Evengelical, Anglican, and Mormon religion are just CINO.(Christian In Name Only.)
If you want to go for TRULY faithful girls you have to go to the smaller and more unpopular movements like Jehovah's Witnesses, arguably Methodist, and Sikhs. HOWEVER, the draw back is that they are TRULY sticking to their values and will only date you if you are one of them. You have to become one of them and show you will STAY as one of them for years before you ever touch any of them. Pic related. Truly a faithful sister who courageously puts herself out in public like that and shares the Good News.
Luis Allen
I went the fuck it route when I went into college. Hung out with degenerate party girls and hooked up with them. It was fun for awhile but I realized it was all for my ego after 2 years. Last summer ex gf blew me off one weekend and I said fuck it I'm getting laid. Met a girl that night and banged her the next. That's when i realized chasing fleeting pleasures aren't worth it. There's nothing beyond most women besides a warm hole. I'm not a mgtow faggot but I have remained celibate for a year and do plan to look for feminine traditional women in my ancestral nation
Zachary Richardson
>Daughter of a Pastor There's your problem user. Did nobody ever tell you about PK's? She was destined to smoke crack and whelp nigger bastards.
Joshua Foster
If you're not married by age 26 or already in a relationship of several years, you missed the bus.
Lucas Barnes
People like you are pond scum. You shouldn't be satisfied with thae state of things. The average American is a fucking bloated retard who wastes away on a scooter in Walmart. Now is the time to usurp power from the comfortable elite and begin purging the mouthbreather scum. Put a bullet in the head of every politician and policeman, round up every faggot, retard, welfare recipient, and elderly person and burn them all. To rip the prisoners from the cells the taxpayer is forced to finance and hang them until the trees are heavy with their corpses and you have to move over to street signs.
America is a seething nest of rats in desperate need of an exterminator.
Adam Johnson
I wish I were a Christian. On a social level, the religion has almost everything I seek.
Shame there's not even one church in my town that's operational. Four mosques are though.
Connor Ross
Dom wears the headband to hide his receding hairline.
Kayden Murphy
im black and i find this funny. white dudes....why u get so fuckin mad about dumb shit? jesus.
Ethan Lee
>even in the south especially in the south there are too many niggers there
or did you buy into the meme that southerners are all eeee-BILL racists?
Tyler Evans
not just the south, its the whole fucking eastern part of the country
>midwest oh boy....
Landon Taylor
Op says he dated this girl. Expected one thing and uncovered something else. I'd be tripping about it too my melanin enriched nacka
Aiden Robinson
>I wish I were a Christian
I don't feel sorry for you. Atheists are Jewish tools. Most of you brought this shit on yourselves. Now that you realize it's not that fulfilling you are starting to backtrack but the damage is done.
Jordan Sullivan
I'm in highschool and fucked 5 girls, had bjs and whatnot from at least 10+
Who the fuck cares lmao, this world is turning into trash so I'm gunna soak up everything i can as i ride this rollercoaster into a big steaming pile of shit
David Cooper
We're talking about low time preferences here Jamal
Carson Torres
Men don't want to marry White women anymore. Our birth rates are free falling. While over in Africa and the Arabs, they are spreading like the Plague.
We have to return to traditional values or else we are going to be exterminated.
There are still good Christian girls left to date, though they are very few in number. I found one to date. Even got her redpilled.
Levi Allen
Keep looking, OP. My kid has gone through the same thing, but looks like he finally struck gold.
Try to find a home schooled girl with a good (and still married) dad.
Elijah Gonzalez
>- She's really into rap music (even "gangster" kind)
What normie female isn't these days? There are more black guys not into rap than there are white women, lol.
Angel Thomas
Well you see Tyrone, there's something called having "strong, intimate relationships", something your father most likely never had with you.
Ryder Richardson
Then you've already given up. Fucking loser.
Gavin Hill
You just found a fake one and didn't know how to differentiate yet. It gets easier to sort the wheat from the chaff.
When I was younger, I thought I met a nice Christian girl, but I found a box full of micro skirts and 6 inch heals. Turns out she had a history of stripping and snorting coke. And the coke was not so much history as current. Also she bipolar.
Justin James
Who cares? God doesn't exist anyway. Get your head out of your ass.
Justin Perez
>Shame there's not even one church in my town that's operational. Four mosques are though.
A l m e r e
Tyler Butler
I feel sorry for you and wish you the best user if you hold those values for real.
Hunter Wright
I am 32 tomorrow. Thinking of fucking ending it soon. Not even sad. Not scared. Just numb and dead.
Also you know of anyone that's ever been to black dolphin prison?
Adam Gomez
Sounding like an idiot isn't the worst case Ontario
Brandon Cruz
You're preaching to the choir. I'm well aware.
Aiden Flores
kind moroccan man
Aaron Campbell
ALL fun and games until a shit tornado sweeps you up into the shit winds
Alexander Clark
Guy who went to Baylor here, where they give out full scholarships to children of pastors. They are the biggest crazy whores out there m8, lots of fun, but not wife material at all.
Ethan Bennett
She wasn't Christian then
Ethan Gonzalez
Don't be mad because you went out of your way to cuck yourself while Chad fucks your crush.
When you're in your 30's and you look around only to find that every other female around you is already knocked up/not a virgin/is post-wall, the only person that you can blame is yourself.
Ayden Myers
>protestant >christian pick one
Matthew Allen
For fucks sake dude, you have nothing in common with this bitch. Set her free and move on with your life.
Talking about "god" (or lack thereof) didn't get you into this mess, you acting like an utter pussy did. Fuck off you beta faggot.
Jace Wood
If you don't nail her now, you are a KEK.
Fuck her and claim her from the niggers before its too late.
Fucking christcucks are nauseatingly weak. After the jewish problem, this is probably our second biggest problem.
Luke Perry
OP bought into that beta shit.
Girls will follow whatever is popular and mainstream. You should either do the same and fit in or try to make an emotional connection with her. Only way you'll succeed.
Remember - what would Chad do?
Thomas Cox
A shit leopard can't change his shit spots
Isaiah Powell
You can't get with a freshmen girl in college and expect her to not change. Granted she changed more than usual, but a pastor kid finally gets out from under daddy's watchful eye and they become something different.
Adrian Long
LEL midwest is even worse, the girls are crazy about those sexy Chicago and Detroit niggas
Henry Brown
Hey, let me tell you something. >Be me (Christian) >20 never even been on date, years of loneliness and rejections >finally decide "I'm done with this" >"God you are the only one who is faithful to me, so I'll give up looking for a girlfriend and follow you instead" >2 months later, God showed me two different girls who are Godly and held interest in me
I'm telling you, prioritize God and He will prioritize these good things in you.
Juan Peterson
>Dating Christians
Your problem right there bro, jew worshippers are undateable.