Sorry you're delusional anime obsession prevents you from seeing that Sup Forums
Asians are just as dumb and violent as niggers are
Sorry you're delusional anime obsession prevents you from seeing that Sup Forums
Asians are just as dumb and violent as niggers are
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And you have turned into a race of limp wristed faggots that glorifies its own extinction.
Worry about your own shit Tyrone.
That not smart, Juan, using your 5 minute lunch break to shitpost instead of eating your tortillas. Why don't you get back to picking those chili peppers a little early today before you get a surprise visit from the INS.
Not sure, they just tied some kid up and burned him with cigarettes and beat him.
Statistically speaking, east Asia has by far the lowest intentional homicide rates in the world. Lower than the west, and 4-5 times lower than America's rate. Nice try, op.
This is how you homos deal with your annihilation? Making up grade school tier stories about other peoples lives?
Truly, the best of goym.
>And you have turned into a race of limp wristed faggots
Please, have Mexico declare war against any white country. I'll wait.
Holy fuck those subhumans need to drown.
now Ricardo, I tried speaking nicely to you but now I'm going to have to ask you to leave.
This board doesn't served colored folk.
If you base your self esteem on identification with an ethnicity, you're truly a beta cuck going nowhere fast
Asians lack basic human instincts like compassion. They have low EI.
Turks beat little boy and record it as proof of the institutionalized chinese racism against turks.
huh turns out that they ran a child trafficking ring and was shut down. I guess you whities are just nutty weridos that like to kill and shootup schools out of angst and sexual fustration.
>implying we'd have to do anything but wait as you get cucked by your own women and minority loving kikes
Im glad they have flags so we know which posts can be disregarded. I love how Jesus Reyes Emmanual Jorge Rodriguez III is criticizing anyone for being limpwristed. Better than being hamfisted.
Congrats on winning the fattest country award, it couldn't have been easy beating us when you can't afford much food.
Sources or gtfo nigger.
>entertaining the idea it could beat a country at war
You can't even get the cartels out of your government
I can't find the source but I remember my mom telling me the people responsible were caught when the video was posted online I mean shit like this happens all the time what are you going to do. China is a big place and many rural areas have less cops than a mall
Chinese are soulless insects.
white cucks greatest weakness that chinks don't have is emphaty.
Thank you! Asians are over 50% of the worlds population. If they were truly intellectually superior to whites they would dominate the world
>ameritards can't even keep their women in check
>boasting about jew orchestrated wars at the cost of their own lives in benefit of Israel
Location: Mexico
You literally live in a garbage dump you dumb spic
that is just fucking disgusting. fucking animals.
really feel bad for that kid. I hope who ever did that is getting tortured in jail right now.
ran out of arguments already?
for shame Tyrone
A total war against Mexico would benefit not only Israel, but humanity as a whole
Only jews move thousands of miles away to retire, you can have them.
Why do Chinks smoke so much?
I heard they have ashtrays in elevators there. Also, China is the biggest producer of tobacco.
This, whites have become the most faggy race. There's a reason why white = uncool in the US
You don't even have the decency to hide your corruption like America does. You just allow it to spread.
Fuck off spic, my burrito's are uncooked.
Pretty sure USA is biggest grower of tobacco still, the Southeast is perfect for it